They’re Scared

I’m watching the HJC hearing on politicized prosecutions. And boy, have the Republicans come loaded for bear, on two counts. First, the Republicans attempted to insinuate that Jill Simpson’s allegations about the Don Siegelman prosecution must be false because she did not testify publicly today. Congressman Forbes repeated a tactic Republicans used when Valerie Wilson testified before Waxman’s committee–suggesting that Simpson "be referred" to DOJ for investigation.  Congressman Davis rebutted Forbes’ allegations, pointing out that Forbes was wrong when he alleged that Simpson’s affidavit had no proof.

In particular, Davis focused on the affidavits from Rob Riley and two others, which the committee just received today. I expect we’ll get those affidavits in the near future. But on one count, it’s clear that the affidavits are rebutted by the facts: all three Alabama Republicans claim there was no phone conference at which Simpson heard politicized discussions about Siegelman. Yet Simpson’s phone records prove that there was such a call, involving at least Rob Riley.

The other line of attack the Republicans pursued was to attack Dick Thorburgh (who testified that one of the cases Mary Beth Buchanan pursued was irregular). Congressman Cannon spent all of his time haranguing Thornburgh, repeatedly saying that the sole reason the cameras were at the hearing today was that he was there, a Republican ex-Attorney General. Further, Republicans repeatedly insinuated that Thornburgh was simply trying to win a case.

On the Thornburgh case, it’s worth remembering that he and Rove have a history. Rove sued Thornburgh to get paid for campaign work he did in 1991 when Thornburgh had run to replace John Heinz. The case went all the way to the Fifth Circuit and Thornburgh had to pay $310,000 to Rove. The lesson the book Bush’s Brain takes from the Thornburgh-Rove conflict was:

Don’t mess with Karl Rove.

It appears that the few Republicans who are representing their side in this hearing are trying to follow that rule themselves.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I was struck by the intensity and anger of the Republicans, too, EW, on just the turfs you mention. The attacks on both Simpson and Thornburgh shocked me — Forbes especially seems to have no regard for facts, for evidence, not to mention lives and reputations.

    Artur Davis is brilliant, though. I don’t wonder that so many of his colleagues yielded their time to him.

  2. emptywheel says:

    It’s very dangerous for them, that they’ve got two lifelong Republicans reporting this kind of abuse. And they’re more interested in attacking Thornburgh and saving Rove. It’s a testament to how dangerous the underlying charges are.

  3. randiego says:

    OT – pretty crazy here. 350,000 evacuated, 1000 homes destroyed. We’ve been ordered to participate in a conf call with Bush. No one volunteered, so we’re sending the Sales guy we all hate.

  4. Anonymous says:

    randiega, please tell me that was supposed to be funny because there’s coffee spew all over my keyboard now.

    I just saw at the Nat’l Fire Interagency website that there’s a fire named â€Rice†that is closing in on Oceanside & Pendleton. Thought of the San Onofre nuclear facility. And it looks like Blackwater won’t have to be doing any brush clearing for the new compound….

  5. Jay says:

    Where are you / were you watching that? It’s not on C-Span and I couldn’t access it on the House Judiciary site.

  6. randiego says:

    actually, the biggest fire started in Potrero, which is where Blackwater is trying to locate. San Onofre isn’t in any danger (yet). And the thing about Bush is true.

  7. emptywheel says:


    I WAS watching on House Judiciary. It ended around 1:30 or so.


    What was the topic of the mandatory conference call? The fire? Or something else? Or the impact of the fire on your company’s work?

  8. P J Evans says:

    Yeah, George has produced an emergency declaration. D. Hunter has talked someone into providing some C-130s, including one that can drop water or fire-retardant (and who and how I’ll leave for others’ speculation).

  9. Anonymous says:

    Randiego – We got half of Diego over here already, so if you need to escape to Phoenix, I got you covered; come on over. The agave is on ice and the margarita glasses ready for action.

  10. randiego says:

    bmaz – thanks I’m all good. I’m in central SD core near the beach – we’ll be fine.

    EW – not about the company. The subject will be the emergency response by our customer, the County of SD. Also, we’re helping FEMA setup some post-event response centers – not sure if that’s part of it.

    Also – a dozen homes gone in Poway – they are all evacuated. Rancho Bernardo is MUCH worse, at least 100 homes gone.

  11. Anonymous says:

    damn. my audio recording of the hearing dropped out after about 2 hours. does anyone have a complete file?

  12. emptywheel says:

    I saw that–my corner of Poway actually appears to be untouched (I lived just a little southwest of Poway High, close to Brent Wilkes’ house though not inside â€the gateâ€).


    I didn’t record it, sorry.

  13. randiego says:

    EW – sorry for hijacking your thread.

    Here’s a collection of links if you’re interested.…..hp?t=79354

    In those forums, under the Wildfire 2007 heading, you’ll find at least one link blaming Democrats for the fires, and I just saw another one titled â€Wildfires shouldn’t allow our immigration laws to be ignored and border unenforced!â€

  14. Anonymous says:

    All Diegans and and misplaced Diegans enjoying the thought of winter in Wolverine land are welcome. Consider it payback for what the Zonies from here do to you all in the summer……

  15. Anonymous says:

    thanks anyway, EW… maybe someone will turn up with a copy. i can’t be the only one who times shifts listening to congressional hearings by ripping mp3s?

  16. sojourner says:

    Gosh, Jodi, I guess everyone here is speechless! Are you saying that Karl is responsible for the fires on the west coast? Is he retaliating or something? I know! I’ve got it! He set the fires so Bush can direct the disaster recovery and try to improve his image. I am willing to bet that there will be news crews on hand to capture him putting out the last flames…

  17. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Sojourner, you forgot to stipulate that Bu$h will give a short speech explaining that wildfires and drought have nothing — not a thing! — to do with Global Warming. The heat and lack of moisture are only temporary; they mean nothing.

    Only an Islamofascist ClimateExtremistPerson or a tree hugging Wiccan would connect massive wildfires with climate change.

  18. freepatriot says:

    so we’re all goin to BMAZ’s house an actin like refugees ???

    I heard of San Diego once …

    does that count

    what if I don’t like margaritas ???

    can I get a shot of kesslers ???