Markos likes the idea Mark Halperin claims is being floated.
–Michigan’s 156 delegates would be split 50-50 between Clinton and Obama.
–Florida’s existing delegates would be seated at the Denver convention—but with half a vote each. That would give Clinton a net gain of about 19 elected delegates.
– The two states’ superdelegates would then be able to vote in Denver, likely netting Clinton a few more delegates.
Now, any "solution" to the clusterfuck needs to fulfill one goal and ought to fulfill another. The goal it ought to fulfill is to swing the delegate counts in favor of momentum if, indeed, either candidate is picking up momentum (in other words, break open the close race for delegates). This solution might do that–if Florida’s and Michigan’s super-delegates swing heavily for one or another candidate (and they are currently swinging heavily for Hillary).
But the other–far more important–purpose for a "solution" to the clusterfuck is to enfranchise the voters who were screwed by their state’s clusterfuck, and to find a real measure of the support for Hillary and Obama in each state.
I won’t speak to Florida in this case–I’d rather leave that to Florida’s voters.
But consider how this work in MI. A recent Rasmussen poll actually found Hillary and Obama tied, 41-41 (though that obviously means there are a lot of undecideds). So the 50-50 split wouldn’t be terrible–except that it would transform a meaningless vote into an equally meaningless vote. It would, once again, deprive Michiganders of working to elect their favored candidate. It would deprive Michiganders of actually having a voice that mattered.
Which would mean the super-delegates would have a voice that mattered that much more, since the possibility of dirty fucking hippy citizens affecting the vote would be nullified.
Only super-delegates would get a meaningful vote.
But those are precisely the geniuses who got us into the Clusterfuck in the first place! So you punish the dirty fucking citizens of Michigan, by withholding their ability to cast a meaningful vote. And meanwhile, you make the super-delegate votes more powerful!
I think non-Michiganders simply don’t get the levels of raw anger present here–anger directed at these same super-delegates who, according to this genius "solution," would pawn off the punishment for the super-delegates own Clusterfuck on ordinary voters.
This "solution" is not a solution at all. It allows the super-delegates to avoid all punishment for their rashness. But it still leaves Michigan voters–the ones we’ll Read more →