November 9, 2007 / by emptywheel


If Ever You Needed Proof that Pseudonymity Anonymity Hysteria Is Bunk

DBJ at DKos, relating Karl Rove’s speech about "Citizen 2.0" in DC yesterday, makes a good point. When a man who has used the cover of being an anonymous source to leak a CIA operative’s identity–not to mention untold other smears–complains that commenters online can be anonymous pseudonymous, it pretty much discredits that complaint once and for all.

Then it got surreal. 

Karl Rove is angry that the internet is a place where people canpost anonymously.  He feels it hurts our democracy to have people saythings but not put their names to them.  The anonymity gives people away to say things but not take responsibility for them.

Yes.  Mr. Out-the-CIA-Agent-To-Douchebag-Of-Liberty-Novakula is upset because the internet allows for anonymity. 

After all, most people who comment anonymously pseudonymously online do so in an effort to protect their job and their family from people like Karl Rove. Karl Rove, on the other hand, uses anonymity to cowardly
hide his central involvement in nasty smears.

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