What To Get Teh Woman Who Knows Everything
I am probably going to get in deep doo doo for this, but, as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm". I have thought about doing this since Marcy took off for vacation, but have been hesitating because I wasn’t sure about letting the cat out of the bag as to her birthday. But, what da ya know, Looseheadprop has freed that kitty in her latest post at FDL (very nice post and timeline she did I might add, so take a gander at it).
At any rate, Friday is our intrepid leader Marcy’s birthday. I am here to tell you, keeping this here car known as the Emptywheel blog well maintained, full of fuel and on the road is more work than it looks like. Marcy not only does that consistently day in and day out, she does it with a style, grace, competence and consistency that is unmatched in the blogosphere. The effort she leads here is not only informational and enjoyable reading, it is of demonstrated importance in the effort to expose and repair all of that which is currently broken in our government. Quite frankly, I think you all know this better than I can put into words anyway.
So, in light of the foregoing, I am going to suggest that we have a little fundraising effort for the one that makes all of this possible here. I feel a little goofy doing this, but, you know, I can’t think of any more valuable or worthwhile endeavors. So, if you have a couple of extra Euros, please contribute to keeping this the finest forum in the toobz. You folks are the greatest readers and participants anywhere. Thank you.
$100 bucks into the beamish fund. salud!
Whoa! Way cool. I generally try not to speak for EW, but I think I can safely say that she truly appreciates it.
Donations: I’m in.
Happy birthday Marcy!
Happy Birthday to EW, Happy Birthday to EW, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm…
As soon as she blows out the candles, I’m going to scoop a little ice cream onto a piece of cake, while she opens her presents ; )
Thanks for doing the birthday fundraiser bmaz. Always happy to chip in for the Beamish to wash down the birthday cake…
Good idea…
OT Rove doesn’t do Firedogs…
ROVE: I get Mike Allen’s overnight summary from Politico, I cruise RealClearPolitics.com, I get Taranto from the Wall Street Journal, I visit the Corner. I check Drudge, I check Fox News, I have a list of favorites that I sort of thumb through if I’ve got the time. I obviously read papers, the New York Times; the Wall Street Journal; when in Washington, the Washington Post if not, I get it online. I check out, most days, Instapundit, Power Line, Hugh Hewitt. Occasionally I’ll dip into Just One Minute or visit the Captain’s Quarters, I check out Michael Barone’s blog, and I look forward to getting Opinion Journal, and I get the NCPA summary. And I also get a news summary, a news clip early in the morning of all the clips.
You mean he really wasn’t Jodi??? /s
Jodi. gone. banished. does anyone know when and what the tipping point was?
I was away from the toobz for 10 days, 3/4-2/12, was it then.
If that’s all Rove actually reads, he’s poorly read and ill-informed…or he’s only double-checking to ensure those outlets are doing his handiwork as assigned.
I tend to believe the latter, since his power comes from applying an invisible leash on media.
Although he may still be ill-informed; I note that “teh math” he used was of no f*cking use to him in Nov. 2006.
Oh, and I’m in for Marcy’s b’day as well. Even if Bmaz isn’t giving away tote bags or free CDs during this pledge break!
Guess Karl has a little extra time to surf these days.
I’ll throw some change in the pot. I may not post much around here these days, but I read EW every day and marvel at the intelligence knowledge and common sense of you all. Thanks Marcy and all of you!
And I think Rove drops in here from time to time. He just isn’t going to say so. We’re dangerous to read, ya’ know.
Justice Roberts:
“The president’s authority to act, as with the exercise of any governmental power, must stem either from an act of Congress or from the Constitution itself,” Roberts said. “We therefore conclude, given the absence of congressional legislation, that the non-self-executing treaties at issue here did not expressly or impliedly vest the president with the unilateral authority to make them self-executing,” he said.
Seems both broad (…authority to act…must stem either from an act of Congress or from the Constitution…) and narrow (about this one directive about this one treaty.) Any of you legal scholars have insight?
Like you I am curious what our resident lawyers have to say about this, but reading your link gives me a very bad feeling. I am puzzled by what the court means by Congress having to pass a law to enforce a treaty. I thought once a treaty was ratified, it became the law of the land. This suggests to me (along with the fact that it was Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia, and Kennedy) that the SC is fully prepared to pick and choose what laws and treaties must be followed and which ones may be conveniently ignored according to one’s ideology. I don’t like this at all as a precedent for when a case about the Geneva Conventions for example comes before this court. Plus, they appear to have left themselves plenty of wiggle room for the assertion of Presidential authority, via the comment about power deriving from the Constitution. The Federalist Society will be very pleased, since they all seem to think Article II makes George a King.
This is a tough one – I think the law you cite is the finding of the SCOTUS in the Youngstown Steel case, and as such is a re-affirmation of the limits on executive power – on the other hand, the U.S. has long been a party to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, and this provision, which I believe is binding in all states under U.S. treaty law, has been consistently ignored – how can it be enforced without executive involvement in such cases? Really tough federalism issues.
I haven’t seen the opinion or the dissent, but Roberts and his majority pretty much hate international law, even when it’s been made part of the US legal system via a signed and ratified treaty.
The distinction between “self-executing” (takes effect and creates enforceable legal rights without further action by a legislature) and “non-self-executing” (requires implementing legislation, which alone creates enforceable rights) treaties may be valid here. But it makes a gaping hole a lot of folks probably didn’t think existed.
Ironically, the Roberts court doesn’t give a hoot about states’ rights, either, not when they come between a power mad executive and his corporate supporters.
Medellin is a strange twist…
Speaking of Rove, Astro-turfing comes to Canada via the Conservative Party….from the Globe and Mail today….
“Next time you’re listening to your favourite radio phone-in show, those pro-Conservative opinions you hear from callers might not be as spontaneous as they sound.
Some of those apparently ad-libbed musings are actually being choreographed at the Conservative Party of Canada’s national headquarters.
The governing party has produced talking points for grassroots supporters on a variety of issues, feeding them lines on everything from climate change to child care.
For Conservative supporters, the process is as simple as 1-2-3.
Surf the party website. Type in your postal code. Click on a topic you’d like to discuss on the radio.
And the website spits out the times, phone numbers, and names of local talk shows to call — along with a handy list of good things to say about the Conservatives and bad things to say about their opponents. The website includes similar advice for letter-writers to newspapers.”
Interesting. Did you hear the one about Sean Hannity and his Soulmate of Hate?
Loo Hoo did you see that Turner may be an FBI informant? If so, I couldn’t be more disgusted at the use of taxpayer funds.
No. Where did you find that information?
sorry, I’m link impaired.
Dear heavens. I hope this grows and grows. People need to know this.
Disturbing. I grew up a couple of hours from Manitoba and always really enjoyed CBC and the less slanted news coverage on Canadian t.v.(and your funny accents!) Sad to see that we’re exporting that slime to your very decent country.
On the accents, I worked in Calif. for a summer and everyone kept asking me if I was Canadian because of my ND accent. Especially when I said the word “out”. I love Canadian people. I have never met a single asshole from Canada. And no offense to ew, but Canadians have the very best rugby socials in North America.
Gosh I’ve met a few up in BC. Raging survivalist wingers hell bent on forming their own country where they don’t have to read any F’ing French on their road signs. Makes for an interesting dinner conversation.
Unfortunately, the extent and intensity of anti-francophone feelings is not something that we have successfully defused here in Canada, and almost led to the break-up of the country.
Heh heh heh. The best thing about our cons is that they are so incompetent, and there is a good example. They’ve put the talking-points up on the party website. The rest of us can surf the party website too, and the rest of us have postal codes. A lot of us can do a lot of other things with their silly daily talking-points. Not that we couldn’t have guessed what they were going to be already most of the time, although Harper does sometimes spring so far out that he surprises me.
To whitewidow @ 26:
Oh, gosh. If you lived here, I fear that you would meet more than a few. We aren’t better than anyone else; we just try not to be noticed, given where we live and everything.
skdadl, as I understand it whitewidow is from North Dakota and the only Canadians she knows are from Manitoba which makes it understandable that she thinks that there aren’t any Canadian assholes. Those who live here would generally agree except for Vic Toews.
marksb @ 31, you must have heard them complaining about having to read French on their cereal boxes. If there has been a sustained boring meme in this country for the last forty years, anglo anger at bilingual cereal boxes has got to be it. ANOther, I hear that even happens in Manitoba.
skdadl, I won’t pretend that the issue is dead here, and it may be wishful thinking on my part, but I see more students in French immersion, and we even have a French school division here. I really think that debate is over. Here, at least.
Having said that, I recognise this is not high on EW’s list of priorities. I just have so much admiration for the work she does and will contribute accordingly.
Heh heh; I dunno about that. Personally I am starting to take a great interest in all things Canadian. First off as a result of the wonderful Canucks that I have met here, but also because, if John McCain by some bizarre chance actually becomes the next President, I will be needing to come live with you for a while.
Most Canadians wouldn’t consider Manitoba as the quintessential Canadian province, but I suggest that as a topic for debate. Manitoba has a strong Francophone community, being bilingual since it joined confederation, and is the birthplace of Louis Riel, a character worthy of a Shakespearean playwright.
And to ANOther @ 38: I honestly didn’t mean to be mean to Manitobans. I should have given ANOther a winkie earlier (actually, I tried to do that, but I think that EW has disabled winkies, probably for good reason).
bmaz @ 39, I have a guest room and ordinarily you’d be welcome, but if Harper wins a majority this year, I’m applying for asylum in Iceland.
Bit of the folding for ew’s birthday? Great idea, bmaz. I’m in.
Happy birthday EW! Cheers!!
What a great idea. ew is the best. I guess what really impresses me about her (other than her writing, analytical skills, mind like a steel trap, incredible memory, commitment to the truth, sense of humor, love of beer, etc.) is that she is just so dang patient and respectful of all who come here, and so politely answers all questions, even if they’re dumb ones like mine!
Happy Birthday, Marcy.
And I’m sure in for the birthday present! **$$** makes the world go round…
I had the pleasure of having lunch with Marcy (and Rayne and TexBetsy) last summer at YearlyKos. She is really such a kind person.
I’m in. nothing like a marcy fix. happy birthday, wise one.
Happy Birthday Marcy! Thank you for all you do. I get such good information here from you and from the comments that follow. The NY Times columnists pale in comparison.
Happy birthday, EW. I’ve been reading you and the guys here (and at TNH) for longer than I’ve been commenting. It was so daunting to jump in at first, seeing how smart y’all are, and often ‘way beyond smart — expert in ways I can’t be. But it was so worth the plunge. Thank you for this intelligent place and for the great company.
Was in a hurry & forgot to add my good wishes earlier, ew- For all you do @ this site & everywhere else, many thanks.
Have a Happy Birthday, Marcy, & a great, relaxing vacation!
Happy bday, Marcy!
Have spent my monthly ‘tithe’ on other ‘change the world for the better’ projects, so have just put a calendar reminder — EW’s my #1 project in April. It’ll be late and modest, but it all adds up.
from bmaz’s post: I feel a little goofy doing this, but, you know, I can’t think of any more valuable or worthwhile endeavors.
So… at a luncheon this month, here’s how the audience was addressed: “95% of the money you contribute goes directly to fund the work of this (entity) and moves the organization’s goals forward, only 5% of your money is spent on administrative costs. Here’s what we’ve accomplished this year…X, Y, and Z. Thanks for supporting our work with your generous donation…”
So I figure for at least 10 posts per week, plus Ms eWheel’s remarkably shrewd ability to link seemingly-unrelated documents, names, and incidents, donating even $25 here is one hell of a bargain. It all adds up.
Happy Birthday! Keep up the good work.
OT: Here is “Taxi to the Darksyde” that isn’t getting released in the US…spread the word/link:
I believe it is reviewed in most recent New Yorker mag, which should at least provide more visibility.
Happy Birthday, Marcie. Thanks for what you do.
OT but worth the read – from Secrecy News: Congressional Research Service – Satellite Surveillance: Domestic Issues
Happy Birthday,EW. Here’s part of a speech that comes to mind—for you and the troops. You make us all a little better.
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispian’s day.’
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.
Henry V
I love this passage.
GWBush has often reminded me of the ill-mannered, arrogant Dauphin who sent Prince Harry tennis balls by way of insult. Bush has been that foolish, and we all pay the price for his follies.
I usually lack constructive input so I lurk with content. This occasion lets this Hollywood Teamster contribute and further the dialogue. I welcome the opportunity to help and show my enthusiasm, thank you EW, bmaz, and the cast of crazy characters, I love this site.
I appreciate a well oiled machine, Happy Birthday!
I’ve got the greatest respect for you 399 folks. Nice to see you, virtually speaking.
You know what they say @ FDL, which of course includes Emptywheel: once you de-lurk, well, you’re in like Flynn.
I mostly read too rather than post on threads much, but hey, the water’s really warm & friendly in this lake. Great to have you diving on in…
For the uninitiated, that’s Hollywood Teamster Local # 399. Hard working men & women who contribute so much to making film & tv happen every day.
Thanks for the explanation, because I was picturing that maybe Evolute was like that “Can you hear me now” dude in the Verizon commercials that walks around everywhere with 399 people in hardhats…….
You crack me up sometimes, bmaz, actually most of the time.
Off to work- will have to read those tantalizing links in next post later.
Happy Happy Birthday EW! My favorite all time Happy Birthday song to Martin Luther King.
Happy Birthday Marcy! Appreciate what you do.
Wish I could donate. Youngest kid in college and I am strapped .. do not do credit cards.
Happy Birthday emptywheel,
may you have at least as many more!