Dick Kicked Over Condi’s Soapbox

Via TP, Howie Kurtz reveals that the networks don’t want Condi anymore.

The secretary of state has always been considered a prize catch for the Sunday talk shows. But when the White House offered Condoleezza Rice for appearances eight days ago, after a week focused on Iraq, two programs took the unusual step of turning her down.

Executivesat CBS and NBC say Rice no longer seems to be a key player on the warand that her cautious style makes her a frustrating guest.

"Iexpected we’d just get a repetition of the administration’s talkingpoints, which had already been well circulated," says Bob Schieffer,host of CBS’s "Face the Nation," who questioned two senators instead."We’d had a whole week of that with General Petraeus and President Bush. I thought it was more important to get a sense of where the Senate Republicans were."

Tim Russert, moderator of "Meet the Press," who also hosted two senators, declined to comment on why he turned down Rice.

Given the irrational economy of the Sunday shows, I don’t necessarily think this is a good thing. Given Scott Pelley’s grilling of Ahmedinejad the other day, it’s clear that CBS ("Complicit Behavior in Sadism"?) still welcomes the White House’s talking points. So losing Condi means the networks are only eschewing the marginally more sane corner of the Bush Administration, seemingly in favor of the warmongers. Match that with Hillary’s hat trick on Sunday, and the Sunday shows remain dominated by "serious" people, not real dialogue.

Still, it is a minor victory, at least, that the Administration can’t just call up and "control the message" on Tim Russert’s show anymore. The Sunday shows are still just worthless hot air. But it’s a start that they’re beginning to worry about being seen as worthless hot air.

  1. jonno says:

    â€The Sunday shows are still just worthless hot air. But it’s a start that they’re beginning to worry about being seen as worthless hot air.â€

    That made my day

  2. radiofreewill says:

    Condi’s in the dog house with Codpiece and Shooter – she ’drew the line’ on attacking Iran without consulting the Congress, and said she would have to leave the Administration if they did!

    Cheney’s response? He yanked her from the Shows so she could pack her shoes, piano music and autographed copy of â€Keys to Winning in The Hague.â€

    From here on out, they’re managing her not for ’contribution,’ but for ’liability.’

  3. DefendOurConstitution says:

    Where does the Bush family keep finding minorities that have actually achieved something and get them to carry their water?

    Not just Rice, but also Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and (a stretch) Alberto Gonzales. It is so obvious they will not just abandon, but also attack and treat like trash any of them that dares try to show some independence (now that’s where Gonzo shines – he proved he’s a lapdog to the bitter end).

    As a minority (hispanic) with very good fortune (a family that could provide me with a College education), I think I speak for most minorities (and for many others that dare not say it because it might be politically incorrect): where do they keep finding these people willing to shit on their own in order to please the master?

  4. Tomj says:

    If the networks didn’t like the talking heads, and I mean all of them, they could just turn off their mike when they start spewing talking points or just won’t shut up. It is like the networks live in a technology vacuum. I think, as a host, I would put in a secret button which would sound like a bad mike, and maybe put some confusing feedback in their ear when they start reading from a script. But of course it is all a happy game these folks are playing and we are the unfortunate suckers. I mean, I know things are insane when I start to think that Pat Buchanan is the only civil and sensible guest/stooge/prop!