CIA Contractor Fired for Stating Waterboarding Is Torture

My post on Armitage forced me to wade through the archives, where I saw this post.

On July 13, Christine Axsmith posted this on her blog on the CIA’s confidential intranet, Intelink.

Waterboarding is torture, and torture is wrong.

Not to mention ineffective.  Econo-Girl has serious doubts as to whether European lives were  saved.

Econo-Girl’spurpose in writing this blog is to start a dialog on the GenevaConvention, since it now applies to the Department of Defense again.Guess it’s not quaint anymore, eh?

Over the next few weeks,Econo-Girl would like to post articles about the Geneva Convention,like its origin and major provisions. Legal analysis is not the magicsome would have you believe.

If the grunts and paper pushers are knowledgeable, the anti-torture infrastructure will be strengthened.

On July 13, her blog was taken down and her security badge taken away. Fewer than 890 people read the post.

On July 17, she was fired from her job with CIA contractor BAE Systems and she lost her Top Secret security clearance (hat tip to Laura Rozen for the links).

Given our new Attorney General’s inability to make the same clear statement, I thought it deserved to be posted again.