Orange County GOP Narrowly Avoids Horrible Embarrassment

Well, faced with losing his job, Michael Drake found a way to un-un-hire Erwin Chemerinsky.

UC Irvine Chancellor Michael V. Drake and Erwin Chemerinsky havereached an agreement that will return the liberal legal scholar to thedean’s post at the university’s new law school, the universityannounced this morning.

With the deal, they hope to end the controversy that erupted whenChemerinsky was dropped as the first dean of the Donald Bren School ofLaw.

Drake traveled over the weekend to Durham, N.C., where Chemerinskyis a professor at Duke University, and the two reached an agreementabout midnight Sunday, sources told The Times.

And Donald Bren narrowly avoided having the UCI law school named the Donald Bren Is an Intolerant Wingnut Law School.

Note to self–those crazy Republicans in Orange County respond quite well to public pressure and embarrassment.