Oh Madame Secretary…?

In an email to Laura Rozen and Jeff Lomonaco this morning, I predicted Henry Waxman would be mightily interested in the news that the Blackwater guards involved in the September 16 shooting had been granted immunity.

In any case, I suspect Condi will regret that she didn’t mention thiswhen visiting Congress last week. I assume we’ll have a letter fromWaxman at about 1:00 PM today.

Sure enough, at 1:23, the Committee sent out the letter.

Apparently, Waxman wrote it before CNN started reporting yet more anonymous sources saying the whole thing is a big joke, that the guards didn’t get immunity. Or rather, they try to dodge the issue by pretending the claim pertained to blanket immunity (which it never did).

No blanket immunity deal was offered to Blackwater guards for theirstatements regarding a shootout in Iraq last month that left 17 Iraqicivilians dead, two senior State Department officials told CNN Tuesday.

However, some kind of limited immunity was apparently offered by StateDepartment investigators when they questioned the Blackwater personnelapparently involved in the shootings, the officials said.

In any case, Waxman (as you’d expect) asks the money question:

5. When did you, Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, former Assistant Secretary of
State Richard Griffin, Ambassador David Satterfield, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker
leam of the grant of immunity?

Given that the whole theme of Condi’s testimony before Waxman’s committee had to do with cover-ups, I imagine Waxman is very interested in learning whether Condi or Griffin or Satterfield neglected to tell the committee this little detail when they testified.