FBI Tells Librarians: “Sssshhhhh!”

Remember when librarians used to be caricatured as stern matrons telling us all to shush up while we were at the library? That is, until they took on a front-line fight defending the civil liberties of Americans who just want to read books (or use computers). We all owe a debt to those librarians fighting against PATRIOT Act restrictions on free speech.

Which is why I’m not so sure it’s a good idea for the FBI to make such a clumsy stand against free speech at the librarians’ Midwinter Meeting tomorrow (h/t Momsrighthand) [note, the ALA article has been updated, but I’ll keep the original]:

The attorney who represents FBI Supervisory Special Agent Bassem Youssef, chief of the Counterterrorism Division’s Communications Analysis Unit, advised the American Library Association’s Washington Office two days before the agent’s scheduled January 12 speech at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia that the FBI had warned him against delivering the speech. Instead, Youssef would appear to answer “acceptable questions presented by members of the audience,”

The FBI has already gotten in trouble for trying to silence Special Agent Youssef. But apparently, they still don’t want him to talk about problems with the FBI’s counter-terrorism effort.

[F]ollowing a December 20 ALA press release that detailed the program, the FBI e-mailed Youssef January 3 and “expressed its displeasure at the proposed content of his presentation, and the viewpoints for which he would raise at the conference.” Kohn added that the Bureau “explicitly took exception” to the idea that Youssef “is expected to discuss a number of critical failures within the FBI’s Counterterrorism program, which undermine basic constitutional rights of American citizens and threaten the effectiveness of America’s counterterrorism efforts.”

The FBI e-mail then issued a clear warning to Youssef against making such a presentation, noted Kohn, who explained that the agency also forwarded to Youssef a multi-page document setting forth various rules concerning pre-publication clearance of any potential speech and forbidding him to show the rules to anyone outside the agency. “The FBI does not want the general public to know the contents of the censorship provisions it unconstitutionally demands that its agents follow,” Kohn wrote, advising that Youssef would not be able to make the planned presentation.

Call me crazy, but this is just clumsy. I mean, I can see censoring someone giving a talk to DFH bloggers. But librarians? C’mon. They’re the respectable champions of civil liberties.

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12 replies
  1. merkwurdiglieber says:

    Could be the FBI may have hacked library automation systems to get
    patron information… just a guess mind you, but all systems have a
    security back door, especially the microsoft based ones. Just an idea.

  2. BlueStateRedHead says:

    Remember their search for Monica’s book purchases, and the security letters to the CT. librarians. They love taking down the book people as related to intellectuals. shades of the cold war. G Edgar is smiling up at them from whatever circle of hell to which he was confined.

    OT, EPued from Tweety thread.

    Sure KO needs protection from any possible anti-KO Tweety scheming. A couple of NFL players to the right and left of him would make an impression. Come to think of it, are there any lefty progressive NFL’ers. Phred? EW? BMAZ? Neil?

    Moderator, KO is as you surely know is a NFL commentator. This is not an OT sports reference to any particular team who may or may not be perfect. It is not a hint that there should be trash talk soon. It is a crossover political fantasy leading to a real inquiry.

    Please do not erase.

  3. phred says:

    Well, since they can’t get Youssef, hopefully they’ll line up Mike German instead. He’s a former FBI agent and the most sane person I have heard speak about making good use of constitutionally sound law enforcement tools to find and prosecute terrorists. He’s also quite eloquent on the topic of how secrecy enables inefficency and incompetence.

  4. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    With all due respect to FBI agents, a good research libraraian, or any specialty librarian, is not a person to mess with

    Maybe b/c the librarians I know work in specialty libraries, corporate libraries, and software companies — they’re more likely to be a software employee than they are to ’shushh’ people in a cavernous, book-filled room. The modern day cataloguers and indexers are not to be trifled with

    The FBI would be better off hiring them than investigating them.
    Not sure the FBI can match the pay that the really top-notch librarians can earn these days.

  5. ForrestPrince says:

    EW, don’t you know (are you sitting down? you better be…)

    don’t you know,

    librarians are nothing more than DFH’s in the conservative political eye.

    Librarians stand for the general dissemination of knowledge in open, uncensored, unmonitored public spaces. Now if that’s not a DFH agenda, I don’t know what would be. Which, of course, makes me a DFH too, even though I’m not a librarian. But I have several friends who are.

    Reckon I’ll be receiving my NSL any day now; extraordinary rendition to Gitmo immediately following, since the instant I get my NSL I’ll be contacting my newspaper, my family, and all my friends down at my favorite saloon to tell all of them all about it.

    Been nice knowin’ ya! Sure am gonna miss my wife and my son. Will write when I can.

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