“I Was Under Sedation”
That was the answer John Ashcroft gave to Kathleen when she asked him whether David Addington called Ashcroft’s wife to pressure her to let Alberto Gonzales and Andy Card into Ashcroft’s hospital room, or whether Dick Cheney called personally.
Give Ashcroft credit for this–it’s a new twist on that old favorite: "No Comment."
But real kudos to Kathleen for asking the question we all want answered…
I asked Former Attorney GeneralJohn Ashcroft EW’s question "did President Bush call your wife directlyto tell her that Gonzales and Andrew Card were on the way to thehospital" I then asked "or was it Vice President Cheney or DavidAddington" He answered as he peered down at the stage "I was undersedation".
His talk at the Univ of Colorado was focused on 9/!!, terroist andhow we will deal with this "paradigm" shift in the threat to the U.S.He was still pushing we are the best country in the world "we’re numberone" propaganda. Repeating that the reason that they hate us is due toour liberty. Sure the opposite of what Micheal Scheuer(the resignedhead of the Osama bin Laden unit who has said they hate us because ofour policies, military bases and the unbridled support of Israel nomatter what they do.
Ashcroft and Scheuer’s thinking are miles apart.
The Univ of Colorado audience were rowdy and disrespectful at times. This left less time for pertinent questions.
" I was under sedation" Yeah right