WiFi Turkey
As I’ve mentioned a couple of times, I’m about to go to Kentucky for a week–and will have no WiFi (get it–WiFi Turkey?). Long time readers know that every time I go off-grid, something crazy happens–the last time, Alberto Gonzales resigned.
My predictions are one or more of the following will happen:
- At 1:20 today, a letter from Henry Waxman to Condi Rice, inquiring what State is going to do about three people apparently doing oppo research on Obama’s passport file
- Sometime next week, Wall Street will have another meltdown; this may or may not be the one that has folks hiding cash in their mattresses
- The long-awaited DOJ IG report, finding that BushCo badly politicized DOJ and that Alberto Gonzales broke several laws in doing so (I’ve asked bmaz to call me if this does, in fact, happen)
Enter your own predictions in the thread.
Speaking of bmaz, he’s in charge. The good news for you is that you’ll no doubt talk about baseball a lot more than I would. If you’re persuasive with the poor ASU fan, he might even allow a couple of March Madness trash threads.
But it also means I will ask you to be on your very best behavior. Please please please, nothing about the primary. There are plenty of other things to keep yourselves busy with without tearing each other’s throats out, and plenty of other places where tearing other Democrats’ throats out is standard behavior. Thanks in advance for playing nice.
Have a nice week!