SSCI Leaks
Update: Jeff is correct. This is not the SSCI report, it’s a second report, sponsored by the Pentagon.
An exhaustive review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents that were captured after the 2003 U.S. invasion has found no evidence that Saddam Hussein’s regime had any operational links with Osama bin Laden’s al Qaida terrorist network. The Pentagon-sponsored study, scheduled for release later this week, did confirm that Saddam’s regime provided some support to other terrorist groups, particularly in the Middle East, U.S. officials told McClatchy.
Which pretty much invalidates what I’ve said below. Thanks for straightening me out, Jeff.
Boy, you guys sure like to talk about smutty governors, don’t you?
I’m still watching all the leaks coming out about the SSCI report–everyone with decent intelligence sources seems to have gotten a leak. I’m interested in the focus Warren Strobel gives to the story; he focuses very closely on the lack of any real ties between Al Qaeda and Iraq.
The new study of the Iraqi regime’s archives found no documents indicating a "direct operational link" between Hussein’s Iraq and al Qaida before the invasion, according to a U.S. official familiar with the report.
He and others spoke to McClatchy on condition of anonymity because the study isn’t due to be shared with Congress and released before Wednesday.
I wonder whether this is getting leaked now in another attempt to pre-empt Cheney’s attempts to game declassification.
You see, in one of the earlier reports on Iraq the SSCI did, Cheney’s office twice prevented information pertaining to Cheney’s claims about Mohammed Atta and Iraq from being declassified. While I don’t have the report in front of me (you’ll have to take my word, for now), it had to have been since 2006, because the Democrats put a big note next to the redaction saying something to the effect of, "Dick Cheney won’t let us declassify this even though it is not technically classified."
Given that, in the past, Cheney was particularly anxious to have his lies about Al Qaeda’s ties to Iraq be hidden, I wonder whether he isn’t already chumming up Kit Bond to make sure it happens again. Of course, SSCI will look even stupider if they don’t declassify this than they did when they offered the telecoms immunity, because the news that Cheney lied will have already been all over the news.
Or it would have been, if Eliot Spitzer could have just stayed away from the high priced call girls.
this is tuesday, we can create the firestorm of blogdom if you like
Blogstorm sounds like a plan, since the blanketing Spitzer coverage is MSM’s excuse to kick this under the carpet.
Never knew much except the headlines about Eliot Spitzer, but now that I’ve read up on him, I’m doubting he’ll resign quickly so the news cycle can start to backburner his story. IMO Spitzer will resign soon only if he deems it’s the best thing for Spitzer.
Ah, so the report has only been leaked, not officially released. There is the opportunity for Cheney to go unclassified>classified>won’t declassify. How did he do that the first time? I forget what was said here about that process.
it was pixie dust, powerful stuff
… because the news that Cheney lied will have already been all over the news.
I am sure he didn’t mean to do it. He will pray to the Conservative GOP Jesus and be forgiven.
So, basically ukase was the mechanism for redaction.
McClatchy stories don’t get the juice they should get, but that’s because of its “outside-the-beltway” status.
Also, “Cheney lied” stories are old news in whatever new frame appears.
I agree. Everybody knows that they lied. Providing proof isn’t going to change anything at this point. They will call it old news and challenge Congress to do something about it – ie. impeach them – which they won’t do.
So Bush and Cheney will look bad again. But let’s stack it up on the pile. Gas hit 107. The Surge is flailing. The economy is tanking. Etc, etc.
We can say “I told you so” a million times, but nobody likes it when you say “I told you so”, and Bush used to have 80% popularity. So there’s a lot of people who don’t want to be told “I told you so.”
I believe the report McClatchy is reporting on is not the SSCI report, but rather one commissioned by the Pentagon.
Right you are. Updated–and thanks.
It *is* news SSCI published Phase II but is it news that Cheney falsely claimed a direct operational link between Saddam’s Iraq and al Qaida before the US invasion? Is the SSCI Phase II report even the first authoritative source that’s debunked the Iraq/al Qaida alliance claim because I thought this was old news.
Between Spitzer’s walk of shame, rehashing Vitter and Craig, and debating whether the Clinton campaign politics are damaging Obama’s chances, even though he has a marginal lead, there seems to be no oxygen in the MSM to discuss titillating leaks from Phase II. …And then came Emptywheel with her fine-tooth comb.
It doesn’t matter if it is the first authoritative source, they’ll call it “old news”.
Anyway, they admitted making mistakes. We know they broke the law, but as long as Congress refuses to do anything, it will be “old news”.
EW – sex sells, even here.
Did you get out last night? Inquiring minds want to know!
thanks for staying with this, ew.
your persistence is a boon to us all.
Well, that and Jeff’s corrections!
This from Pat Lang on the report commissioned by the Pentagon:
IDA Does it Again on Iraq
Got to drive in to work. Read you all later. EW, it’s supposed to be 73 & sunny in S.M. after the morning clouds burn off. Enjoy!
Enjoy the ocean view…
O/T Did you read Lichtblau today re FISA?
More here:…..11fisa.php
Glanced at it. Looking at the civil suit on contempt now, probably won’t get to it until later, once I’m by the ocean.
It does give the telecoms special privileges. But it also gets to the question of whether or not accepting an authorization from the President’s lawyer can be considered good faith.
Foodie Best Ocean Views LA
Best LA Views
LOVED this story too!
More here:…..hcroft.php
We like to talk more about smutty DOJ who is using banking data and the US Attorneys as tools to prosecute Democrats.
Bank Data Is Sifted by U.S. in Secret to Block Terror
Targeting bad Democrats
Amnesty is essential for the Bush administration not only to protect itself after illegal wiretapping, but to perpetuate the platform they have setup now to use Herbert Hoover’s method of taking down political opponents.
Glenn writes:
18 – that cracked me up – centralization of cronyism is far better than allowing a 92 (or is it 93?) office dispersion of cronyism. Oh yeah, all those great torture advocate, FISA felon DAGs who have walked the halls at DOJ these last few years, they would have prevented all that cronyism and politica hiring and firing and … Yeah. Right.
On the Pentagon report, there is a huge gap. It’s the same gap that has been in everything I’ve seen so far. That gap is the “intelligence” touted by Powell at the UN – the “source” that “gave” the information about Hussein training al-qaeda.
The gap is the torture-to-Cheney’s-spec of al-Libi.
All the pages from all the sources, and no one talks about that specific allegation made by Powell. No one talks about the torture success there – the ‘non-ticking, no time bomb, but we need false information so we can go bomb babies and send American soldiers to be blown up’ success of the torture of al-Libi.
Com’on. Where are the brave men and women who should stand up and, if only behind a screen with altered voice, take their patriotic bow and reap their just praises for that episode?
Every death in Iraq, every torture, every orphan, the destruction of the American military – where are the brave patriots, lined up to get their medals for that?
I mean, surely those paragons of literary excellence – Feith, Tenet, Goldsmith – surely they’ve raced to explain who can claim the glory?
Yeah, right.
i read this post this am
all day long this sentence has been nagging at me:
“Boy, you guys sure like to talk about smutty governors, don’t you?”
because that was the whole point of having the spitzer news show up on this monday, wasn’t it?
for the bush administration
the spitzer “affair” is just like
– the arrest of the “dirty bomber”
– or that of the miami voodoo cult of haitians,
– or that of the “we’ll cut up the brooklyn bridge with propane torches” gang,
– or the admin flashing “code orange” every time there was a lesser political embarrassment looming.
that’s what the release of spitzer “affair” info at this time is all about –
turning heads
while the defense department publishes a report that says that a central underpinning of the invasion of iraq had not a smidgen of info to validate it,
the nation is focusing on where and when gov spitzer pulled out his dick.
if i were spitzer’s defense attorney
i would make some claims right now,
and i would make them publicly, loudly, and repeatedly
– that the news story of the gov’s behavior was released to the news media around monday mar 10
by the bush justice department
for the specific purpose of drawing media attention away from
the far more important story that the bush administration,
and v.p. dick cheney in particular
had knowingly, and repeatedly, lied to the american people
about a collusion between saddam husein and the saudi al quaeda in pre-invasion iraq.
– and that the bush administration,
deliberately targeted a democratic governor
using its self-ordained, and illegal, powers of eavesdropping on phone conversations, e-mails exchanges, and bank accounts
which that admin had claimed were to be used solely for the purpose of fighting terrorism,
for political purposes.
if i were spitzer i would not resign without a fight.
and in addition to the above arguments,
i would publicly offer to resign,
only in the company of
sen david vitter and sen larry craig,
en masse.
let’s see how the bush admin likes them apples –
and how much more damage to the justice dept/fbi this administration will engage in
or how much more damage doj shepard mukasey will allow.