October 13, 2007 / by emptywheel


Atttorney-Client “Crossed Lines”

What a surprise! An attorney representing a Gitmo detainee and someone in Afghanistan has found "crossed lines" in his telephone connection (h/t scout prime).

A law firm that represents clients atGuantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in Afghanistan is warning its Vermont clientsthat it believes the federal government has been monitoring its phonesand computer system.


A Verizon Vermont technician who investigatedproblems with Gensburg’s phone last month found crossed lines, butdidn’t explain what caused the problem, Sleigh said. A forensicexamination of Gensburg’s computer found an application that disabledall security software and would have given someone access to allinformation on the computer, Sleigh said.

“We’ve been told byour expert that nothing on their machines are confidential,” Sleighsaid. “We are continuing to see who, what, when and how this infectionwas installed on my client’s computer.”

Sleigh said it could be a routine infection introduced into the machine by e-mail.

“Giventhe phone situation, a number of another anomalies we’ve observed overtime… we think we have legitimate cause for concern,” Sleigh said.

Okay. I was joking. I’m not surprised, not in the least. But you think maybe those Senators thinking of giving the telecoms immunity for doing stuff like this might consider what they’re doing to the principle of attorney-client privilege?

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Originally Posted @ https://www.emptywheel.net/2007/10/13/atttorney-client-crossed-lines/