Who Do We Have to Kick Around Anymore?

We already lost Abu Gonzales, Karl Rove, Monica Goodling, Kyle Sampson, Brad Schlozman, and Michael Elston. And now we’re losing Pete Domenici.

Veteran Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) is expected to announce tomorrowthat he will retire from the Senate in 2008, according to severalinformed sources, a decision that further complicates an alreadydifficult playing field for Republicans next November.

Domenicihas struggled with health problems over the last several years and hasbeen dogged by questions about the role he may have played in thefiring of U.S. Attorney David C. Iglesias in Albuquerque. As a result,he had been long been rumored as a potential retirement. Domenici’sSenate office did not return a call this afternoon, but sources closeto the senator say he will fly home to New Mexico tomorrow to make theannouncement that he is retiring.


The Senate ethics committee is investigating Domenci for a phonecall he placed to then-federal prosecutor Iglesias last October in apossible attempt to pressure him to indict New Mexico Democrats in acorruption probe just before the November election. Shortly afterIglesias said he rebuffed Domenici, his name appeared on a list of U.S.attorneys to be fired that was compiled by top Justice Departmentaides. Iglesias was dismissed Dec. 7.

Republican insiders insist that Domenici’s decision to retire hadeverything to do with his health and nothing to do with poll numbers orthe U.S. attorney controversy. More to come on this opening tomorrow.

David lglesias, may your champagne tonight taste sweet.

  1. Anonymous says:

    â€Abu Gonzales, Karl Rove, Monica Goodling, Kyle Sampson, Brad Schlozman, and Michael Elstonâ€

    and Michael Battle,
    and Paul McNutly,
    and Tim Griffin,
    and Bill Mercer,
    and Sara Taylor,
    and Harriet Miers.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Not that I am looking in the least for a Republican to hold the seat, because I most assuredly am not, but if, indeed, Heather Wilson makes a run, it would be somewhat beautifully ironic if it motivated Iglesias to run and take her out.

  3. freepatriot says:

    Let me see if I got this straight

    he’s retiring because of his health ???

    don’t he got a family he wants to spend time with ???

    now the repuglicans are putting some thought in to their phony excuses ???

    if repuglicans are capable of figuring out their phony â€family†line wasn’t working anymore, anything’s possible

  4. emptywheel says:


    I wouldn’t put Battle on that list–he may have resigned because he realized how corrupt the undertaking was.

    And Miers may or may not be related. And while I’m glad she’s gone, Fielding is much better at playing Executive Defense. Which is probably the real reason she’s gone.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Richardson’s people are apparently currently saying he’s running for president, period. But he can’t win the nomination, and he’s campaigned himself out of VP consideration with his horrible television and debate performances. But he is loved in NM, is generally thought to have done a good job as Governor, and I think he can transfer whatever cash he has in his presidential account over to a Senate account.

  6. Anonymous says:

    DHinMI – I think your last on Richardson has it about right; however, I would think he would be a prime candidate for a cabinet position, maybe even Secretary of State. Other cabinet posts possible too. Where would his talents, and he does have them, be best utilized? Or is it a matter of, irrespective of where his talents are best suited, we just need him to go claim the NM seat from the GOP? I am kind of struggling with that hypothetical question, any thoughts?

  7. Mnemosyne says:

    Domenici also voted to confirm Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court and, earlier, was (with John McCain) one of the infamous Keating Five of savings-and-loan-bailout-scandal time.

    Two more strikes against him.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Domenici says he has a deteriorating brain disease. Who the hell didn’t know that for many, many years? Like wandering around the Capitol in his pajamas wasn’t a sign?