Doesn’t Hillary Have Anything Better to Do?

In a matter of 22 hours, Hillary has made two announcements that are only tangentially related to the fact that almost half of all delegates will be awarded today. Yesterday, she once again generously offered to unilaterally decide to reinterpret my state of MI’s Clusterfuck vote, all in the name of democracy. And today, smack dab in the middle of the biggest election day this side of November 4, Hillary has challenged Obama to join her in treating Fox as a legitimate news outlet, rather than the propaganda arm of the Republican party.

Now, I’ll leave it to Jane and Markos (and Stoller) to talk about how stupid it is for Hillary to pander to Fox News. And you already know how I feel about Hillary’s attempts to dictate the meaning of our Clusterfuck.

Still. It amazes that anyone is reporting either of these Hillary ploys without first prefacing that reporting by noting how odd it is that she is spending Super Tuesday on anything except winning Super Tuesday. Isn’t this a rather telling attempt to distract from the most momentous day, thus far, of this primary?

And if she’s got so much free time on her hands, don’t you think it would be better spent in DC trying to save the Constitution, rather than cozying up to Rupert Murdoch?

42 replies
  1. watercarrier4diogenes says:

    Now, I’ll leave it to Jane and Markos to talk about how stupid it is for Hillary to pander to Fox News

    They’re doin’ an excellent job of that, as are several other notable sites. Jeebus!!! Best thought I’ve seen in all of them, though, is your closing line above.

    • emptywheel says:

      Well, it’s not ODD, so much as transparent.

      I’m guessing Obama is going to exceed expectations tonight. This is 1) a pre-emptive attempt to spin Hillary underperforming expectations (which is, quite high), and 2) an attempt to write the rules for a marathon campaign.

  2. looseheadprop says:

    BTW, evidently Mukasey and McConnel sent the Harry reid a letter informing him that the Shrub will veto any FISA bill w/o retroactive immunity.

    Please pass such a bill and force the little F**cker to actually veto! Pretty please?

    LHP has been in a very foul mouthed mood all day. My apologies to anyone who’s delicate snsibilites have been offended. I don’t know what has come over me today.

    • biffdiggerence says:

      Water off a duck, LHP.

      I simply wish McConnell would shut the fuck up about al Qaeda in Iraq this, al Qaeda in Iraq that.

      “al Qaeda in Iraq” is an invention of DoD.

    • bobschacht says:

      BTW, evidently Mukasey and McConnel sent the Harry reid a letter informing him that the Shrub will veto any FISA bill w/o retroactive immunity.

      Please pass such a bill and force the little F**cker to actually veto! Pretty please?

      LHP has been in a very foul mouthed mood all day. My apologies to anyone who’s delicate snsibilites have been offended. I don’t know what has come over me today.

      LHP, I agree with you, whatever the language. I sure hate what is happening to my country with all these bozos in charge. Nancy Pelosi, I’m looking at you!

      Bob in HI

  3. JohnB says:

    MT wheel, I expect you are exactly right on that score. She’s already engaged in post election spin.
    I vote next week in the Virginia primary and I truly have been on the fence since John Edwards left the race. This sort of thing may put me off the fence…

      • rosalind says:

        in california the polls are open for six and a half more hours. even if clinton’s internals show a california loss, love to have been a fly on the wall during their decision making process that concluded ticking off undecideds was the better course.

        • cymro says:

          “ticking off undecideds” ?

          If this read “ticking off all the undecideds who share my opinions about exactly what is important, and who pay continuous attention to all the minutiae of the campaign, and who make their decision at the last minute based on these kinds of last-minute details” then maybe, if you can also show that there are a lot of ordinary voters in that category, you have a point. Otherwise, I don’t follow. Because I’m guessing that most “undecideds” actually make their decisions in other ways — ways that you might discount because they are not ones that you consider rational.

    • emptywheel says:

      Republicans won’t let them debate FISA today. So a bunch of Dems are talking about the stimulus package.

      Dorgan just got off the floor–hit everything right, talking about how Bush wants to exclude Grandma and disable vets.

      Harry’s on right now, wondering why Bush has threatened to veto FISA when they can’t even debate it. “He’s becoming impatient to become relevant.”

    • RevDeb says:

      Harry on the floor talking about W threatening a veto on FISA when there isn’t even a bill to vote on. He says he will not offer a UC on . . . ? didn’t catch it.

  4. Hmmm says:

    Harry: “Maybe W has decided he doesn’t like the SSCI version of the bill after all”… rich, Harry, rich.

    • emptywheel says:

      At least the Dems figured out a reasonable use of the Republican 30 hour delay…

      Reid on again: I ask consent that Senate now resume consideration of FISA.

  5. merkwurdiglieber says:

    HRC must have internal polling data that indicate a California loss or
    some bad news at least to prompt this move and the MI and FL moves as
    well. That is the thing about the Clintons, no solidarity with anyone
    or anything Democratic… too bad she just might get her ass handed
    to her for this, 2 weeks ago it was Bill, now HRC and Wolfson take the
    cake for this one. Watching what is left of the Democratic establishment
    act out a failure script is getting old. Think I’ll find some text to
    feed on.

  6. phred says:

    EW, do you think if we flood Reid’s office with yet another round of calls, we can push him over the edge on this? Is he genuinely losing patience with BushCo’s brinksmanship? Or do you think this is all designed to play into the kibuki so the base doesn’t turn rabid and tear Reid and Pelosi apart?

  7. TLinGA says:

    Sanders, in response to the inequities in the spending cuts to programs and tax cuts to high income individuals: “I think we need to completely rewrite the budget.”

  8. RevDeb says:

    A question to the legal beagles here. Now that Hayden has admitted that the US waterboarded 3 people after 911 will the DOJ have to do anything about it? Will Mukasey be forced to respond?


    • Hmmm says:

      I don’t think they would be coming clean on this unless they’re specifically trying to invite legal challenges from outside the administration, which would end up at the SCOTUS… which they’ve stacked. If they can get decisions at SCOTUS, their theories of proper government will essentially be made permanent.

      • freepatriot says:

        careful what you wish for

        If they can get decisions at SCOTUS, their theories of proper government will essentially be made permanent.

        so this wouldmean that President Obama or President H Clinton could lock up kkkarl rove and scooter libby on the first day of his or her presidency

        be kinda hard for the repuglitards to argue about “activist judges” and shit when scalia and alito are forced to admit they were stupid enough to allow criminal acts by george and then decided that a Democrat was a criminalfor doing the same thing

        think about it

        spyingon Democrats isn’tgoing to produce much dirt

        spying on the repuglitards ???

        is there a repuglitard who ISN’T soliciting gay sex in public restrooms, or soliciting minors on the innertubes, or just plain, old fashioned soliciting the maid while the Mrs is out of town ???

        gonna be a big news story if we find a repuglitard who ISN’T involvedin some sort of illicit or immoral sexual activity

        and we aint got time or space to discuss the repuglitard graft machine

        come to think of it, scalia and company might just convict george to protect the greater percentage of of the gop

        anybody think george and dick don’t understand how it is sometimes better to sacrafice the FEW to protect the MANY

        so, what we really get to see is how stupid repuglitard judges can be

    • Ionion says:

      It is now my working theory that no detainees have been tortured with waterboarding because in the case of KSM and the two others the direct video evidence was supposedly destroyed. This is an obvious cannard.

      It is likely that there were no torture tapes because the three are likely manipulated patsies or agents, or some combination. Why would an agency have to extract information from its own tools.

      We have been judiciously studying created realities.

      The Ionion/RodUnderleaf

  9. randiego says:

    I haven’t voted yet, like a lot of people in California, so the timing on this is pretty bad – unless the campaign is trying to catch Fake News voters today? Is that possible?

    This just shoved me off any fence sitting I might have been doing.

  10. TheraP says:

    If this is what Hillary does in the middle of a voting day… what would she do in the middle of other days where voters/citizens should take precedence? What does this say about leadership? About going along with agreements?

    Seems like the message is, “I will do anything to gain an edge.” And, “My needs are more important than listening to the voters.” Today voters speak. Candidates listen. This has been her problem. Where’s the listening to We the People?

    Doesn’t look pretty.

    • AZ Matt says:

      I get to vote in Arizona but will do so when I head home. I want to see how many folks have voted in my precinct. Usually not many as this is not a Hopi kinda thing.

  11. garyg says:

    Me and the mrs. each voted for Barack this morning.

    Hillary is the one person in the country that could lose this election for the Dems (unless we ran Kerry again).

  12. SaintAugustine says:

    I voted for Edwards last week and have not made up my mind on who to support between Obama and Clinton, however if Clinton goes on Fox I’ll give my support to Obama. I just sent her an email telling her that too.

  13. MrWhy says:

    I think Clinton does better in the debates than Obama, so she wants to debate, debate, debate. How can Hillary get more debates scheduled without ticking off the undecided?

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