Solomon’s Baby
What I’m about to write will probably get me bounced from local politics. But here goes–my suggestion for how you resolve the impasse over the MI delegates.
This is the current apportionment for the MI delegation:
Congressional District
Clinton Delegates
Clinton Alternates
Uncommitted Delegates
Uncommitted Alternates
2F, 1M
1F, 1M
1F, 2M
1F, 1M
2F, 1M
1F, 1M
1F, 2M
1F, 1M
2F, 2M
1F, 1M
2F, 1M
1F, 1M
1F, 2M
1F, 1M
2F, 2M
1F, 1M
1F, 2M
2F, 1M
2F, 1M
1F, 1M
1F, 2M
1F, 1M
1F, 2M
2F, 1M
2F, 1M
1F, 2M
2F, 1M
2F, 2M
1F, 2M
2F, 1M
47: 23F, 24M
13: 6F, 7M
36: 19F, 17M
2: 1F, 1M
2F, 1M
1F, 2M
The 47 Hillary delegates and the 36 uncommitted delegates were chosen on Saturday. Obama picked up most–but not all–of the uncommitted delegates (my estimate is that he got about 31 of the 36, with the others primarily going to union members who originally supported Edwards).
The PLEOs and the At-Large delegates have not been selected yet.
In addition, MI has 28 super-delegates (26 named and 2 add-ons), though there is a chance that Kwame Kilpatrick will no longer be a super-delegate by the time August rolls around.
My proposal is this: you seat the delegates selected on Saturday with full voting strength. That would net Hillary 11-16 delegates from having won the Clusterfuck in January.
You treat the PLEOs as is. This would net Hillary another 3 delegates from the Clusterfuck.
You split the At-Large delegates 50-50 (that is, 14 each). This would give Obama the opportunity to influence the selection of 14 of the delegates in Denver (his campaign did not vet any of the people who ran as uncommitted delegates on Saturday and at least some of the delegates selected are not solid Obama supporters).
You do not seat the super-delegates, at least not as super-delegates. The campaigns are perfectly free to use their 14 At-Large delegate slots to give to the people who would otherwise be super-delegates, but they will be delegates just like any other.
This solution accomplishes everything everyone has said they want to do. It would give MI’s voters–the people who will do the grunt work to get our Democratic nominee elected in the fall–a say at the Convention. It rewards Hillary, slightly, for having won the Clusterfuck. It penalizes Obama, slightly, for taking his name off the ballot in January. And it penalizes MI, 28 total delegates, for having broken DNC rules and moved its primary up.
But it focuses that punishment on those who played Chicken with the votes of MI, and lost last year, rather than punishing those who had no choice in the matter and got their ability to cast a vote in a truly fair election. It penalizes the super-delegates, many of whom were instrumental in the decision to defy the DNC.
This is a way to avoid disenfranchising the voters of MI and to maintain the authority of the DNC. It asks each candidate to sacrifice so that we can resolve this seemingly intractable problem and turn our attention to beating John McCain.
Full disclosure: I voted "uncommitted" in January, not because I preferred any of the three major candidates at that point, but because I thought endorsing the Clusterfuck in any way would be wrong. I finally decided to support Obama after Hillary’s people started posturing about the MI Clusterfuck; those actions badly exacerbated the already raw feelings in MI and I found them totally irresponsible and selfish. And for the same reasons, after Terry McAuliffe got on teevee on Tuesday and claimed that Hillary had "won" Michigan and that proved she could "win" the important states in November, I sent $100 to Obama.
I was not with Hill on Day One.
After Edwards and Dodd folded, I was so pissed at the attack on
Hill, that I went forward with Clinton.
I now believe that the US needs a woman prez.
I will vote Demoratic whateverwhichway this fucking primary ends.
Two excellent candidates, please make this race stop…
Whaaa??? That chart makes my head hurt. Looks like it was a lot of work. How can you possibly pay attention to trivial stuff like your home state suffrage rights when there’s happenings in the Hormuz? We are coming at you, this blog will explode in a few minutes!!!
Heh. Believe me, I wish I could have done the same and made a cash donation on Tuesday night and again on Wednesday morning after hearing Terry Useless Mac make that outrageous claim that she “won”.
Yeah. She “won” after breaking the rules.
She “won” after her own peeps set this clusterfuck in motion.
Won, my left arse cheek.
Did you send this off to the campaigns and the DNC, EW? Good work.
It’ll never work. It makes entirely too much sense to have any chance.
The MI Dems could take your plan straight to the DNC and not even have to engage the Candidates!
And it won’t cost anyone any more money than was already allocated, either!
Imvho, you could make a Very Persuasive Case in a Guest Op-Ed for the Detroit Free Press – make it a Call for Leadership by the State Party Big-Wigs to Take Charge and Prepare Michigan to Voice its Concerns in Our National Political Circus, regardless of the Nominee!
Michigan doesn’t have to keep hopping around on one foot…
You all are being very unfair. Michigan proved, beyond a doubt, that Clinton can win the states where no-one else is on the ballot, whether it be a primary or the general. That *must* mean something and nothing you all say now will change this.
I very much like the idea of revoking the superdelegate’s votes at the convention.
I strongly believe that there has to be some form of punishment for those that got us in this situation.
EW, your solution sounds reasonable – therefore, it probably won’t be listened to by the powers that be. Michigan and Florida must be represented at the convention. As an independent this whole business makes me wonder about the efficacy of parties in this day and age.
Why does Obama get penalized for taking his name off the ballot? Wasn’t he following DNC rules?
Yes, I’m not sure why Clinton should be rewarded for breaking the rules and Obama penalized for following them. I have no problem with Michigan’s superdelegates being penalized but I think this is the group least likely to affected by whatever solution is arrived at.
My solution would be split the regular delegates down the middle and let the superdelegates decide whether they want to back Clinton because she stayed in the Michigan primary or go with Obama because he is ahead. This respects political realities and political sensibilities.
One of the reasons I proposed this solution is because Hillary doesn’t care as much about seating the elected delegates. She wants the supers, because she knows she’ll net about 20 delegates that way. That’s actually the Solomon part of this–it’s designed to elicit “ohno! You can’t disnfranchise the supers.” Which will show that this was never really about the disenfranchisement of DF voters.
And frankly, I think the 50-50 is just as insulting as counting the clusterfuck votes–both are an attempt to put democratic lipstick on an undemocratic pig. THis has the advantage of retaining the one little bit of real democracy we DID have–the caucuses last week.
I think they should put all the Michigan and Florida superdelegates in a giant steel cage at the convention and let passers-by just pelt them with rotten vegetables.
I would let them use stones. We all know they deserve it, but wouldn’t this be sort of admitting Limbaugh’s riot fetish?
I’d like there to be a special cage for
Sen. Carl Levin, Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick, United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger and DNC Member Debbie Dingell
and someone who ordinarily is a hard working, focused, bright insightful congressional committee member and Congresswoman who has made herself look completely stupid in illogical reasoning that Florida should count
Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Agree with you absolutely. He shouldn’t be penalized.
But a lot of Michiganders think he shouldn’t have–they see it as Obama pandering to IA at the expense of MI. So by putting in these terms, it’ll feed the MI desire for revenge.
EW – Way OT, but a very important story is the NYT article on “How not to build a Navy ship”:
The Navy did just about every thing they could do wrong from an acquisition point of view. Particularly galling to someone like me that spent a lot of his career in government program management is the complete acquiescence of management responsibility by the Navy to the contractors.
Well, this is an administration that tried to contract out oversight over contracting…
I saw the NYT article and am debating writing it up for my scandals list. I already have an item (304) on the crazy way the Coast Guard has been trying to build a new fleet of ships. The boneheaded stupidity of the government and the greed of contractors are very similar.
Um, forgive my denseness, but do “M” and “F” mean “male” and “female”? If so, why? Are they just trying to make sure they have even numbers for the bathrooms at the convention?
I agree with you on the point that under no circumstances should the superdelegates from either state be seated. They need to be smacked for making this whole mess to begin with.
I continue to be mystified by the claim that anyone has been disenfranchised by the clusterfuck. No, you haven’t. You’re probably GOING TO BE disenfranchised, but the fact of the matter is that either Michigan or Florida (or both) could still hold caucuses in order to select their delegates. They could do it tomorrow if they wanted to. The problem is that not only did Michigan and Florida deliberately break the rules and hold early primaries, but they also can’t get their acts together and fix their damn messes now that’s it’s clear that they’ve made a clusterfuck. And I’m not really interested in hearing about how they “can’t” hold another vote. Yes, they can. We hold elections all the time in this country. That’s sort of the whole point of our system of government. And we hold special elections all the time, too. The fact that your elected officials can get their acts together is lamentable, but it’s their fault–and no one else’s–they your vote won’t be counted.
If stones are to be the substrate, I suggest these two to be the first heaved.
Hmmm is there a campaign going on?
If you turn on the TV there is no difference in the bullshit from day to day. Same old same old.
You mean a Michigan election where all the candidates are on the ballot and no agreement has been signed by Clinton and Obama that Michigan and Florida will not count?
How is there a difference between Bush’s signing statements and Clinton’s ignoring of the Contracts course she took in law school? That ship has sailed and the train has left the station?
Can someone help me find a clip of Reverand Wright or some dumbass like the supremely retarded Viewgirl Elizabeth “ah married duh quaterback who never played a down for the giants and now is an Areezonah Cardinal espousing her deeply analytic views of why she’s a McCain girl”? “Obama knows the Weatherman (Clinton pardoned two of ‘em) but she’s oblivious.
I badly need to see the Reverand Wright Clip. I can’t find any of them on any frigging channel you turn to so maybe I can use “the google.”
Why are Reverand Wright clips so scarce on the TV? Why are they hiding Rev Wright?
For the umpteenth time. Michigan is not going to be seated Marcy until after the Dems have a nominee. Clinton signed an agreement to that effect. Your stupid so called leaders jammed you up and believed they would get away with it. And they aren’t going to. I’m very sorry for people like you who had nothing to do with this and don’t get to vote in the primary. You will have the chance to vote for Obama though in November. And you can work for rotating regional primaries the next time around and standardization that would stop the byzantine crazy quilt of democratic delegate extrapolation where the media and dufusses think people win states and winning states isn’t part of the primary process and doesn’t extrapolate to the general except within the hot airosphere of talking heads on MSNBC.
They were fully apprised what would happen. They chose to ignore it.
Capture ‘em and hang ‘em high during the running of the Naked Mile.
They are most of the memberts of the Executive Committe of the MDP and:
Sen. Carl Levin, Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick, United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger and DNC Member Debbie Dingell.
From Florida lawyers who need a repeate in their contracts course from law school likeDebbie Wasserman Schultz also defiantly told the DNC to screw itself and now they’re cryin’.
Funny you should ask– he’s on Bill Moyers Journal tonight…
I’d never know that *g* because there have only been umpteen million promos. Moyers has a great body of work though. I won’t be watching it though. I’ve graduated now to barely watching the absolute crap that’s on TV on any of the cable stations. I’ll watch Fox for once Sunday to see Obama wipe the floor with little Chris Wallace the right wing zealot/Roger Aisles bott.
It’s intriguing that people going after Obama have such slim reeds to cling to–serving on a board with a guy who was a Weatherman 40 years ago who happens to live in his hood, (forgetting that Clinton pardoned two of them and appropriately so), and the hypocrisy of so-called Patriots taking offense at “God Damn America” from a man who has worked all his life to get people through school and to improve communities at the grassroots level.
The real God damning of America though has been done by Bush, Cheney, Addington, Mueller, Yoo, McCasey, Fredo, Ashcroft, and countless others who have steadily taken large pisses on the Constitution and this government.
You wouldn’t want to see an oral exam of the North Carolina cretin/bigot (the RNC crone) Linda Davis and her fellow RNC members. It’d be awfully ugly. It would be a monumnent to how nearly every child is left behind in the American education vanguard.
Ruh roh, anybody heard from Randiego lately? Jaws appears to have relocated from Martha’s Vineyard to Randiego’s backyard; had a triathlete for lunch.
Oh shit, and he was a veterinarian?
If you are looking for baseball analogies for the
Obama/Hillary contest, check this out……..ville.html
i know that beach well. when it’s abalone divers getting picked off along the west coast it’s more understandable. but this was one really was the JAWS scenario. yikes.
Actually, it was breakfast, but ….
Reportedly there’s a sea-lion colony around there that would attract the occasional great white. Unfortunately, sharks have a hard time telling people in wetsuits from sea-lions.
Not entirely true–people in wetsuits don’t taste anything like sea-lions.
Wow been a busy week in SD.
I’ve been predicting a Great White attack here for years now. There’s a colony of seals (shark food) that has been allowed to take up residence in a place in La Jolla called The Childrens Pool – a short seawall built around the turn of the century to allow kids to play in the water in what would normally be a pretty rough area surf-wise. The colony has been a big political football between the Locals (lifeguards and health dept), State (coastal commission) and Feds (marine mammal protection act). While bouncing around from court to court, a colony of shark food has been allowed to explode there. This attack was about 10 miles north of that spot.
The SD region hasn’t had a shark attack on a live swimmer in 50 years – we just don’t have the big shark population. Well, it happened today. He was a retired local Veterinarian and on his first triathlon training swim of the season.
somewhere i read today that two floridians had filed a complaint with the dnc claiming that the dnc refusing to recognizing superdelegates was outside the dnc rules.
don’t know anything about the monstrous complexity know as “dnc nominating rules”, but if it were so,
you’d need to adjust your solution.
I’ll help you simplify it. Anyone from Florida or Michigan SD or whatever filing a complaint is pissing up a colossal rope. That train done left the station–both candidates signed a contract and all of the very experienced jaded polls who made the clusterfuck happen for their voters were over 21 (well over) and knew precisely that they were kami kaziing their citizens’ primary votes into the ground. They made their bed, and now their wallowing in it. They are a metaphor for the superficial self-serving egoticstical agendas of politicans who think they can get away with anything and then end up disinfranchisizng the people they were elected to represent.
I bet they think twice about moving Michigan or Florida up next time, and double bet they won’t lift a finger to solve the two disgraces in this election:
1) Voting machines you can’t rely on
2) Inconsistent stupidly arcane democratic delegate extrapolations that should never have stopped.
Super Delegates should never have existed. It was a very poor choice for Democrats, and without them this election would alreay be over and Obama could focus entirely on McCain now instead of wasting his time. I am glad though, to see the remaining states facing their votes with pride, even though most of them have been decided for decades, knowing they matter in a way they might not have seen in their lifetimes.
When this election cycle is over–the above two pieces of infrastructure of a clusterfuck will remain and look for no political leader or citizens to change them.
I bet they think twice about moving Michigan or Florida up next time, and double bet they won’t lift a finger to solve the two disgraces in this election:
Strange I don’t see DNC Member Debbie the Dingell, Carl Levin, Carolyn Kilpatrick, United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger
on Meet the Press or as ubiquitous talking heads bragging about their clusterfuck and taking credit for what they’ve propelled into the news.
Debbie the Dingell and her merry band including Jennifer the Clueless Granholm hope to 3 card Monte on May 31 and at the convention just like their candidate. I’m going to enjoy all of them failing miserably.
I believe that is about as bogus as the claim that the DNC can only penalize a state half their delegate shares. I did a rough check this morning as this went out.
Frank, it’s that they look the same (so I’ve heard). Sharks see large, dark and swimming, and go ‘dinner!’ Then they get the flavor and it’s ‘OMG, not food!’ There have been studies showing that bright colors on wetsuits are a deterrent, because they make the person look less like food.
I know. My sarcasm just doesn’t translate well over the ‘net. You would think that by now somebody would have started advertising their brighter wetsuit line as “shark-repellent”. I don’t know why their all black.
Of course, now that I think about it, mine wetsuit’s pure black, and I go cage diving with great whites.
people in wetsuits look JUST like seals to the sharks, who attack from below. Once they get a taste, they usually let go, as people don’t have the super high protein blubber content that sharks enjoy.
bmaz, if you’re still here – I had a Bode Miller sighting this week.
Also, the D-backs are in town to feast on the Padres and expand their lead on the NL West.
PS – apologies to EW for hijacking her thread. back to lurking.
Sharks are probably safer to be around than some of the politicians out there. *g*
heh heh – no kidding. Nixon called San Diego his “lucky city”.
Note to self: Next time, wear brightly colored wetsuit, not black.
If you haven’t OD’d on this primary election (I have) you might enjoy (in addition to the scores of blogs you’re already plugged into):
Features of Mark Halperin’s The Page
Charlie Cook’s Report
DNC To Assess Florida and Michigan Challenges On 5/31
a child’s view of this dilemma
How does that work? If you twist facts on TV it becomes the holy word. Hillary is cally her MI and Fla “wins” ar new math. Huh! Isn’t this called Cooking the Books and Creative Accounting?
Way, way OT – There is a superb post over at Arms Control Wonk where one of his readers provided the entire text of the Syria Briefing.
Makes for a “head-spinning” read as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence briefers spin their way through facts they “know”, facts they “presume”, and facts they “wish”.
I found the “fact” that our Intelligence agencies have zero, nada, zilch evidence of any Syrian reprocessing facility rather “curious” (as did apparently more than a few of the questioners at the briefing).
The DNI “assures” all that, yes indeedy, the Syrians must have been building a nuclear reactor to produce plutonium, but the DNI has no idea how and where the Syrians would reprocess that plutonium.
Oh, and another “fact” that I found “curious”. The DNI was unable to say where the Syrian’s could find the uranium to fuel this North Korean-assisted Syrian nuclear reactor. Evidently the DNI has no info on where that necessary uranium might come from.
I thought that was deliberately laid out there that way to fuel (if you’ll pardon the pun *g*) the constant wingnut fantasy that Saddam Hussein moved his WMD nuclear stuff to Syria before the war.
I’m confident that Dick Cheney is behind all this “Lookee here! WMD! WMD! WMD!” blathering.
And I’m just as sure that he’ll find some fantastical way to tie it to Iran.
Now that he’s gotten rid of the only miliary impediment to war with Iran in Admiral “Never on my watch!” Fallon, and has promoted his toady General “Iran did it!” Petraeus to become the head of Centcom, war with Iran is more likely; not less likely.
Fixing the terms for the 2008 election ’cause to Deadeye’s way of thinking, no true patriotic American would ever consider voting for a Democrat when the country is at war.
And “Endless War” is Deadeye’s planned legacy. What a coincidink that the Repug Nominee St. McCain has already trademarked “100 Years of War” as his campaign motto.
Meteor Blades has a post up at the Big Orange saying that it’s being used as a setup to attack the Iranian reactor site at Arak. Which would be a really, really bad idea for everyone in that region, not that Darth cares. Think millions of casualties.
Think entangling alliances and Russians bombing the U.S. “back to the Stone Age”.
You can’t unring a bell. Leadership in MI played chicken, knew the penalty and lost. This is a party election, MI didn’t play by party rules, they lost their delegates.
Sorry, EW, but for the first time ever, I think you’re just being silly.
Hillary doesnt get to keep anything “earned” from the “election”. And it’s classless that she would even try to, or that she keeps mentioning “winning” the state, though I know that you agree on that point. MI disenfrachised themselves, no one elses fault and no way to fix it.
I think EW has done a fair job at what she attempted. I think it is more than fair to Hillary, less than fair to Obama, essentially fair to the MI Democratic party membership, essentially fair to the MI Democratic party leadership (punishment).
Like Solomon and the baby, the intent is to propose a solution that people will dislike for a variety of reasons. Remember that EW is playing Solomon.
The Baby is the Michigan Voters.
One claim is that the State Party Leadership can take actions that Deny the Voters to the DNC – “It’s My Baby!”
The other claim is that the National Party Leadership must manage the Primary Selection Process with Fairness for All – “It’s My Baby!”
The Michigan State Party Leadership made, in essence, a Succession Claim against the National Party Leadership, and held the Voters hostage.
The National Party Leadership then staked its Claim to Overall Authority and Punished Michigan as Rebels trying to Break the Union.
What EW proposes sets aside – fairly enough – the ‘transgressions’ of the Past, as an in-house fight amongst strong-willed Family Members, peacefully resolved in favor of Freeing the Baby to Vote in Our Presidential Nominating Process.
It’s turning Lemons into Lemonade, and having a social together – it’s Our Way.
Someone in Michigan seems to be starting a petition to use this solution!
It penalizes Obama, slightly, for taking his name off the ballot in January.
That’s a real downside, since he was doing so to comply with the DNC rules. But if it’s a slight enough penalty, and he wins the nomination anyway, fine with me.
This petition proposed by the vast majority of FDL Hillary diehards is dead on arrival.
Clinton signed a contract. Now she wants to break it, and apparantely the petition weilders do as well. The egomaniacs from Michigan who were their supposed leaders screwed the people of Michigan and that ship has sailed and is out to sea.
Hopefully that will give them incentive to work on rotating regional primaries so that this will never happen again.
At nearly age 70, in 2016, Cliton can try to resurrect her now failed campaign once again and maybe the people of Michigan will have taught their failed leaders not to disenfranchise them.
I can see from the comments on the thread over at Lakeland that the FDL puppies are their usual level of clueless.
Clinton signed an agreement in order to campaign in four states; now people want to help her break it. She was well over 21 when she signed it and had the benefit of a previously expensive Yale law school course in Contracts although she failed to pass the D.C. bar and hasn’t had the courage to take it ever again.
Michigan will be seated when Barack Obama has the nomination in hand and we can go after McCain with a viable candidate.
There is no Republican who draws breath who doesn’t want Clinton as their mark. Not one breath out of Scarborough or Buchanan’s mouth from now until Obama has the nomination is directed at anything other than trashing Obama.
Despite all the stupidity with Reverand Wright, the weatherman, and the prescient comment about bitter people, guns and religion, in a campaign that has been injected with religion when religion has no place whatsoever in how we pick the President of the U.S.
The most important factor is that you cannot tell Clinton and her campaign and her surrogates from pure bread Republicans. Thats what she is and that’s what they are.
I see her as a possible Veep Candidate for McCain in the fall. I hope so. I’d love for Obama to run against her as what she is–a Republican in the general.
That’d be pure bred Republicans. There is nothing to distinguish Hillary Rodham Clinton now from a full blown Republican campaigner. She has helped the Republicans tremendously, and should be considered qualified to be McCain’s Vice Presidential ticket mate.
Obama will still hand McCain his ass in November, and I hope Hillary is his running mate.
Gee–Clinton ignored Michigan for four months didn’t she? Hmmmmmm–(fingers on chin Jon Stewart style–I wonder I wonder why!)
We have moved on Marcy. Every day gets closer to Obama as the nominee. We respect the agreement Clinton signed.
I would remind EW and Bmaz that no one is campaigning harder for McCain than Hillary Rodham Clinton and no one deserves more to be her VP candidate. The people of Michigan will be free to vote for the McCain-Clinton ticket I want to happen should they desire and if they have registered to vote.
What’s strange to me about Bmaz’s comments is that he excoriates those of us who want Clinton held to the agreement she made, and I have not heard word one from a very perceptive, prescient Bmaz as to the fact that Clinton has been saying that McCain is qualified, that she is experienced but no one can quantify how or where she gained said “experience”, and that Clinton has said repeatedly except in one debate that Obama is not qualified, and Ickes and Hillary and Bill, and little Clinton have been perstering Super D’s with phone calls day and night and arguing this. I know that one local Super Delegate told Chelsea that her arguements and her mother’s were so vapid and disingenuous they made her vomit. I enjoyed hearing that.
This says it all and I quote from it:
Fair Weather Wolverine Hillary Rodham Disigenuous
I know Bmaz knows what a contract is in a profound way.
This is the contract that Yale law graduate Clinton signed on August 31, 2007:
Contract Signed by Hillary Clinton, Yale law graduate on 8/31/07
When Clinton was a legend in her own mind and a forgone conclusion to being coronated as President Prom Queen in the dyansty back in September and October, these are her words (she pretends to selectively have Altzheimer’s as to them):
This is from Bmaz over at the FDK and I want to respond, and I will in the only way I can. As usual per the Lake, there are several of the zed type comments that Bmaz accurately characterized the other day–comments that go “Right on!” etc. always praising whatever the blogger has said without bothering to read, or understand, or analyze the issue that has become the trademark not of the FDL bloggers but of many of their commenters.
I know that Marcy said she didn’t want comments on candidates, or the election, but if you read the FDL thread she sure as hell is getting them and tolerating them and one could argue that she invited them over at the FDL. It’s darned near impossible to pose some solution to Michigan without eliciting that any seating of any delegates does help Clinton who is not entitled to any of this type help. I do applaud Marcy’s idea to penalize the Supers who Marcy has honestly fingered, as I have, but after all, there were people like Marcy who watched this clusterfuck happen, and maybe they were powerless, and I don’t know about Marcy back in September of 2007, but her collegues were damn quiet when this happned.
Marcy chose to post this petition thread selectively at the Lake for whatever reason instead of posting here. And my disagreement with Marcy and Bmaz has nothing to do with my profound respect for both of them and the unsurpassed quality of the work they do and the ideas they contribute, and I know they know that.
Bmaz wrote over at the EW Lake only (why in the world did EW post at FDL only and not at both places as Bmaz said she would?) post on the Michigan petition:
From Bmaz with considerable passion from Bmaz:
From Marcy over at the Lake only on this subject:
The term ‘conditions of contest’ is the contract with the competitors on how the election is run. All candidates acknowledged and signed off on these conditions. Strategy and campaign style create big differences in how different candidates vie over states. To change the conditions after the race begins is absurd, to change them in a way that favors one competitor is an insult to the mass of voters involved. I guarantee fragmentation of the party if there is a perception of bias.
Best to find an after the fact way to seat the two convict states.
Very well said.
I have the way.
After Obama gets the nomination, and he can focus on McCain without the Clintons campaigning heavily for McCain (btw I wouldn’t push her for Senate Majority leader because she has done nothing significant during her seven years in the Senate except her stupid vote on Iraq and she continues to push “experience” like someone who has swept McDonald’s and wants to see patients in an ER after that job resume–I think her campaign performance merits she is out of the Senate as soon as possible and many of us are looking for someone to run against her in NY).
I have the solution.
Michigan becomes really engaged now. They get Dingell out of any leadership positions–the DNC has refuted Dingell in a very direct way and she’s on the DNC. They vote Levin the hell out. They vote Granholm the hell out.
They take their Michigan energy and they work to institute Rotating Regional Primaries and voting machines that are secure with paper trails in every state by 2012. That’s constructive. They vote for President Obama in November and work like hell to get him elected.
If they want to opt out, so be it.
WRT “punishing” the people of Michigan and Florida: could someone please direct me to a story on the complaints from these people against their states and/or state parties? Clearly, if it is unfair to punish them, then they must have complained loudly when their states broke the rules. If, on the other hand, the people of these states thought, “whoa, cool, we get to be early this year,” then I have as little sympathy for them as I do for Clinton.
To be clear: I’m quite aware that the ordinary citizens of Michigan and Florida had nothing to do with moving up the primaries. But if they did not complain, then they get what they got.
They did no complaining.They were passive in both states. I don’t include EW here, because her involvement and insight was exceptional, but she’s exceptional in many ways. The bell shaped curve in both states thought it was “way cool.” Now they’re interested. Hillary never gave a shit about Florida or Michigan for four months until she realized her coronation was never going to happen in her lifetime. The Clintons are in the White House as visitors only from now on.
Then she started making the phony disingenuous vibes about the voting rights of Michigan and Florida four months later even after if they were counted, she still couldn’t catchup in the popular vote which by the way isn’t the way the rules work that Ickes made. I think it’s ironic that Ickes not only made the rules to begin with, but he pushed imposing sanctions for both states he now wants to overturn after the game is in the fourth quarter.
I just have to say the two worst things I’ve ever seen her do are her total support of McCain in this election, trying to tear apart her fellow candidate, and thinking I’m stupid and can believe her phony claim to the experience she refuses to define. That and the hiding the income tax for 2007 and the contributors to the Clinton foundation with phony excuses that only a moron would believe.
Clinton has the utmost contempt for people. It’s a chuckle as to how she is stiffing people including Penn when she is sitting on $109 million. How much money do some gluttons think they need?
This calls for a video standup commentary — posted to YouTube. The time has come. It’s time Mainstream America hears from you MW !