NRCC Catalogs the Damage

The NRCC says that the FBI investigation has reached a point where it can reveal how much, it claims, it was bilked out of by Christopher Ward. Before I get into the details, though, what do you suppose it means that the investigation now allows them to go public about the damage? I ask because the NRCC makes clear that the FBI has never entered the premises of the NRCC. Curious.

We refrained from making extensive public comments until now so as not to compromise the investigation being conducted by the FBI. We understand that the FBI’s investigation has now progressed to a point where such public comment would no longer interfere with the investigation. Accordingly, the NRCC is providing this update on the status of its own internal investigation.


Contrary to media reports, the FBI has not been to the NRCC office during the course of this investigation nor have they operated out of the NRCC offices.

First, it appears that the NRCC has not done a real audit of its finances since BCRA went into effect.

It appears that after becoming treasurer in 2003, Ward submitted to the NRCC’s bank and to NRCC leadership bogus audit reports for 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005. An additional bogus audit was submitted to the NRCC’s bank for 2006.

So remarkably, just as campaign finance put new restrictions on soft money contributions, the NRCC stopped auditing what happened with its money.

Also note how squeamish the NRCC is about naming their bank, Wachovia. Odd, not least because the damn thing is listed everywhere on FEC reports.

The NRCC confirms something that I’ve been seeing in the files–Ward was transferring money between the NRCC and joint fundraising committees. The NRCC says from there it went into his own pocket.

Based on analysis conducted to date, it appears likely that over a period of several years Ward made several hundred thousand dollars in unauthorized transfers of NRCC funds to outside committees whose bank accounts he had access to, including joint fundraising committees in which the NRCC participated. He also appears to have made subsequent transfers of several hundred thousand dollars in funds from those outside committees to what appear to be his personal and business bank accounts. Those unauthorized transactions date back to at least 2004.

Finally, the NRCC gives a figure that is low to be real money laundering of soft to hard money, but more consistent with what we’d expect one individual to steal.

  • At year end 2006, the NRCC’s actual cash on hand was approximately $990,000 less than the amount reported to the FEC.
  • The actual cash on hand as of the NRCC’s most recent FEC report for January 31, 2008 (filed on February 20, 2008) was $740,000 less than the amount reported to the FEC.

So either $990,000 or $740,000, depending on when you’re doing the audit. Which is curious in and of itself. If Ward was bilking the NRCC, then how and why did he close $200,000 of the discrepancy between January 2007 and January 2008?

Maybe I’m wrong, and all the red flags are false, and he really did just pocket the money. But if the FBI never sets foot at NRCC, we may never know.

Update: weird Freudian slip corrected per CTuttle. And another less Freudian one per MadDog.

31 replies
  1. CTuttle says:

    the NRCC makes clear that the CIA has never entered the premises of the NRCC.

    I hope the CIA wouldn’t have… Ya might want to fix that, EW…!

      • freepatriot says:

        Aww… Marcy is just human and fallible like us…!

        that’s what they want us to think …

        It’s a set up, I swear

        one typo, that’s all it takes to confuse you sheep ???

        mt wheeler is really a computerized journalism program run by the “wheeler research” division of IBM

        they just throw in a typo every now and then to keep up the illusion …


        • emptywheel says:

          Oh, it was two typos or about 14, depending on whether you think you’re allowed to get in the 10 or fewer checkout lane when you’re buying a dozen yogurts.

  2. oldtree says:

    do you think we will ever see the transfers in or out of Ward’s bank account/s? I wonder if the money was being used just by him, or could it have been a slush fund in the Maurice Stans genre?

  3. freepatriot says:

    so the repuglitards were robbed by one of their own ???

    and they want me to trust them with MY TAX DOLLARS ???


    there’s a ready made Obama Ad, Gratis

  4. Citizen92 says:

    I’m getting suspicious about the role of Aventum LLC.

    They have no corporate registration I can find. And they’re in the same building, on the same floor and a few doors down (office #330) from DC law firm Williams & Jensen (office #300). You know, the same Williams & Jensen that Barbara Bonfiglio (aka “treasurer to the GOP stars‘) fled without explanation.

    Two treasurers, fishy money. Something not right?

    I made this same comment in the earlier thread.

    • Citizen92 says:

      Continuing with Aventum LLC…

      Appears as though a Katie Ligibel occasionally takes RSVP’s for Aventum LLC events… That link shows her accepting notes at [email protected].

      A search of Katie’s name turns up more of a trail.

      Lo and behold, before Aventum owner Hetaf Al-Kraydi married, it appears as though her name was Hetaf Hagez.

      And Hetaf and Katie were throwing events for Rep. Eric Cantor at Jack Abramoff’s restaurant Signatures:

      September 14, 2004
      Marty DePoy & Sandra DePoy Cordially invite you to attend a special fundraising luncheon for Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI-8) with Special Guest Chief Deputy Majority Whip Eric Cantor
      Signatures (801 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC)
      $1000 per PAC or $500 Individual
      Hetaf Hagez or Katie Ligibel at (202) 785-3873 or [email protected]

      You may remember that a lot of GOP PAC fundraisers held at Abramoff’s Signatures mysteriously forgot to pay their bills – and Jack never chased them down.

      These invitations were sent from a company called LargentLLC. Anyone know what that is?

        • Citizen92 says:

          Yes. Her company was officially called L’Argent LLC. Ha ha, what a great name for a fundraising company.

          The successor company (Aventum) has done very well. I’m not sure why she abandoned the L’Argent brand.

          Too brash?

          Aventum was recently selected by Rep. John Doolittle to do his fundraising. For years and years before, Doolittle’s fundraising was done by his wife through her company Sierra Dominion Financial Services. SDFS injected significant money into the family wealth of the Doolittles.

          Anyway, I wonder how Aventum came to land that contract?

          Here’s a picture of Aventum/L’Argent owner Hetaf with a Congressman (Doolittle?).

      • behindthefall says:

        EW wrote to me!!! How the heck do I save this thread and hang it on the wall.

        Guess you get the idea that your writing and ideas are highly valued around here …

        Just dropped by and read Justin Raimondo’s piece on Adm. Fallon’s retirement, and he makes a good case that there is a distinct chance that we all may be, ahem, “overtaken by events”, to put it mildly. I hope that we’re all still around in November and still able to have these conversations about protecting the structure of our country.

  5. Mary says:

    OT – In the GITMO trial of Canadian Khadr (who used to be represented by Vokey) defense counsel has made outright allegations that the US altered evidence in Khadrs case.…..itmo_e.php

    Kuebler told reporters after the hearing that it appears “the government manufactured evidence to make it look like Omar was guilty.”

    Prosecutors did not contest Kuebler’s account in court and did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Khadr, who was captured when he was 15, is among roughly 80 detainees the Pentagon plans to prosecute at Guantanamo.

    Kuebler said the trial will likely hinge on statements that Khadr made to interrogators when he was held at a military prison at Bagram air base in Afghanistan. The attorney asked to be provided with the names of the interrogators as well as what techniques they used.

    Still OT, even though I plugged it once already, one more plug for this three part documentary that has been made available online (I think by bbc?) The name, The Power of Nightmares, doesn’t really do justice to the scope of coverage it gives about the neocon straussian, takfiri Qutb following Muslims, their joint hatred for liberal democracies, and both the players and how they shaped the theories of Strauss and Qutb, and the events that led to the Iraq war.…..Nightmares

    There may be some quibbles here and there, but overall, it’s a very good, easy to watch, series. Loads well too.

  6. bmaz says:

    Finally, the RNCC gives a figure that is low to be real money laundering of soft to hard money, but more consistent with what we’d expect one individual to steal.

    Yeah, that is exactly what I was trying to say earlier. Why hasn’t the FBI been all over the RNCC joint with an electron microscope? The GOP is being allowed to package and sell this on their own in order to cover their ass. Every computer should have been seized along with every document…. You know the drill; why isn’t the drill being run pursuant to investigative norm? If it isn’t in a congressmember’s office, it should have been rolled up long ago. I don’t get it. Actually, I do; this is not the DOJ we used to have, it is the CBDOJ (Cheney/BushDOJ) that we have now.

  7. Citizen92 says:

    Just a shot in the dark, but maybe they’ve got some inside help to shepherd things along, or keep them quiet?

    GOP MI Rep. Mike Rogers (dirty Abramoff hands too) used to be an FBI agent, specializing in investigations. Is he active within the NRCC’s ranks?

  8. josiahbartlette says:

    He’s got the back up tapes for the e-mail servers. He’s ging to get off in the end.

  9. randiego says:

    Okay, yeah yeah, secret sessions, NRCC embezzlement, blah blah…

    The important questions remain:
    did you get in a sunset? Any ocean time? Any decent mexican food?

  10. PJEvans says:

    Maybe that’s what the NRCC can prove, from their own records, disappeared.
    I can’t think they’d want word escaping if they’d been completely cleaned out, so I’d bet there might be more gone and that it would take the FBI and forensic accountants to find it.

  11. Citizen92 says:

    Sure enough, Hetaf’s “L’Argent LLC” did do business with Williams & Jensen accounts. Records show that L’Argent LLC took in approximately $11,200 from the “Promoting Republicans You Can Elect” PAC in 2004. L’Argent also took in money from the “American Dream” PAC which is not affiliated with W&J.

  12. brendanx says:

    Then there’s the methinks-the-lady-doth-protest-too-much quote:

    “The evidence we have today indicated we have been deceived and betrayed for a number of years by a highly respected and trusted individual,” said Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), the NRCC chairman.

    It’s not “We have been deceived…”, it’s “The evidence we have today indicated…”

  13. BlueStateRedHead says:

    If anyone i still up on this topic, I’d like some dot connecting between the earlier coverage and todays, with some why now speculation. I am more jetlagged that ever in my life of traveling so my search skills are in the cellar. Did it break when Ward was fired in August, only to be rehired as a consultant, at least in the progessosphere? That’s my impression. and if it did, was there a coverup that will hopefully be worse than the crime as it will require subpoenas from the next spine-bristling congress and, we hope, none executive privilege withholding president. (Although I worry about The Hil being an annie oakley/Ethel Merman, “anything you can do, I can do better” person.)

    So far for earlier coverage I have found:…../8349.html

    and our own EW


  14. Nell says:

    None of the info the NRCC is putting out comes from the FBI investigation, whatever stage that’s at (very preliminary, I’d guess; they got into this because the NRCC was required to notify them when it became clear that they’d filed fraudulent info with the FEC). It is entirely the result of a forensic accounting that they hired done when it became clear they had no way of knowing what the damage was.

    The NRCC paid for the report, they control the results. It’s not part of any criminal investigation, though it might of course become evidence in one if there is a real investigation.

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