emptywheel’s Famous Football Trash Talk Thread* – Division Playoff Edition

We are now down to genuine pro football. No more Cinderellas; the teams that ought to be here are here. No more "best of the rest" discussions, no more silly BCS games without the best teams playing. Three out of the four games are being played outdoors, where football is meant to be played. Hoosiers, I’m talking about you; you got to toughen up, if you can’t plant your butts outside for three hours to watch Peyton and the Colts, you aren’t real fans. Time to get down and dirty.

Pats and Jags – The Asterisk Bowl! The Jags seemed a lot tougher before they wimped out and took down their website asterisk on the Pats. Thats it, they are toast. Belichick was already going to use the asterisk bit, now he and the Pats are going to flat out disrespect the Jags as a bunch of wusses. For the Jags, DT John Henderson has a touchy hammy, but will play and LB Mike Peterson has a bad paw and is doubtful. The Pats don’t even have any injuries to report; uh oh, 16-0 and they are fully healthy. The Jags are a very good team, are well coached, and earned their way here; but they are done now. Buh bye.

Pack and Seagulls – Jonathan Livingston Seahawk is flying in to TitleTown. Prodigal sons Holmgren and Hasselbeck return to that from which they came. A couple of weeks ago, I would have told you Seattle wouldn’t get out of the wildcard matchup. Last week, it was close, but I thought the Skins would eke out a win. Give em credit though, the Seahawks are playing well, and Holmgren is a good coach. I have to admit, I am more than a little worried. However, Brett Favre is loose and ready. Favre is always ready for some football; he is a 38 year old kid on a playground. I think its different this time though, because he has already indicated he is coming back, so he is not worried about it being his last game and he believes in the kids around him, and they believe in him. Ryan Grant looks like a real find at running back and his style is perfect for this kind of field and this time of year. Injury report: For the Pack, CB Charles Woodson and TE Greg Jennings are slightly nicked at the toe and groin respectively, but are good to go. For the Gulls, WR Deon Branch and DE Pat Kerney are questionable and Shaun Alexander (wrist), DJ Hackett (ankle) and Matt Hasselbeck (bunch of stuff) are probable. Phred what do you think? Man is that a stupid question! Favre forevah baby! The kid with the graying stubble leads the way and takes the day. GO PACK GO!

Bolts at Colts – LT is one great running back. Antonio Gates is a fantastic tight end, but he is hurt; doesn’t look like he will play and if he does, he is really hobbled. For the Colts, wideouts Marvin Harrison and Anthony Gonzales are both returning from injuries but appear ready to go. The Chargers had to reach deep to muster up 17 points and scrape out a win at home versus the Titans, a scrappy team for sure, but far short of the Colts. Peyton Manning, his flock of receivers, Bob Sanders and the Indy D are just too much to overcome. Sorry randiego, the Colts cakewalk.

Gents at the Boys – No, I am not talking about GOP Congressmen at the House Page Dorm. Its the New York Football Gents at the Dallas Cowboys, you know, America’s team, but only because Texans think Texas is the only state in the union. This is a tough game to pick. The Cowboys seem like a far superior team, but they have been fairly iffy lately. Maybe they are all spending to much time watching Romeo and Jessica on Entertainment Tonight or something. I understand that the Boys have some receiver that has a sprained ankle; whatever his name is, I expect he will be running wild through the Giants secondary, which is wounded with Sam Madison so hobbled he is unlikely to play. Plaxico Buress is likely to play, but is not in good shape with his ankle. I really really don’t know which way this one will go, but here’s the call: Upset Special – Eli’s coming, the Boys are left in a heap.

The much coveted "Emptywheel Shiny Hubcap Award" for last week went to CTuttle, pontificating prognosticator extraordinaire. Who will step up to the plate this weekend? Who you taking? Why? The tundra is frozen and the beer is cold; time to get it on!

* What? You thought there wouldn’t be an asterisk? Heh heh, of course there’s gonna be an asterisk! Bill Bell wasn’t cheating; he is just the AV nerd from school, that ran the overhead projector for Ms. Peach, who never grew up. He likes film; get over it, his team went 16-0.

UPDATE: From the desk of Miss Manners. That would be EW. I think all those weeks of picking the Jags have her spooked, because she isn’t projecting the cocky air of confidence appropriate of a hard core Pats fan. Cowboy up sister, you might have the best team in NFL history! Marcy, from the comments:

Looks like there’s decent weather in Foxboro (40s tomorrow, probably 30s by game time); had it been snowy and colder, I might have gone with the Jags, but luckily, I can root for the Pats, particularly now that their honor has been slighted. Just for old time’s sake–if they lose it’ll be Rodney Roids’ fault.

I’m with all of you: Bob Sanders will eat Phillip Rivers for breakfast (particularly with Gates in dodgy shape, if he even plays), and with a full receiver corps, the Colts are back in business.

Gotta root for the Packers. Yes, the Squawks looked great last weekend. But Hasselback has a bruised thigh. You can’t bring a bruised thigh into Lambeau and expect to walk out of there!!!

Ah, da ‘Boys. I keep rooting against the G-Men and getting burned. But if TO plays, I still gotta go with da ‘Boys. Though geez–who’d a thunk that we’d be saying that Eli looks better than Romo? This will be close, and probably the most interesting game of the weekend (though I think the Jags will make the Pats interesting, too).

330 replies
  1. Coyoteville says:

    I don’t like the Gints, but I really don’t like the Boys, so I gotta go with NY (as much as it pains me).
    One of my sisters lives in San Diego, but no hope there. The Colts aren’t going to suck twice.
    Seattle/Green Bay has some interesting sentiment, but Favre is having too much fun this year!
    New England is the best, the smartest. They will go all the way.

    Go EW!

  2. bigbrother says:


  3. emptywheel says:

    Thanks again to bmaz for his trash. And congrats to CTuttle–use that hubcap wisely.

    Looks like there’s decent weather in Foxboro (40s tomorrow, probably 30s by game time); had it been snowy and colder, I might have gone with the Jags, but luckily, I can root for the Pats, particularly now that their honor has been slighted. Just for old time’s sake–if they lose it’ll be Rodney Roids’ fault.

    I’m with all of you: Bob Sanders will eat Phillip Rivers for breakfast (particularly with Gates in dodgy shape, if he even plays), and with a full receiver corps, the Colts are back in business.

    Gotta root for the Packers. Yes, the Squawks looked great last weekend. But Hasselback has a bruised thigh. You can’t bring a bruised thigh into Lambeau and expect to walk out of there!!!

    Ah, da ‘Boys. I keep rooting against the G-Men and getting burned. But if TO plays, I still gotta go with da ‘Boys. Though geez–who’d a thunk that we’d be saying that Eli looks better than Romo? This will be close, and probably the most interesting game of the weekend (though I think the Jags will make the Pats interesting, too).

  4. watercarrier4diogenes says:

    Torn!! I tell ya, I’m TORN!! Love Brett, love the Pack… love ‘my’ Seahawks (well, from PDX it’s only a short 3 hr drive north). I’m concerned that a no-show by Pat Kerney will be significant on defense, though not seeing him flattening Brett will be OK by me, as I want Brett to come back, maybe more than just next year. He truly is a kid on a playground.

  5. nonplussed says:

    TO will play and so will Terry Glenn, who you gonna double? Romo will pass for 300 yards. I hate trying to beat a team three times however, the trifecta is really tough…

      • bmaz says:

        He has had two more weeks now though. The reports are that he is looking very good in practice. Your comment @6 has been placed in it’s rightful spot in the main post as an update. Trash quotient a little weak though; always sad when ruggers go soft…..

        • emptywheel says:

          I just think he has forgotten how to play. You gotta go with TO. They’re going to shoot him full of painkillers and he’s going to hurt somebody.

        • phred says:

          I’m not one to let such a slur go unchallenged…

          Jags will eat the Patsies alive — they’ll can’t help it, its their nature. Here kitty kitty kitty.

          Giants will squash da Boyz under their big Giant toes.

          Colts have more horsepower than the old AAAs in their chargers.

          And the Gulls and the Pack. Hmmm. The Pack or the Gulls. Hmmm. Boy that’s a toughie. I’ll really have to mull that one over….

          GO PACKERS!!! (h/t to the house troll, I don’t go in for bold much myself ; )

        • BlueStateRedHead says:


          Patsies? As insults go, that was patiful. IIRC, you had a good word for those Patriots who know how a Patriot really acts not so long ago.

        • bmaz says:

          Face it, with that right wing dogwhistle moniker, “The Patriots”, the authoritarian leader, pixie dust for NFL ethical rules….they’re Goopers!

        • emptywheel says:

          Hold on. Their “authoritarian leader” is a Democrat. I’m hoping he teaches us how to win a few elections once he retires. We could use that killer instinct.

        • bmaz says:

          Oh, okay. He does look intimidating growling around in that hoodie.

          Tuttle – You didn’t fall for those gloves Fuhrman planted split between the crime scene and OJ’s house did you? Heh heh. By the way perhaps you know why Van Atter was walking around with a vial of OJ’s blood, with a little bit missing, in his jacket pocket for two days…..

        • BlueStateRedHead says:

          Rush Limbaugh consider BB and the Patriots socialists and you speak badly of them? BB speaks well of Democrats and you mock him? This is trash talking…which I remind you is what Rove said yesterday Obama did at Law School. I like that, Harvard Law Review = emptywheel and her commenters. So if we can “Bear” Obama, we can stand with Belichick.

          According to Rush, the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots are “socialists.”…. What caused Rush to paint the Patriots “Red?” Prior to the start of the Super Bowl, the majority of the St. Louis Rams came onto the playing field, turned, and waited for their starting offensive lineup to be individually introduced, including stars Kurt Warner and Marshall Faulk. The Patriots broke Super Bowl tradition and continued what they had done all season. Instead of having individual player names announced over the loudspeaker, the Patriots elected to be announced as a team…..Coach Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots’ players were promoting qualities that were alien to Rush and downplaying two of his favorite personality traits, arrogance and ego. On first glance, Belichick is a right-winger’s wet-dream, a “defensive genius” with the “IQ of a nuclear physicist,” according to followers of the NFL and an admiring press. But Rush knows a subversive when he sees one….Belichick did admit to the Boston Globe’s Dan Shaughnessy that he favored the Democrats over Republicans

          There’s more at http://www.bear-left.com/origi…..riots.html

        • phred says:

          Hold on. Their “authoritarian leader” is a Democrat. I’m hoping he teaches us how to win a few elections once he retires. We could use that killer instinct.

          Good to know EW. Lets hope the Dem leadership follows his lead and learns how to put up or shut up.

        • CTuttle says:

          Heh, my better half is a Mass. native, and, I’ve always called ‘em the Patsies, tho, not around my father-in-law when he was alive… *g*

  6. CTuttle says:

    “Emptywheel Shiny Hubcap Award”

    Woo Hoo! A Bright… Shiny… Object…! *g*
    I think the Asterisk Bowl, will be my landmine… I think the Jags might pull it off… then, Colts, Boyz, and, the Pack…! Now, I’ll go 0-4 this week…

  7. watercarrier4diogenes says:

    Oooh! Hubcaps?!!??!! I put myself through my freshman year stealin’ hubcaps…

    Just from heart, no gut feel: Squawks (he he, EW), Gents, Bolts, Jags (no chance, I know…)

  8. bmaz says:

    Breaking News: David Garrard reports thie following message was left on his voicemail by Rodney Harrison:

    “I am coming to you. You will explode after a few minutes,”

      • watercarrier4diogenes says:

        What, no video to go with it…?

        Well, ya gotta admit, it sounded a lot like ‘Roids’, or at least someone who’s taken a lot of ‘em

        • emptywheel says:

          It was supposed to be Rodney Roids crutch to get him through the season. But it only served to shorten his season, and until I started trash-talking him, personally, he looked slow and downright gentle.

          But as you could see against the Giants, when Bill Bell had to bench him for pushing folks around after every play (it was Bill Bell’s one frown all game long), Rodney Roid’s intensity is back (along with a little Rage, I’d guess). I’m hoping that intensity stays back for three more games and then he moves on to retirement.

  9. phred says:

    By the way bmaz…

    Gents at the Boys – No, I am not talking about GOP Congressmen at the House Page Dorm.

    That was inspired, that was : ) You’ve been on a roll all week. Nicely done.

  10. Evolute says:

    trash talk.. ookaay!

    The Airily Fun Club:
    I’ve worked on a few shows in Vegas and got a dick kick out of gambling so I’m going with Del Rio’s Jags.

    I’m from a beach town not unlike San Diego, I’m also a good sport out-of-doors so I’m going with the indoor ponies.

    The other conference:
    Years after my family sold our property on the San Juan Islands I was working on The Fabulous Baker Boys in Seattle when I met someone that almost swept us both off our feet. I like Seattle. But.. though I’m off most cheese and know next to nothing about phred I have to agree with her; few things would be sweeter than to see the Packers win the Super Bowl (I like the old guy).

    Eli is less consistent than the weather these days, the only sure thing is a disaster on the horizon. Will it happen today? Some of you will know before sundown. But who the hell cares? Don’t get me wrong, I love NY more than most. It is the city where I was first pimped on – while walking to see a Sunday matinée of Hello Dolly on Broadway, I had just turned thirteen.
    The AP reports OT’s left ankle gave him only a limp after Thursdays practice. A hobbled OT and The Dallas magic evaporates, the thrill is gone. But what’s a little pain to a reformed ego like OT.

    Short evolute: Jags,Colts, Packs, and da ‘Boys.

    • watercarrier4diogenes says:

      ew things would be sweeter than to see the Packers win the Super Bowl (I like the old guy).

      Evolute’s got a point there. I’m changin’ my picks to CheeseWhizes, Gents, Bolts, Jags

  11. Strategerie says:

    Okay. I am a Seatttle native. I love Brett Favre, but I gotta’ go with my guys. Patrick Kerney will be there tomorrow if he’s bleeding from every pore, so it’s going to be a long, long afternoon for those in green and gold.

    I pick the Seahawks, because I’m an optimistic kind of a gal.

    As for everyone else, please, God, let the Cowboys lose. I’d also like it if the Patriots lost. After all, it’s boring to be perfect.


  12. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Give em credit though, the Seahawks are playing well, and Holmgren is a good coach. Oh, sh*t. There goes part of my weekend…dammit. Plus, now I gotta figure out where I’m gonna watch it… my teevee isn’t worth a damn.

    Hawks by 1 point.
    As for the other teams, I defer to the experts around here.

  13. BlueStateRedHead says:

    OT, but some good news. Some of the our favorite DOJ criminals are not gonzo, but demoted. Including the BlueBayState’s summer resident, Susana Lorenzo-Giguere, who just got demoted, along with Tanner’s other foot soldier, Yvette Rivera. Don’t know what Rivera did wrong, but she was in a good position to do lots of it as head of, according to the Muck,

    Section Five unit, which has the responsibility of reviewing election laws in parts of the country with a history of discrimination. Encouragingly, her replacement is Tim Mellett, one of the staff attorneys who in 2003, found that Tom DeLay’s Texas redistricting plan violated the Voting Rights Act.

  14. lectriclady says:

    Hey, it is ALL PACK guys. Why don’t you all just agree with the OBVIOUS and go out an play with your kids this weekend???

    Brett rules!

    Go Pack!

  15. BooRadley says:

    ew is right, it’s all about the weather in Foxboro. I don’t bet, but if I did, I’d take the Pats and the 12 points.

    Seahawk defense doesn’t play nearly as well away from the noise from Qwest field.

    • watercarrier4diogenes says:

      Gotta wonder about his choice of bail bondsmen…

      A bail bondsman at You Ring We Spring bail bonds in North Las Vegas declined to comment.

  16. BlueStateRedHead says:

    They are patriots in the tradition of Sam Adams, a big trouble maker for authoritarian rule.

    As for the Krafts, there you have a point. They were ac/dc on political contributions, Liebercan and LAutenburg in ‘06, good Dem congress critters before that, but since ‘06, you are right, Republican.

    Sigh. But there you go, the Pats are not perfect after all.

    • emptywheel says:

      Bite your tongue. They may not have proven perfect yet. The Krafts may not have reformed their ill-thought voting ways. But in three games time, who knows what will happen?

      • bmaz says:

        Atta girl, now you’re talking! ESPNNews just said Antonio Gates is out for Sunday and “likely wouldn’t be available next week, even if somehow the Chargers managed to get by the Colts”. Ouch.

      • BlueStateRedHead says:

        Correct, the last two RNC years were a departure from the rest.

        BTW, did you know that BB is an alum of Wesleyan which is the only college team to be undefeated when playing Michigan? Perfect record. But then they only played them once.

        O.K. Prognosticators, what do you make of that?

  17. ThatGuy says:

    Go Terrell Owens! I hate the ‘Boys but TO will always be a Niner in my mind. They sure could have used him this year.

    As long as the Cheaters lose, I’m good with most other result possibilities.

  18. jayt says:

    Colts are *finally* healthy. Jags and Pats will beat the holy hell out of each other…

    Watch out for the “under the radar” 13-3 Colts – peaked at precisely this time last year too. They spent this season winning games with guys I’m pretty sure they signed out of the parking lot just before game-time.

    Pats are fat and overconfident – a good Division II college team could have won that division, and they got to pad the resume by playing each of ‘em twice. And the Colts are so far into the Jags’ heads that they won’t even realize the game has started until the game is – over.

    Two in a row for Peyton and the boys.

    P.S. Wanna catch a good buzz Sunday? – just take a drink every time Bob Sanders blows somebody up…

  19. bmaz says:

    Well, yeah, the whole gloves bit was totally bogus. Now, I’m not particularly saying OJ was innocent or anything mind you; but I am saying that dirty cops committed all kinds of evidentiary crimes.

    • phred says:

      Brett Farve YouTube cheese. Song about Brett Farve sung to “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” by 3rd graders.

      joejoejoe — you have just made my whole week : ) What an awesome video! I’ll be humming that all day… da da da dum da da da…

  20. ProfessorFoland says:

    Straight up I’ll be unoriginal and take all the home teams. Against the spread, I’d take the Jags (+13), Dallas (-7.5), Colts (-8.5), Green Bay (-8.5). The Jags look like a complete steal to me; and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that when a line looks like I should run out at get a HELOC to bet on it, there’s something I don’t know.

  21. radiofreewill says:

    This is so cool – a Division Playoff Division Edition!

    Redemption, or the Telltale Heart?

    I think Billy and Beaters’ Run From Shame is finally going to come-up Short – They’ve been Officially Tagged for Cheating, and they are Trying to take away one of the Greatest American Sports Achievements – the broken-nosed, unsteroided, Guts and Glory Run of the Honorable ‘72 Dolphins. It’s Rocket Scientist Thinking like BelliCheat’s that caused US to toss our National Integrity and invade an innocent Foreign Country, too. So, he’s done enough Damage on his Wild Elephant Rampage of Denial – Jags Maul ‘em for the Old School.

    The Bolts Finally pull it all together, when they need it, and Zap the Colts!

    Jerry looks Jealous, and Romo seems to have come down with a case of Performance Anxiety – No Worries! Eli steps up and Bangs Out a Win!

    The Pack Strides into the Playoffs looking like the Real Deal – and they get to play at home in what has been a Love Affair Season with their Fans. That Birdmeat on the grill is gonna Taste Sweet!

    And, I just have to trash talk Fuhrman and Van Atter while I’m at it – the Landmark-ed-ness of the OJ Trial, imho, was the Confirmation of a Greater Good in the face of a Wicked Wrong:

    The Dream Team proved that, in America, the Cops Can’t Get Away with Framing a Guilty Man.

  22. BayStateLibrul says:

    I can only watch the Patriots in my “remember Bucky Dent” t-shirt mentality….
    The pollsters(Vegas)at 13, are chirping happy talk.
    At 8:00 (or earlier), a Corona and a lime will medicate my unholy disorder.
    The Pats will win, but only by a field goal.

    • bmaz says:

      Another episode of Mad Magazine’s “Scenes We’d Like To See”:

      After being blown out in a 32 point loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars yesterday, Patriots fans up and down the eastern seaboard were left muttering “David Fucking Garrard”. The fans were referring to the Jacksonville quarterback, who went 32 of 39 for 473 yards and six touchdowns yesterday in a record setting aerial assault that left the Patriots stunned. Again dissatisfied with being denied the championship they thought they were entitled to by a rival team to the south, local fans are applauding the decision of the National Football League to initiate an independent investigation into the allegations of use by athletes across the league of space alien technology to improve passing offenses. The independent investigation, led by Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, is said to be focused on David “Football Rocket” Garrard. In related news, in Congress, the Chairman of the House Select Committee on Silly Investigations, Rep. Ed Markey (D-Pats Fan) announced that his committee has taken up the most critical concern facing America today, the use of space alien technology by football players. The committee seeks a fair and balanced probe into the matter and plans to subpoena David Garrard for multiple hearings.

      • BayStateLibrul says:

        At least it wasn’t The Mittster, our beloved Governor, would wouldn’t
        knew a Red Sox/Patriot fan from an IPO…
        After losing NH, he said it was the second inning of a 50 inning game?
        Fucking mixed metaphors…
        I’m still very nervous.
        Btw, I’m following the Rovian roadmap that Dems love beer, in lieu of wine.

        • freepatriot says:

          thanks for the update on Terry Glen (I was wondering how “she”* was doin)

          but about this:

          I hate trying to beat a team three times however, the trifecta is really tough…

          the trifecta is hard if you’re “no dick” team like the seagulls (I’m remembering the year they swept the Raiders in the regular season and then got killed in the playoffs)

          for real teams like “AMERICA’S Team”**, beating a podunk team like the gnts three times is nothing special

          *to understand this comment you have to remember that Parcells didn’t want to draft Terry Glenn, and Mr Glenn was often the target of Parcell’s needle

          ** the title was conferred by an “NFL Films” dweeb in the Superbowl V highlight film, so there …

          and GO JAGUARS

          consider my slagging of the seagulls as an endorsement for the packers, and put me down for Indy in the other game

          got that ???

          Green Bay, Jacksonville, Indy, and AMERICA’S TEAM (now with Terry Glenn too, can we run a Six Wideout Set ???)

        • phred says:

          Clearly, Terry Bradshaw handing the Lombardi Trophy to the Pack after the Super Bowl in 1997 trumps some NFL highlight reel dweeb, when he declared the Green Bay Packers “the NEW AMERICA’s TEAM”.

          Go PACK!

        • freepatriot says:

          Clearly, Terry Bradshaw handing the Lombardi Trophy to the Pack after the Super Bowl in 1997 trumps some NFL highlight reel dweeb, when he declared the Green Bay Packers “the NEW AMERICA’s TEAM”.

          New America ???

          never heard of it

          glad you guys got a team though …

          and on another note, a friend sent me an email containing photos demonstrating reasons why you might want to keep your last name short

          two women were depicted from the back with starting quarterbacks’ names printed on their underwear

          one said: “Romo”

          the other said: “R o t h l i s b e r g e r”

          you get the idea

          i didn’t post the pictures cuz the eyeball scrubber didn’t work to well with that second image

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          Okay, I’m off for the margharita and the Big Plasma screen, but EW, I think the database is giving odd messages. It posted at 111 after telling me the dB had lost connection. Odd.

          phred, if the Seahawks win, I’ll be back to gloat.
          If they lose, I’ll skulk around on the other threads, but may not be back here ;-))

        • phred says:

          Aw c’mon rOTL, what’s the point of trash talk, if you don’t, you know…, talk trash : )

          Best wishes for a good game everyone. Go Pack! And did you notice it’s snowing in Lambeau? Heh. Heh.

        • freepatriot says:

          Btw, I’m following the Rovian roadmap that Dems love beer, in lieu of wine.

          keep yer beer, keep yer whine

          Real Democrats drink Whiskey

          make mine a double, straight up

          what the hell, it’s noon somewhere …

  23. Muzzy says:

    Anything can happen in the playoffs which is why they play the game. My upset prediction is for SEA to beat GB. The rest of those to advance in order of upset probability least to most likely: Colts, Pats, Dallas.

    I still have my wish for the Cowboys to beat an undefeated Patriots team in the final game of the season to earn their NFL record 6th Super Bowl Championship !

  24. CasualObserver says:

    My fearless predictions:

    Cowboys over Giants.

    Glen Greenwald writes a stirring tribute to David Broder.

    George Bush announces withdrawl of all forces from Iraq and dismantles Gitmo.

    Borat, in motorboat, sinks American guided missile cruiser by farting in its general direction.

    In closing,

    Viva los Footbol Gigantes de Nuevo York

  25. Neil says:

    Seattle @ Green Bay – What a great way to start pro football weekend 2008. We’ll see a balanced attack of running, passing and plenty of blitzing by both teams. Seattle needs to be at least +3 in turnover column to win. Short of that, Green Bay is too much for Seattle. The pack is back!

    Jaguars @ New England – Look forward to a slugfest. Sure, there’ll be plenty of passing but this will be one physical football game… and Tom Brady, they’re coming for you. The Pats will have every element of attack available including; long ball, under to Wexler, across the middle to big tight ends, Faulk in the flats, and Maroney to keep the Jags pass rush honest. The Jags have a tough, hard-hitting defense, a pair of terrific running backs in Fred Taylor and Maurice Jones-Drew and a QB whose arm can keep the Jags in the game if he plays within his limitations. As we’ve seen in recent weeks, in the midst of comebacks, one bad decision by a QB who thinks he sees pay dirt on a long ball but instead misreads the coverage or short arms the pass, sinks a team. The Pats defensive game plan will be to contain the run. They believe if they stop the Jags ground game, the Pats win the game. To do so, they’ll have to give some ground on Jag pass attempts behind the linebackers and in front of the safeties rather than risk being beaten over the top. If the Jags can mount a ground game, they can win. If they run for 200+ yards and score touchdowns and keep the ball away from Brady, they can win. If they keep possession and score by passing, they’ll lose. If they get behind and have to pass to score quickly, they lose. I pick the Pats. 16-0 is NOTHING in that locker room today. The Pats are 0-0. The Jags are 1-0. Everyone believes it, and Belichick made it so.

      • Neil says:

        I’m trying to decide whether to drive 2 hours to watch the Jeffs play the Ephs in men and women’s basketball. It means missing the SE@GB game however.

        I spent yesterday afternoon at Tufts with my sister watching my niece compete in her first gymnastics competition. She cleaned up. It was nothing short of phenomenal; a 1st, 2 2nds, a 3rd, 1st in all-around, and highest all-around score in all age groups, 1st in team competition. We congratulated her like it was no big deal. “You had a good day, huh? Congratulations, I’m very proud of you.” Of course, during the award ceremony as she was being called back over and over to the award podium, and just after she received her all-around 1st, it occurred to me that she could not have possibly done better and it was her first time out. She’s a 3rd grader. She told her mom a few weeks ago, “Mom I was born to be a gymnast.” She may be right. She has her mother’s grit and determination.

        If I stay, I have plenty of time for a workout, and more importaantly to make my picks for tomorrow playoff games, a run to the supermarket for some good game time snacks. I wonder if I can follow the hoop games view the Internet…

  26. freepatriot says:

    the smartest people in the innertubes are mentioning Bucky Fucking Dent and David Fucking Gerrard in the same threat (almost in the same coment)

    you think they know something I don’t know ???


    I picked Jacksonville too

  27. freepatriot says:

    the women were vertical (cept that the second one was bent over)

    the letters were horizontal

    and I’m never gonna look at Pittsburgh’s quarterback the same again …

  28. radiofreewill says:

    I hate to say it, fp, but I think Jessica is going to rodeo Romeo when he’s all jacked-up for the game.

    I won’t be surprised if Romo shows-up at the field with a wilted arm.

    • Neil says:

      Jessica’s cowboys game jersey with a pink #9 on the front was a bit much, no? It screamed,
      we bumped ugliesI had Romo. That’s cute? Who needs to know about that sideshow?
      I guess its a little more subtle than going commando for the paparazzi.

      • bmaz says:

        I guess its a little more subtle than going commando for the paparazzi

        Exactly; and that is about the only standards we have for celebrities these days, no?

      • radiofreewill says:

        Exactly, she was wearing her notched bedpost to the game – and what did we see?

        No snap in his throws, and – the giveaway – he couldn’t throw the long ball.

        Strong move by Jessica, Weak judgment by Romeo.

        I think the Giants are going to ride him, too.

  29. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Just had to leave this little gem for all you Packers fans today:

    One Seattle attorney knows this better than most. That man, a 41-year-old Seahawks fan, will be rooting for the home team Saturday against the Green Bay Packers. Nothing crazy about that. Except this.

    His name is Vince Lombardi.
    He is the grandson of a man more associated with Green Bay Packers than anyone else. More than Bart Starr….”I get asked about (the famous name) once a week,” Lombardi said Friday from his downtown office, where he works as a federal prosecutor. …But the thing is Lombardi feels a deeper personal affinity to the Seahawks than the Packers for a variety of reasons…. His father, also Vince Lombardi, was among the Seahawks’ first front-office personnel and Vince spent part of his childhood in Seattle.
    “My boyhood heroes were Jim Zorn and Steve Largent,” he said.

    Heh, heh ;-)))

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Well, I’m sure he’ll be there in spirit. And rooting for the best team, at that!

        I suspect that he’s enjoying the rain and gray-gloom of our inhospitable Seattle skies, which makes the salsa go down so nicely this long, gray time of year ;-))

        But anyone who remembers ‘Zorn to Largent’ is a green-and-blue, bona fide Seahawks fan. I were a wee lass back in them days.

        • bmaz says:

          rOTL – You watching the Wazzou v. UCLA hoops game? Should be a great game, #4 v #5 in the country – it just started on Fox Sports….

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          Jeepers, I am fond of Wazzu, having spent hours of my childhood in the Wazzu gym (clambering over my patient dad and being more interested in ‘the cheerers’ than in the sweaty, noisy ball dribblers).
          At one point in my early childhood, our back alley neighbors were Marv Harshman (later at UW) and his family. My dad took me with him to all the games — football and bball.

          I vastly prefer freezing my ass off with lotsa wind — football and soccer/futball win hands-down. I become a lunatic fan for France in the World Cup

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          Yes. That’s when I learned about Your Evil Side.
          I was soooooo disappointed!!!!!

          AND I remain so.

        • watercarrier4diogenes says:

          Sorry to report, Wazzu (#4) lost to UCLA (#5) today, but it was at Pauley. Think you could take your eyes of the ‘cheerers’ long enough to watch them dismantle Kevin Love & Co when the sites are reversed?

          Oh, go Jags!!

          And GO GENTS!! Need to see Favre in his element (ankle deep snow) to really appreciate what he and the Pack are about this year.

        • Evolute says:

          Wazzu (#4) lost to UCLA (#5) today, but it was at Pauley

          correction: Nell and John Wooden Court — haloed ground.

    • phred says:

      I would like to say ol’ Vince is rolling over in his grave, but as everyone knows he dumped us for the Chiefs. A fickle lot the Lombardi’s ; )

    • emptywheel says:


      I was going to make a joke at joejoejoe’s Favre link: I wonder what Vince I thinks of that, in his grave.

      You see, I was childhood friends with Vince III (and his brother and sister–I’m the same age as John and a year younger than Vince, Gina’s next behind John). Lived right down the street from them for five years, when John and Vince were towel boys or something for the Giants. They lived in MI for a while, too. But I lost track of our mutual friend from MI some time ago, so didn’t know where Vince III and John had ended up.

      • emptywheel says:

        Wait. I must be at least 1.5 years younger than Vince, bc if he was 4 when his grandfather was alive, then it means he was born in 66. But my next older bro is older than Vince (IIRC), and he is 1.5 years older than me.

        Btw, we used to play frisbee football together, among other things. So when I played ultimate and people wanted to know how long I had played, I got to say I had played in the early 80s with Vince Lombardi. FWIW.

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Whoa! What an age we live in!

        Evidently, I was in preschool with John Elway, whose dad was apparently a Wazzu Cougar coach for awhile. Not nearly as cool as knowing VinceIII or Lombaris/Lombardos

        I suspect there are plenty of us who grew up ‘learning the School Fight Song’ before we learned to talk… and I claim to have been a ‘wee lass’ in the Zorn to Largent days b/c I’d just come back to ‘the Staights’ and had to refresh my memory for US football rules. Which seemed really ghastly and clumsy after the elegance and nimbleness of ‘futball’ ;-))

        My neighborhoods were either by the edge of a desert (I’m quite good at finding snakes), or had grassy fields where we learned about a very novel game that required lots of running: ’soccer’. Not much frisbee expertise in my bg, I’m afraid.

        • emptywheel says:

          I was also several years behind Ari Fleischer in school, though bc of when I moved there and the timing of the schools, never in school with him at the same time. Vince and siblings didn’t go to public schools–they went to Catholic school, and in spite of hte fact that I once tried to get my mom to send me there and she wouldn’t let me, I went to public school. But we were members of the same Church, two Catholic families in a heavily Protestant and/or Jewish town.

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Too wild…
        Was also raised Catholic. But my mother, who’d grown up in Catholic schools, wouldn’t let any of her offspring NEAR ‘the nuns’. My father’s relatives bemoaned the fact that their adored brother married ‘a Papist’ and took 30 years to get over that fact.

        Meanwhile, my Catholic friends disliked my family’s ‘failure to support the parish’ b/c I went to public school, where I spent parts of more than one recess disabusing my Protestant friends of their ignorant assumptions that on Sundays mornings Catholics cruelly slaughtered a little, quivering lamb right on the altar of our Catholic church, where the richly robed priest (no doubt using a Jeweled Cup stolen right straight from the Vatican) collected dripping red blood, which he then passed around for us Catholics to drink. If for no other reason that to bring a moderate amount of sanity to my ignorant, but well-meaning friends, it was worth going to public school.

        In my lighter moments, I don’t know what’s funnier: kids’ views about procreation, or their views about religion and ‘God’.

        But I grew up among many Mormons, and dimly recall thinking that it must be really cool to have soooo many ‘Saints’ in your family, although I was a bit confused about how those hard-working Mormon families managed to pay for the number of statues they’d need in their church if they really had THAT many ’saints’ in their families. It explained to me why the local Mormon church was the biggest one in town — they needed lots of space for all those statues. Ah… childhood…

        • emptywheel says:

          In my case, I think mom’s decision was based on the fact that 1) public school was free, Catholic school was not, and 2) the public school was better, academically, than the Catholic school. I mostly wanted to switch school because my family never spent the money on clothes my peers spent so I was a loser, and I wanted to go to a school with uniforms so no one could make fun of me because I didn’t own any Jordache jeans.

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Too wild…
        Was also raised Catholic. But my mother, who’d grown up in Catholic schools, wouldn’t let any of her offspring NEAR ‘the nuns’. My father’s relatives bemoaned the fact that their adored brother married ‘a Papist’ and took 30 years to get over that fact.

        Meanwhile, my Catholic friends disliked my family’s ‘failure to support the parish’ b/c I went to public school, where I spent parts of more than one recess disabusing my Protestant friends of their ignorant assumptions that on Sundays mornings Catholics cruelly slaughtered a little, quivering lamb right on the altar of our Catholic church, where the richly robed priest (no doubt using a Jeweled Cup stolen right straight from the Vatican) collected dripping red blood, which he then passed around for us Catholics to drink. If for no other reason that to bring a moderate amount of sanity to my ignorant, but well-meaning friends, it was worth going to public school.

        In my lighter moments, I don’t know what’s funnier: kids’ views about procreation, or their views about religion and ‘God’.

        And that doesn’t even mention what we thought of the Mormons, with their ‘gazillions of saints’. Ah, childhood…

      • phred says:

        I wonder what Bart Starr thinks of it too, for that matter. Still third graders can’t be expected to know a thing about the old timers. You know, like Holmgren ; )

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Too wild…
        Was also raised Catholic. But my mother, who’d grown up in Catholic schools, wouldn’t let any of her offspring NEAR ‘The Dreaded Nuns’, so we attended public schools. Our local priest was benevolent about my parents’ odd notions of education, but the Altar Guild rather disapproved of my parents’ failure to ‘fully support the parish’. Makes one appreciate a strong separation between church and state.

        The nuns that I knew from CCD were rabid fans of Notre Dame football, and Gonzaga basketball.

    • emptywheel says:

      That’s what we called it back then. Keep in mind, it was maybe only a decade or perhaps not even after ultimate was invented in NJ. So I don’t know whether we were copying them or not. We played on blacktop, in the cul-de-sac around the corner, so it wasn’t the kind of layout athleticism ultimate really is (plus, we were in the range of 9 to 16, as a guess). Plus it was co-ed. So not too brutal, though it did prepare me to play defense (ha!) against the likes of Judd Buechler in high school.

  30. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Wellllll… the editing process in action… 109, 111, I kept changing things and hitting ‘post’ but the dB repeatedly told me nothing was posting and that there was a dB connection error.

    Now I’m spooked.
    Maybe Cheney’s not a Seahawks fan…?

    Anyway, dB weirdness.

  31. BooRadley says:

    Grant has never been a fumbler, which is surprising, because he is tall, more room to hit.

    First one he tried too hard.

    Second one, his body lean wasn’t good enough, and Babineaux made a nice play. Tip our hats and move on.

    Packers know they can run the ball.

    D has to hold.

  32. bmaz says:

    Hello there emptywheelers. My name is WTFmaz. I am the executor of bmaz’s estate. I would like to pass on the untimely demise of the one known as bmaz. Young bmaz saw the coin flip, heard Brett Favre needle Hasselbeck by saying “We’re going to score!”, and set off to take a shower. Well, the poor lad got out of the shower, got dressed, walked out to the big screen and saw the Squawks converting their second PAT for a 14-0 lead only 3 minutes or so into the game. bmaz nobly hari karied on the spot. RIP.

  33. BooRadley says:

    Some of you may have heard Favre yelling “Over!” “Over!”

    That’s Favre changing the direction of the play.

  34. phred says:

    The Pack were just givin’ ‘em a headstart while they were waiting for you… Glad you got back in time for the remeasurement and 1st down : )

    WooHoo! Nice run there Grant : )

  35. madmommy says:

    Goodness, seems we’ve got us a game! It does my heart good to see football as it was meant to be; outside, preferably in miserable weather. And every seat in the stadium packed with cheese-hat wearing fanatics.

    Go Pack!

      • madmommy says:

        Like that’s gonna matter, CT. Don’t ya know, it’s the Pat’s world, we’re all just living in it. /s

      • jayt says:

        I wanted it in Foxboro…

        we Colts fans are more concerned that the Jags and Pats just beat the holy hell outta each other – don’t really care too much who wins…

        (ok – I lied) Go Jags!

  36. Evolute says:

    IIRC, bmaz is Swahili for Lazurus.

    I use to work with a goofy Lazurus here on the left coast that got popped for doing blow, twice. He laughed it off explaining his old man had the law firm that successfully fought Miranda v Arizona.

    • bmaz says:

      Heh, I dunno about that. There is a family of attorneys here named Lazarus; the two I know are Paul and Larry, both decent chaps, probably is one of their kids. Maybe one of them was a young associate with Lewis and Roca sometime, but never a principle that I am aware of. The two main lawyers handling and arguing Miranda were John J. Flynn and John Frank, who handled it pro bono so it was not technically a Lewis and Roca case; both were very much larger than life legends, and both incredible guys. John Flynn was a friend of my mother’s and was her lawyer; he lived life to the fullest and passed away a little early, although he wasn’t young, in either 1979 or 1980 . John Frank lived to a ripe old age and was the mentor of current Arizona Governor, and highly potential next Attorney General, Janet Napolitano.

      • Evolute says:

        That’s the proper spelling. Like I said, a little goofy, but a hell of a good guy to make movies with. He had a way with words, but it took some juice to pull him out of some of the inordinate pickles he spiced.

        Ooh! looks like BB is a little slow at the draw.

  37. emptywheel says:

    As a longtime Ronnie Lott fan and a former Monster Back, I’m loving watching Atari Bigbee’s play of late. Maybe the Pats can get him in the offseason to replace Rodney Roid…

      • bmaz says:

        Well, that was interesting. Didn’t see any 19 virgins, pearly gates, or any of that good stuff in my near death experience; same leeches wanting me to pay bills. I would tell you to get EW on a pitch and take her out for that heresy, but she claims she is too fast for you to catch….

        • phred says:

          Alas, she is correct about that. Fortunately, people like me always got between her and the goal line. What’s that phrase about an immovable object and an irresistible force ; )

  38. ProfessorFoland says:

    So I spent nearly 30 years thinking that an underhand pass was illegal. I first saw one several weeks ago, from Favre, which wasn’t flagged. Now again. Was it ever a rule or I just grew up deluded?

    • Neil says:

      There’s no rule about HOW one has to throw a forward pass from behind the line of scrimmage. It can be overhand or underhand.

      When a receiver gets an underhand forward pass, its commonly called a shovel/shuttle/shuffle pass. It is simply a non-overhand *forward* pass to a player nearby.

      If the passer is beyond the line of scrimmage, a forward pass is against the rules. It would be an illegal forward pass.

      If a player has the ball beyond the line of scrimmage and wants to lateral it to a teammate parallel to him or behind him, he can do so underhand or overhand or just about any other way.

  39. ProfessorFoland says:

    I’ve been poking about online, and it’s clear that underhand forward passes are legal, and that I’m not the only person who thought otherwise. I guess just nobody ever throws it.

  40. jayt says:

    Geez – Marcus Pollard demonstrating why he is an ex-Colt. Ball went right through his hands without touching either one of them – in the end zone – wide open – alone. That’s our exMarcus!!

  41. BooRadley says:

    On Grant’s long run, Packers went “unbalanced left.”

    They moved their right tackle, Mark Tauscher, to the left side as a tight end.

  42. prostratedragon says:

    Funny how no one ever speculates on just what it was the fat lady was going to sing at the end …

        • phred says:

          All he’ll need is a top hat and a broom ; ) Enjoy your tropical paradise, but I’m looking forward to a bit of the white stuff out this way tomorrow. You can take the girl out of WI…

        • phred says:

          Why now that you mention it… : )

          Neil, how many of those iterations: shovel/shuttle/shuffle were coined by John Madden?

        • Neil says:

          Wish I knew, sounds like a word he’d mangle three times in the same sentence followed up with the word POW!

        • madmommy says:

          I always fear for the saftey of Madden’s broadcast partner. I’d bet they spend most of their time in the booth dodging Madden’s wild gesticulations.

        • madmommy says:

          Yep, it’s on NBC so that means the A-team of Madden and Michaels. Any change in the weather forcast in Foxborough?

        • phred says:

          It’s clear as a bell. Jags better bring their A-game or they’re toast. I’ll stick by my pick, but mainly I picked ‘em for the benefit of talkin’ a little trash. So to all Pats fans here… Good Luck!

          CTuttle — ABSOLUTELY! Go Gents!

        • Neil says:

          Weather looks good
          – 40F dropping to 35F
          – 0% probility of precip
          – Wind 2-4 mph
          – relative humidity 60%
          – 10-15% cloud cover

        • madmommy says:

          I don’t see the Pat’s losing this one. I’d like to see the G-men win tomorrow just so the pack can play again at Lambeau. Plus I can’t stand the Cowboys.

      • prostratedragon says:

        Hey, everything about that one fits from GB’s perspective! I think the Seahawks are starting to feel like Xmas dinner, though. (Oh-oh-oh, there goes that Grant again.)

    • phred says:

      And people wonder why I enjoy listening to Madden so much ; ) Well, that and the fact that he quit when they fired Pat Summerall. I thought Pat got a raw deal and I thought that was a decent thing Madden did to show his support.

      • bmaz says:

        Hey somebody get over here! I need some more whiskey and some chow. These chains are heavy man! Pats are on CBS folks; no Michaels/Madden.

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          bmazLazarus, puh-leeze do not ever go near a teevee in future when Seahawks are on the field.

          As for CTuttle @175 – unkind remarks about forks are uncalled for. I now need mine to eat crow, a dish that I’m told is ‘best eaten warm’. phred, please take note: crow now being eaten.

          bmaz, please be so kind as to send the hari kari blade up I-5 — via UPS or FedEx, take yer pick. Me an a few thousand Pacific Northwesterners feeling glum about our de-feathered birds. Will return it in time for you to use when Wazzu plays the Sun Devils next fall. (Hey, a gal’s gotta have something to live for ;-0

        • bmaz says:

          That would be at Frank Kush Field, Sun Devil Stadium, in lovely downtown Tempe. ASU is building their team pretty solid too. Have commitments from John Elway’s son at QB and a top15 recruiting class.

        • phred says:

          rOTL — glad to see you back : ) No need to eat crow on my part. Trust me when I tell you I totally understand football heartbreak.

          TexBesty — nice to see you here! You can join us for football anytime — especially if you’re rooting against the Cowboys ; )

        • phred says:

          Have a great time! When my nephew was little he had a pair of Dallas Cowboy sleepers that he would make a point to wear whenever I visited, just to make me crazy. He just started college last fall and evidently is dating a nice girl from Green Bay. Lo and behold, my dear nephew announced at Christmas that he has turned into a Packer fan. Funny how that happens ; )

        • CTuttle says:

          Heh, finally, he sees the light, eh? Where’s the Proprietrix? One would think she’d chime in… Or is she too busy gnawing her fingernails…? *g*

  43. madmommy says:

    Gotta love the Pack. Look at the stadium, the games over and the stands are still full, everyone’s partying.

    • Neil says:

      A progressive Texan who cheers for the Giants!? You’re not exactly one to follow the crowd, eh? I guess I gotta cheer for the Giants too… I’ve been a long time fan of both teams but Romo’s girlfriend pissed me off, TO is hobbled and I knew a guy who played for the Giants plus that’s where Belichick got his start in professional sports as defensive genius (first job out of Wesleyan? unpaid? breaking down film 20 hours a day?)

  44. Neil says:

    I’ve seen too much football to count anybody out but its true the Partiots have many, many weapons and it’s hard to see how they could lose. There is a way though. If the Jags control the ball with the ground game and score points every possession they can keep brady and the offense off the field. Add in a couple of poorly timed turnovers and we have a problem Houston. The Pats destroyed a few teams early in the season but not since. They win by a narrow margin and that’s playing it too close to the bone. Nope, it is not a done deal. The Pats are 0-0 and the Jags are 1-0. Let’s start from there.

  45. Neil says:

    Simms can read a defense with the best of them and he used to tell you what was going on. He was pretty good at deducing the offensive game plan too. I used to enjoy his color commentary becuase it had substance. Recently though, it purdy darn bad and I’m tired of it. Still, tonight its all about the football. Boo-Yaa!

  46. Neil says:

    Have commitments from John Elway’s son at QB and a top15 recruiting class

    Is he a baseball player just like dad too?

    • bmaz says:

      Don’t know, but we have a pretty darn good program there too if he is. Crikey, our basketball team is even coming on under second year coach Herb Sendek (came from NC State). Beat Arizona last Wednesday night (that is VERY rare here; hey not that many other teams beat them either though) and are 14-2 overall and 3-0 in Pac-10. It is a good time to be a Devil right now; we had some lean years for a while….

    • jayt says:

      Who’s rooting for the Pats to go down?

      As, apparently, the only Colts fan here – I. don’t. know.

      Jags are scary – Pats hard to beat at home. We could beat either team; but then again we could lose to either team.

      Basically, I’m rooting for the winning team to have lots of (not too serious) injuries.

    • Evolute says:

      Who’s rooting for the Pats to go down?

      I’m surfing the toobz with CTuttle remembering that North Shore break.

  47. bmaz says:

    Oh Neil, EW et. al. Fox Sports says:

    Atlanta (Falcons) has chosen Tom Dimitroff, the New England Patriots’ director of college scouting, as its new general manager, sources have told FOXSports.com.

  48. madmommy says:

    The Jags got a gift on the TD. Gerard’s knee was down, and it looked like BB was about to toss the hankie.

    I’d be happy with a Jags win, but on the other hand having the pats go all the way would shut Mercury Morris up for a while. A bonus.

  49. Neil says:

    After the Pats completed the long pass to Moss on third down, they rushed to the line to force the Jags to play with the same personnel, 3 man rush, 8 deep. The pass was a dump off to a back but still, the Pats want to make the Jags pay for loading up with 8 backs on obvious passing downs.

    The Jags D line is rushing the passer extremely well. they had one sack and one tackle for a loss on a run and they forced brady out on a fourth play. it was an eight play drive. I’d say the Jags are putting a lot of presure on thepats o-line.

  50. jayt says:

    why the heck are the jags only rushing three? Brady will eat ‘em alive unless they get a rush into his face.

  51. bmaz says:

    My condolences, this is tragic:

    A van carrying a Canadian high school boys’ basketball team collided with a truck Saturday, killing seven students and the coach’s wife on their way home from a game.

    Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sgt. Derek Strong said the seven players – between the ages of 15 and 18 – were pronounced dead at the crash site after their van crossed the center line and hit the tractor-trailer shortly after midnight.

    • emptywheel says:

      Glad to see you here, TexBetsy.

      Egregious just left…

      Now I’m trying to catch up and give my Pats some mojo. Thanks to you all for keeping the game even until I could tune in…

    • watercarrier4diogenes says:

      Amazing that Simms could even pronounce ‘nail-biter’. WHY does CBS inflict him upon everyone? Even his cliche’s are duds. And he rarely offers any kind of insight into what’s really going on on the field.

  52. emptywheel says:

    I gotta say, from what I’ve seen so far, this is a great game–precisely what I expected out of the Jags. Near perfection on both sides. A really really solid game with a lot of discipline.

    Now it’s time for the Pats to get busy, now that I’m watching…

  53. bmaz says:

    I tell you what, those Pats fans are awfully cocky. Why I hear they sometimes don’t even tune in to their games until midway through the third quarter because they know they are going to win and only want to be around for the celebration…..

  54. BooRadley says:

    This is where NE misses Roosevelt Colvin’s pass rush. They can stop the run, but they have a tough time putting pressure on the qb without blitzing and their db’s are not great.

  55. jayt says:

    ok – Colts beat Bolts tomorrow, and it’s off to N.E.

    Colts’ injury report (straight from my friend the barber for some of the coaches) – *everybody* is healthy, and will play.

    btw, did Randy Moss catch a pass today?

  56. BayStateLibrul says:

    I’d love to see the Packs and Patsies but I fear next week…
    You’d think I would have more confidence..

      • bmaz says:

        Well, yeah. I was almost wondering if HIS supermodel girlfriend was shakin it up in the stands or something like Jessica Simpson did for Romeo to make him go all wobbly…..

    • BooRadley says:

      Yeah, it’s really a shame too, the kid has some talent. If only he’d work a little harder and make something of himself.

  57. emptywheel says:

    Wow. That was a great half game. I’m putting my money in right now for the Jags–I do hope they’re back next year. While they weren’t the closest against the Pats, they sure aspired to perfection.

    I’m still cautious on next week–I assume we’ll see the Colts. I take a good deal of solace that Freeney’s out–if they had both Freeney and Sanders, I’d be really worried. Still worried, but in the meantime, go Bolts.

    And next week, at least, McCain and Mitt won’t be haunting my TV screen.

  58. Muzzy says:

    drat ! When i checked the weather report yesterday for GB, it said high of 34 and partly sunny. not. Good thing I don’t gamble my hard earned money, huh? My upset prediction looked brilliant in the first quarter, then it got silly with snow. I swear it snowed harder when Seattle had the ball. Because of this disturbance in the force, I fear a butterfly effect will quake my Cowboys tomorrow and give Favre another home game to shoot for the Super Bowl.

  59. radiofreewill says:

    Damn Good Football!

    The Jags definitely belonged in the playoffs, but Brady and the Pats were on fire! Rest assured, however, the Football Gods, and my mortal hide, will be pulling for either the Bolts or the Colts next week, because the Pats are a Cipher for BushCo and it would just be So Wrong if The Cheaters Win!

    The Pack, otoh, enjoyed a chummy day in a snow-dusted sandlot and kicked Seattle’s Ass! Pack Fans are the Best!

    The Colts have been getting it done this year without a lot of flash, reminicent of last year’s Title run, and they ought to be able to put away San Diego, but I sense the Bolts are going to have a rare Big Game when everyone on the Team comes to play and they get some luck, too.

    The Cowboys game all turns on the answer to the question – Where is Romo right now?

    Favre’s underhand pass was the play of the day, for me. And, as good as Brady was – he was Awesome! – I still give the Saturday Game Ball to Green Bay’s No. 20 – he was the King of the Beasts!

Comments are closed.