Bam!!! CIA Scores Direct Hit on the Unitary Executive!

At least that’s what I take from this quote:

In the e-mail version of the Politico Playbook this morning, Mike Allen quotes “a senior administration official” lamenting that “they should have burned the NIE and kept the tapes.” The official was referring to the administration’s debacles with the intelligence community since the new NIE on Iran was released and the CIA revealed that it had destroyed videotaped interrogations.

In the month of December, CIA 2, Dick Cheney 0.

  1. drational says:

    I always figured blaming the IC for the Iraq propaganda runup would be repaid in full. Piss off the soup Nazi and “No more soup for you!”

  2. bigbrother says:

    Was Plame the only agent compromised? Was the last two decades of intell personell shake up helpful to them in doing their job. The intell community like so many branches of government split on many issues like torture vs interogation or foriegn policy. Do the intel cowboys drive the traditional career intell staff bugf—? Is it hair raising to live on the razors edge with no one guarding your back? Is Bush a Muffkin loose cannon filled with high explosives? Does a bear live in the woods?
    How can a country as heavily armed and dangerous as the USA not put a leach on the madd dog?

  3. looseheadprop says:

    Dick Cheney is a fool. He pissed off people (the CIA) who are specficallt trained in using iformation to bring down governmennts. ANd worse, he fucked with Jim COmey, a guyI would NEVER want mad at me.

    • Phoenix Woman says:

      Dick Cheney is a fool. He pissed off people (the CIA) who are specficallt trained in using iformation to bring down governmennts. ANd worse, he fucked with Jim COmey, a guyI would NEVER want mad at me.

      Cheney’s a classic shark. He’s not particularly bright or talented, but he compensates by cheating and cutting ethical corners (to put it mildly) so he can build up a big enough pile of dough to shield him from the effects of his own actions.

      This is obvious in his approach to his health. He’s been having heart attacks since his late thirties, but he hasn’t done diddly to improve his lifestyle; he thinks he can buy his way out of trouble healthwise just as he tries to do in every other aspect of his life.

  4. merkwurdiglieber says:

    The language of the quote has that ED sufferer’s ring to it and, as of
    now, institutional insubordination at CIA and the military are the only
    effective opposition we have… which makes it all the more likely that
    Israel will act “unilaterally” and force the US to respond, it is all they have left.

  5. Phoenix Woman says:

    Bigbrother: Plame almost certainly wasn’t the only agent compromised. For one thing, she wasn’t just a NOC, she was in charge of the very CIA network of operatives tasked with investigating whether Saddam still had usable WMD from the stockpiles Reagan and Rumsfeld gave him in the 1980s and early ’90s. When she was outed, that entire network was destroyed, and any Iraqis or other field workers who were known to have dealt with her were probably killed by insurgents.

    • BayStateLibrul says:

      Outing CIA agents cost lives.
      Waterboarding saves lives?
      Recommend that George Mitchell be appointed as Special Prosecutor to
      nail these fuckers…

  6. Glorfindel says:

    I wonder if Porter Goss is a little worried…didn’t he make a lot of enemies among the career professionals at CIA (the ones that didn’t resign)? And remind me: what was the reason for his hasty departure from the spook house?

    • LS says:

      “The House’s contempt citations name Bolten and former White House Counsel Harriet Miers, who also refused to testify.”

      They got Harriet too.

      Do they have to have a simple majority or 60 votes?

    • bmaz says:

      Excellent. But don’t discount the ability of Hanoi Harry Reid to screw this up for the full floor vote. DiFi will be helping him all the way.

      • Rayne says:

        Yes, we need a full-court press on every single Dem and on leaners.

        I am wondering whether this is a broadside against the unitary executive theory, in general, trying to breach the compartmentalization and firewalling of plausible deniability. A week ago this might not have had a chance; in the wake of the NIE and the missing tapes, it stands a better chance of working. Could be why it was delayed, gives Specter cover now that he can point to fresher examples of the misdeeds of the White House including its SAO’s.

    • bobschacht says:

      “FINALLY: Senate Judiciary votes 12-7 to hold Rove, Bolten in contempt”…..ntempt.php

      The boo-birds always talk about this as a futile activity– but during Watergate, didn’t they ask for “expedited review” or some such?

      No wonder the Republican meme about Democrats being weak on defense gets such traction. Its the first three words that the public remembers:
      * Democrats are afraid (that if they vote to cut off funding for the war they will look weak on defense)

      * Democrats are afraid (that if they vote for contempt citations, the proceedings will be tied up in court for the remainder of Bush’s term in office.)

      * Democrats are afraid (that if they start impeachment proceedings, they don’t have the votes to succeed.)

      etc. etc.

      So what does the public remember?
      Democrats are afraid

      When is the last time you’ve read the words “Republicans are afraid” anywhere in the MSM?

      Bob in HI

      • looseheadprop says:

        So what does the public remember?
        Democrats are afraid

        I have a post comming up sometime today about what the fearful Dems (and all of us) can to vanquish Boagarts in th eCloset or Monsters under the Bed (like the Unitary executive or Deadeye Dick)

        • bobschacht says:

          “I have a post comming up sometime today about what the fearful Dems (and all of us) can to vanquish Boagarts in th eCloset or Monsters under the Bed (like the Unitary executive or Deadeye Dick)”

          Good! I’ll look forward to that!

          Bob in HI

  7. BayStateLibrul says:

    Breaking news…

    Bush on the Mitchell Report: “I can only assure you, once again, that I have never used performance enhancing drugs and, for proof, I offer you my performance.”

  8. Minnesotachuck says:

    lhp @ 13, ls @ 11: I just finished reading Enter the Past Tense, a memoir of a guy who was recruited out of the NROTC program at Purdue his freshman year to become a CIA contract assassin. He hit 18 people over the course of 30 years while in deep cover in a variety of jobs (federal gov, education and private sector), as well as an entrepreneurial venture or two. His first hits, in the 1972-1973 time frame while ostensibly traveling the Hippie Trail to India and back, were on drug movers in Kabul and Istanbul who had apparently had some relationship with the agency but had in some way gone off the reservation.

  9. perris says:

    I always figured blaming the IC for the Iraq propaganda runup would be repaid in full. Piss off the soup Nazi and “No more soup for you!”

    there is a “cia b”, an organization put together by cheney just to make up whatever he wanted to make up, you MUST read this;

    snippet below but I am amazed I had never heard about this till yesterday

    and I have always prided myself on at least having a clue as to what is really going on, it is not acceptable someone like me never heard these facts

    and I am among many, there are SO many more progressives, SO many more people that THINK the president and cheney lied us into war

    this article PROVES the point and we really need to get this viral, EVERYONE should know this story and cheney, bush and rumsfeld need to be embarrassed with it

    seems to me right up the alley of scarecrow and I am hoping you guys can get this viral.

    snippet below;

    In 1972, President Richard Nixon returned from the Soviet Union with a treaty worked out by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the beginning of a process Kissinger called “détente.” On June 1, 1972, Nixon gave a speech in which he said:
    “Last Friday, in Moscow, we witnessed the beginning of the end of that era which began in 1945. With this step, we have enhanced the security of both nations. We have begun to reduce the level of fear, by reducing the causes of fear—for our two peoples, and for all peoples in the world.”
    But Nixon left amid scandal and Ford came in, and Ford’s Secretary of Defense (Donald Rumsfeld) and Chief of Staff (Dick Cheney) believed it was intolerable that Americans might no longer be bound by fear. Without fear, how could Americans be manipulated? And how could billions of dollars taken as taxes from average working people be transferred to the companies that Rumsfeld and Cheney – and their cronies – would soon work for and/or run?
    Rumsfeld and Cheney began a concerted effort – first secretly and then openly – to undermine Nixon’s treaty for peace and to rebuild the state of fear.
    They did it by claiming that the Soviets had a new secret weapon of mass destruction that the president didn’t know about, that the CIA didn’t know about, that nobody knew about but them. It was a nuclear submarine technology that was undetectable by current American technology. And, they said, because of this and related-undetectable-technology weapons, the US must redirect billions of dollars away from domestic programs and instead give the money to defense contractors for whom these two men would one day work or have businesses relationships with.
    The CIA strongly disagreed, calling Rumsfeld’s position a “complete fiction” and pointing out that the Soviet Union was disintegrating from within, could barely afford to feed their own people, and would collapse within a decade or two if simply left alone.
    As Dr. Anne Cahn, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from 1977 to 1980, told the BBC’s Adam Curtis for his documentary “The Power of Nightmares”:
    “They couldn’t say that the Soviets had acoustic means of picking up American submarines, because they couldn’t find it. So they said, well maybe they have a non-acoustic means of making our submarine fleet vulnerable. But there was no evidence that they had a non-acoustic system. They’re saying, ‘we can’t find evidence that they’re doing it the way that everyone thinks they’re doing it, so they must be doing it a different way. We don’t know what that different way is, but they must be doing it.’
    “INTERVIEWER (off-camera): Even though there was no evidence.
    “CAHN: Even though there was no evidence.
    “INTERVIEWER: So they’re saying there, that the fact that the weapon doesn’t exist…
    “CAHN: Doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. It just means that we haven’t found it.”
    But Rumsfeld and Cheney wanted Americans to believe there was something nefarious going on, something we should be very afraid of. To this end, they convinced President Ford to appoint a commission including their old friend Paul Wolfowitz to prove that the Soviets were up to no good.
    Wolfowitz’s group, known as “Team B,” came to the conclusion that the Soviets had developed several terrifying new weapons of mass destruction, featuring a nuclear-armed submarine fleet that used a sonar system that didn’t depend on sound and was, thus, undetectable with our current technology. It could – within a matter of months – be off the coast of New York City with a nuclear warhead.

      • perris says:

        it would seem to me it was

        but there it is, that’s what cheney and rumsfeld do

        they don’t want peace and they invent threats when peace is at hand so there won’t be peace

        I am amazed that story wasn’t splashed all over the internet when we were running up to the war in Iraq

        I am amazed I did not know that story till last week

        I think that story needs to be revisited as if it was just broken yesterday

        • bmaz says:

          I must be getting old, but knowledge of this story has been around an awful long time; and I recall it being discussed by those suspicious of the Cheney/Rummy/Feith custom intel shop at, and prior to, Iraq invasion. These words from your comment at 31 just about sum up the historical credibility and level of rationality of the Cheney led neocon’s intelligence positions and propaganda:

          …used a sonar system that didn’t depend on sound…

          As you now know, they rinsed and repeated for Iraq, and were well on their way to doing so with Iran with the “They must have WMD/Nukes because we can’t find them; they are further advanced and double dangerous if they can secrete them so we can detect no evidence”. Of note, that is the Israeli/neocon meme being used as we speak to push back against the latest NIE.

    • bobschacht says:

      “Team B” of course is what Rumsfeld and Cheney set up in 2001, with Doug Feith in charge, in an office in the Pentagon. They browbeat Team A into giving them all the raw intelligence– every Curve Ball nut job that came in over the transom at night– and they did their own cherry-picking. Of course it was never “intelligence” work– it was all Spin-doctoring gussied up as intelligence. They’d do the same thing as currently passes for “balanced” news– any nut job gets equal weight against professional evaluation of evidence, and reported as if equal in merit.

      Bob in HI

  10. Neil says:

    Cheney and the radical neocon enablers are not done yet but their control and influence is definetly trending downward. Amen to that. May more serious career folks in government grow a pair and continue to expose the fraud at every turn.

    • perris says:

      Cheney and the radical neocon enablers are not done yet but their control and influence is definetly trending downward. Amen to that. May more serious career folks in government grow a pair and continue to expose the fraud at every turn.

      but just look at what they’ve done, they’ve ruined our integrity for generations

      there are actually Americans now who think it’s fine and dandy to torture, they’ve turned the common man into accepting fascists and fascism and they’ve created a generation of defeatist enablers

      • LS says:

        But those that think torture is okay, are very much in the minority. Somehow, the MSM and the repukes keep acting like they are in the majority. It boggles the mind, but they are not.

        • perris says:

          the mere fact that they are discussing it as if there should be a debate

          that’s what’s demoralizing to me, they they act like it’s even debatable

          this is what they do, they create the image of a dialog to give the illusion that there is opinion

          and when people think there is an opinion involved it gives them license to accept the unacceptable

        • LS says:

          Exactly. They play the fear card over and over and over…and some play into it…but, it’s getting old for most people, I believe.

          That is why they need some new “juice”…to drum up the fear for real again…so they can stay in control…even so, I still believe most people are suspicious enough to not buy it hook, line, and sinker, again…

        • perris says:

          That is why they need some new “juice”…to drum up the fear for real again…so they can stay in control

          I keep saying this;

          does anyone actually believe they are amassing this power for hillary?

          for a democrat?

          and no, they haven’t “deluded themselves” like they did in the midterm elections, they know as a fact they are not likely to win the presidential election

          so I ask you again, does anyone think they are amassing this power for hillary?

          no, they are not

          I believe there is going to be another “event”, or they have the elections rigged one way or another

          they will possibly suspend congress, the constitution, elections

          pakistan was a trial balloon of course

          I say fasten seat belts

        • Neil says:

          I say fasten seat belts

          I wouldn’t be suprised. The climate has changed. It would be hard to pull off. Don’t fear.

        • LS says:

          I agree. Maybe that is partially why some of this CIA stuff is coming out now, because I’m sure they don’t want a continuation of these bozos. There are good people in the CIA, and we know they don’t like Dickaroony.

          I have zero doubt that their agenda from…forever…has been a complete and permanent takeover of the country. They are not there yet though, and I think they will fail or have already failed to adequately execute their agenda…once again. Good thing they are getting older!!

          Edwards, for one, keeps saying Neocons, Neocons, Neocons, and I’m really glad he’s using it. The word and its connotation really need to make it into the average American household as a “negative”; and in that sense, I think that has happened. It has a slight mental association with Neonazi…and, in fact,…that is exactly what they are. Perhaps, the message needs to be refined into that context…rather than associating “skinheads” with Neonazi…the true definition of Neocon and its direct association with fascism, needs to be made more concrete and used often. Afterall, that is what the truth really is.

      • Neil says:

        The only way it gets sorted out in the long run is if our better values in government and public policy stand.

        Are Germans today regarded as a genocidal people? No, They are not. The path back will be difficult and not without thorny obstacles. I think we’ll get there.

    • BobbyG says:

      Beware the “false flag” ruse possibly upcoming in the wake of the NIE. Israel starts some shit with Iran, which then prompts the retaliatory strike providing “justification” for Bu’ush joining the fray in “defense of our ally.”

      • LS says:

        Agree. So, if we think they are capable of a false flag operation, why won’t people acknowledge that they probably already did a biggy…I just don’t get that.

      • brendanx says:

        You’ll see a (limited) coup if that happens; Cheney will be removed from office. Meanwhile, Congress will pass a resolution in support of Israel.

      • LS says:

        Of course it was, thanks for reminding me…it is a profound truth, and coming from Senior’s mouth, it makes it all the more obvious, since he plays “good cop” to his son…yet, they are all the same…what is black is white, etc.



  11. BillE says:

    The neo cons have made an art form of trying to make a target prove a negative is false. Against Saddam it was just because Blix didn’t find anything didn’t mean they don’t have it. Its been part of the playbook for years.

    • Neil says:

      The neo cons have made an art form of trying to make a target prove a negative is false. Against Saddam it was just because Blix didn’t find anything didn’t mean they don’t have it.

      That’s right. When the CIA didn’t find conclusive evidence of Iraq WMD, Feith’s office in DOD recycled discredited and discarded scraps of Intel and used it to make the case for war. When the WMD failed to materialize north, south, east and west of wherever BushCo blames the intelligence community.

  12. sailmaker says:

    I wonder what happened to the tapes of the torture of John Walker Linde (The American Taliban)? Not holding my breath waiting for them to surface.

  13. mamayaga says:

    In regards to public and media acceptance of torture, remember that our culture has been pre-conditioned for this for years. A lot of action movies, tv shows (24, anyone?), etc present torture as effective and morally justified. This goes way back, so that many Americans grew up with these assumptions about torture and have not had to adjust their attitudes a bit since it became official government policy. Remember also that we have tolerated torture since forever in our prisons, jails, and holding cells.

  14. radiofreewill says:

    Rove, Miers and Bolten

    If they talk, Bush and Cheney are Toast for Obstruction of Justice over Torture, Domestic Surveillance, PIN, Siegelman, the Sex Slave Island, Tillman, Firing the USAs, Outing a National Security Assett, Lying US into War on an Innocent Nation, Ruining Worldwide Trust in the Dollar, etc, etc.

    If they don’t talk, We should Impeach for Blocking Criminal Investigations.

    Why won’t the Dems take a stand on this…and Lead with Moral Courage?

      • looseheadprop says:

        Moral courage or ONE person (like Fitz, Comey, etc) to step up

        They already did and did their part, it’s our job now

        • perris says:

          the democrats are like the blacksox, they are blowing the game and doing it on purpose

          it is mind boggling to me pelosi is not doing something about this administration, I am so disilusioned

        • klynn says:

          I keep asking why isn’t Pelosi et al doing something about this administration? What’s threatening enough to not lead on impeachment?

        • perris says:

          worst case scenario it could even be a threat of some sort, personal or regional…possibly national

          something like;

          you want elections?…no impeachment…you want congress to remain in session?…no impeachment

          man, think of the possibilities

          are they THAT depraved?

        • BayStateLibrul says:

          “Moral courage or ONE person (like Fitz, Comey, etc) to step up

          They already did and did their part, it’s our job now”

          See your point but I must agree to disagree.

          Without the testimony of Radomski, the Steroid Report may have died
          a slow death.
          All I’m saying is if Fitzy or Comey know that Bush/Cheney lied, I think they should come forward…
          Maybe they don’t know, and maybe I’m wrong, but all evidence leads to the
          White House and VEEP…

        • looseheadprop says:

          All I’m saying is if Fitzy or Comey know that Bush/Cheney lied, I think they should come forward…

          What makes you think they haven’t? just cause it’s not in the press?

          We recently found out that PatFitz already (and w/o press coverage) turned over a bunch of his investigative file to Waxman.

          WHen Comey testifed about the hopstial scene it was obvious that Schumer already knew the story. How many other stories do you think have been told in staff interviews?

          Just because it has not come out in the public sphere, does not mean that they did not speak up tothe proper authorities (Congress). If Congress refuses to act, ….?

          They have no way of know if they will impede the covert part of a Congressional investigation by running to the press if they get impatient waiting for Congress to act publicly. COgressional investigations are not ALL about public hearings

  15. brendanx says:

    Speaking of “neocons”, Vanity Fair has an article about their multiple genocidal partition plans for the Middle East, “Lines in the Sand” (print only, no link), in which Dennis Ross, David Fromkin, Pollack and someone else discuss, in a soothing pseudo-academic tone, the “natural divisions” of the region, complete with a map that unnervingly echoes that crazy Ralph Peters one:

  16. randiego says:

    Tangentially OT, but did anyone see this diary on the crashed CIA plane over at Kos yesterday?

    I’m sort of an airplane nut, and I’ve always been fascinated at the way the airplane geeks (spotters) have been tracking the planes involved in rendition flights. Then one of them turns up crashed in Mexico with 6 tons on Bolivian Pixie Dust on board!…../19210/608

        • merkwurdiglieber says:

          It never stopped, it just went underground for a while in the go go 90s,
          hosted itself in the phalanx of righty think tanks, then staffed the
          Dub Administration and picked up exactly where they left off… same crew
          with some newbies like Condi for billboards.

        • merkwurdiglieber says:

          What with the total lack of support from the MSM and his own paper,and
          anomalies surrounding the suicide finding, it is possible he had some
          assistance in his untimely death. Conspiracy theory is the usual pejorative
          rejoinder, but there are interests, in the Madisonian sense, that operate
          in our politics, not always overtly. Remember in 1963 the Mafia was a myth
          as was much we know about the “national security state” and it’s arrangements and allies.

  17. perris says:

    those of you that haven’t read the link in my first post, you really have to read that but here it is in a nut shell

    nixon brokered an incredible peace threaty with the russians.

    rumsfeld and cheney were LIVID and thought that would undermine power here in the states if there was no fear

    so they INVENTED a new fear, INSISTED it was more dangerous then anything we’ve seen

    the cia said unequivicably


    but cheney and rumsfeld had their “cia b” that gave us the fear they needed

    that is what happened in Iraq ladies and gentlemen

    it’s what cheney does everytime he goes on teevee too, he’s still at it and I am just amazed he’s not called on it

    democrats need to call him on that story and just plain call him a liar, a war monguer, a war profiteer and a liar

    and site his record of same

  18. maryo2 says:

    For timeline –

    On September 13, 2004 the Fourth Circuit ruled that the defense had to have some access to captured terrorist suspects.

    On March 21, 2005 the Supreme Court left the Fourth Circuit ruling intact.

    The torture tapes were destroyed after this ruling, possibly in November.


    • Hmmm says:

      On September 13, 2004 the Fourth Circuit ruled that the defense had to have some access to captured terrorist suspects.

      On March 21, 2005 the Supreme Court left the Fourth Circuit ruling intact.

      April 30, 2005: Comey resignation announced.


  19. maryo2 says:

    New mary. I am known as mo2 or motheroftwo on other sites, but FDL requires 4-character ids. My name is Mary. Age 38, in Oregon.

  20. radiofreewill says:

    Torture, for it’s Practitioners and Enablers, is the Ebola of the Human Mind.

    Party Loyalty won’t stand long when The Bush Taint gets close enough to touch them.

    It’s the same way with Snakes. Most people are okay with them – until, that is, they get too close.

    • TheraP says:

      Your term is so apt:

      Torture… Ebola of the Human Mind

      As you say:

      for it’s Practitioners and Enablers

      Also for its victims, of course.

  21. BillE says:

    OT – did anyone pick up on this cia-agent-reveals-highly-classified at balkinization

    The first comment is right on in my mind. The Cheneyites think Jack Bauer of 24 is real hero( Scalia !!! ). The media are already saying the guy did the torture, like Jack, and he doesn’t actually admit to anything.

  22. maryo2 says:

    Yeah. Privacy is not an issue any more. What can an individual do about it? After some of the stuff I have typed on this here net, … But thank you for trying to help me protect myself from my own stupidity. I work in electronic security so I should know better. Dang!

  23. perris says:


    Conservative Military Journal Slams Giuliani And Mukasey’s ‘Tacit Support For Waterboarding’

    BOY, military, cia, ag’s, all pushing back against these despots


    anyway, more snippet

    Let AFJ be crystal clear on a subject where these men are opaque: Waterboarding is a torture technique that has its history rooted in the Spanish Inquisition. In 1947, the U.S. prosecuted a Japanese military officer for carrying out a form of waterboarding on a U.S. civilian during World War II.

    Waterboarding inflicts on its victims the terror of imminent death. And as with all torture techniques, it is, therefore, an inherently flawed method for gaining reliable information. In short, it doesn’t work. That blunt truth means all U.S. leaders, present and future, should be clear on the issue.


    some sanity

  24. maryo2 says:

    Thursday, March 4, 2004 – Ashcroft hospitalized
    Wednesday, March 10, 2004 – Card and Gonzales pile on ailing Ashcroft at the hospital
    November 11, 2004 – Bush nominated Gonzales to replace Ashcroft
    February 3, 2005 – US Senate confimed Gonzales 60-36, signaling that Congress will not interfere with Bush’s reign of terror
    April 20, 2005 – Comey announced resignation as Deputy US Attorney, number 2 under Gonzales.

    Hmmm @ 100, do you see another motive for Comey’s resignation other than simply because he saw the Gonzales confirmation as proof that he would find no support in Congress for challenges to illegal wiretapping, removal of habeaus corpus rights and torture?

    • Hmmm says:

      I hadn’t noticed the SCOTUS resolution to the access-to-prisoners issue before (thanks to you for that, I agree it belongs in the timeline). Maybe once Comey saw that defense atty’s were going to get that, the torture cat would inevitably be let out of the bag eventually, and as a result, he’d be toast.

      I just had another sorta OT thought. What if the (much later) re-appearance of the destroyed interrogation recordings happened because they were transmitted over the internet, and The Program scooped them up?


  25. maryo2 says:

    On more time, this time with the two above dates included. This looks like maybe Comey stuck around until after the Supreme Court had upheld the Fourth Circuit Court just to be sure that there was a check and balance on military tribunals.

    Thursday, March 4, 2004 – Ashcroft hospitalized
    Wednesday, March 10, 2004 – Card and Gonzales pile on ailing Ashcroft at the hospital
    On September 13, 2004 the Fourth Circuit ruled that the defense had to have some access to captured terrorist suspects.
    November 11, 2004 – Bush nominated Gonzales to replace Ashcroft
    February 3, 2005 – US Senate confimed Gonzales 60-36, signaling that Congress will not interfere with Bush’s reign of terror
    On March 21, 2005 the Supreme Court left the Fourth Circuit ruling intact.
    April 20, 2005 – Comey announced resignation as Deputy US Attorney, number 2 under Gonzales.

    • bmaz says:

      Whoo boy Brendan, that case is a bizarre piece of work eh? Appears from the WaPo article that we are ginning up a case of money laundering and influencing foreign elections as to Antoinini and the four coming to talk to him and using the fact that they came here to talk to him as an “overt act” under a conspiracy theory. This, if true, is totally bogus; but you know our fearless leaders never miss an opportunity to screw with Hugo Chavez. And make total asses of themselves and our country. That is my best guess anyway…..