More Inauspiciousness: Your Rent-a-Sheikh Gets Killed
As many of you have pointed out, the guy I called Bush’s Rent-a-Thuggish-Sheikh last week died in a bomb blast today.
The leader of local Sunni tribes in Iraqwho have joined American and Iraqi forces in fighting extremist Sunnimilitants was killed by a bomb today, Iraqi police officials said,potentially undermining what has become a new thrust of United Statespolicy in the country.
It could be a significant setback for American efforts to work more closely with local tribes against Al Qaeda.Recently the council had begun to reach out to other tribes to bringthem into closer cooperation with the American and Iraqi government,and had met recently with southern Shia leaders.Authorities imposed astate of emergency in Anbar Province following his assassination,police officials said. At least one other person escorting him was alsokilled in the explosion.
So Bush’s big debut for Magical September just got further clouded. First the oil compromise collapses on the eve of his presentation. And now the guy Bush was parading around last week as the symbol of great promise in Anbar just got blown to bits. But don’t worry. I’m sure Bush won’t … um … dwell on these depressing details.
Mark Lynch has more on the meaning of Risha’s death, including the speculation that Risha was not killed by Al Qaeda.
Here’s hoping Edwards can work some sort of reference (preferably sarcastic and snarky, but in a refined, Presidential way) into his rebuttal speech tonight.
The Sunnis are probably the most anti-American faction (by toppling Saddam we cost them their power position; we then supported the elections that brought the Shi’a to power), so it isn’t surprising that, on top of all the resentment against him for greed and opportunism, some Sunnis would also resent him for collaborating with the US, even if the reason for that was to strengthen their position in the post-US landscape. Besides, it is really an in-your-face to Bush.
What will the man who wanted Fallujah razed in response to the killing of the 4 contractors in April, 2004 (and then didn’t) do now that they killed his chief prop in Anbar? And will BFF and brownnoser Petraeus go along?
Bush must be glad he planned to spend all day on his â€speech.†At this rate, he’ll have to postpone it indefinitely.
â€relies on a whole series of best-case scenarios in which nothing could go wrong. In Iraq, something always goes wrong.†But not to BushCo; oh no, its always sunny in some province of Iraq. From the start, they have run this war, and indeed the entire US foreign policy, like a bunch of booze addled gambling addicts at the horse track. Always shooting for the stars; yet always flat and lead footed when the inevitable and fully predicted rotting chunk of falling Skylab lands on their head. Rinse and repeat.
I kind of assumed they could just ignore this and the oil deal failure by saying they didn’t have time to get it in the speech, what with recycling the material that Petraeus himself recycled from old Bush speeches.
Thats ok EW, maybe they can draft Crash Davis, the Kevin Costner character in Bull Durham, to teach Nuke La Boosh, a few glittering generalities to spew out tonight. Then Hannity, Lieberman and Kristol etc. can say how strong he was and how it shows he is the right man to lead us in more war.
Dear George,
Wake the fuck up, they want us gone – all of them, and they aren’t going to do a damn thing you say – ever.
Right not you are a thorn in the side of an eventuality you created.
This will never be someone elses problem. Every day you pretend it will, you kill a few more American Servicemen.
There. Is that easy enough for you to understand?
Thought this might be of interest.
Pentagon calls sheikh’s assassination a â€tragic lossâ€
ew, if the king dares mention the dead oil deal or the dead sheik, we can rest assured it will have a happy glow. He’s never failed us in the past with his up-is-down happy talk.
Vegas line on speech:
Referring to deaths of NYT op-ed soldiers: 100-1
Mentioning death of sheikh in sentence that includes â€notwithstanding†or similar term: 1-1
Mentioning oil deal collapse in sentence that includes â€notwithstanding†or similar term: 1-1
Calling oil deal, sheikh, or anything else a failure: 1,000,000-1
Not our fault, says the Pentagon press secretary Morrell:
â€The sheikh initially was protected by US forces who parked an M-1 tank in front of his house and trained his bodyguards and security forces. But Morrell said responsibility for his security had passed to his own people.â€
Well, I have to say I am surprised.
The US Military has a little success and people on this Blog, treat it with suspicion and outrage, and then an Iraqi who was helping with this success is killed by a bomb, and the event is met with glee, and satisfaction.
Oh, I guess it is Sept 13, a full two days after Sept 11, and there has been time for Patriotic Fervor, such as it was, to die back down.
Brava! Brava! Oh, the snark!
He’s got nuthin’ for tonight. Everything that Petraeus used to establish any credibility for Bush to say the Surge is working – blown-up!
I read earlier that Bush’s speech was running 20 minutes long. I’ll bet it’s down to 5 at the moment.
Let’s watch him sing ’Victory is Still Possible’ while he dances though a decisive refutation of his War and Occupation.
Tonight! Will the Magic be gone?
I see the inner ignorant shit stain in you has bubbled to the surface once again Jodi. Nobody here is gleeful over any death, much less someone that might help end this godawful war. What is going on here is observance of the irony in the inevitable fact that everything your boy Boosh touches turns to shit; a concept you are clearly familiar with.
â€Not our fault, says the Pentagon press secretary Morrell:
â€The sheikh initially was protected by US forces who parked an M-1 tank in front of his house and trained his bodyguards and security forces. But Morrell said responsibility for his security had passed to his own people.â€
Sally at 13:55
Sadly shows that there is little hope for training Iraqi security forces adequately to ’standup so we can stand down’.
How can you claim to be surprised? You have the same criticisms every time you post.
I see no suspicion, glee or satisfaction, I see a group of people disgusted with what passess for presidential leardership and decision-making. Everything Bush touches turns to shit and we pay for it. His arrogance knows no bounds. His judgement is not tied to reality.
No one is stopping you from waving your flag. Wave away, and while you’re at it, explain what have you’ve done to bring America together?
I will note that your emphatic call for patriotism rests on the biggest national defense catastrophy to have occurred since Pearl Harbor, over half a century ago. Why do Republicans think progressives find this anniversary to be one to celebrate?
9/11 has never justified the Iraq war, Bush and Cheney’s claims to the contrary notwithstanding. Only by using 9/11 and the shock doctrine to take advantage of the American people was 9/11 missappropriated justification for the US war in Iraq.
Who will be the last soldier to die for the Bush Cheney oil grab?
â€From the start, they have run this war, and indeed the entire US foreign policy, like a bunch of booze addled gambling addicts at the horse track. Always shooting for the stars; yet always flat and lead footed when the inevitable and fully predicted rotting chunk of falling Skylab lands on their head.â€
bmaz, I think you’re finding your inner poet.
There can only be so many exits for the sheikh to take from his house or compound. IEDs on all exit routes will make it a simple matter of waiting for him to drive by.That goes for anybody there, sadly.
I’m surprised that no one has speculated on how this death could be positively spun in tonite’s speech. My personal bet is that the Prez will declare that we have classified evidence – EVIDENCE, I tell you – that the bombing was done by Iranian agents, thus PROVING that they’re conducting active operations against US forces. (If I sink just a bit further into paranoia, I imagine that the next sentence is â€Therefore, I have just ordered US forces to commence combat operations against these enemies of freedom and the United States.â€) If you don’t have to prove any assertion, then all evidence supports your position.
Albert Fall, loved it!! shite stain remover, lovely!!
I am saddened by every single loss of life in war. Most of all, I am saddened by the fact that Bush/co caused it by going to war over oil, with the cover story of regime change. I am saddened because Bush/co caused it by not taking into account the fact that these warring factions would fall apart and attack each other if we did cause a regime change. Narrow sightedness is no excuse to kill people.
It makes me sick.
The death of the Risha is not surprising. Anyone who gets involved with Bush will suffer dire consequences. Just look at the leader of Italy, Spain, and UK, all kicked out of office. The last one to survive, Howard (Australia), is close to losing. But the bribe money is good and sometimes worth a chance.
According to the UK Times Online:
â€AMERICAN forces are paying Sunni insurgents hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash to switch sides and help them to defeat Al-Qaeda in Iraq.
The tactic has boosted the efforts of American forces to restore some order to war-torn provinces around Baghdad in the run-up to a report by General David Petraeus…â€
â€The Sunday Times has witnessed at first hand the enormous sums of cash changing hands. One sheikh in a town south of Baghdad was given $38,000 (£19,000) and promised a further $189,000 over three months to drive Al-Qaeda fighters from a nearby camp.â€…..413200.ece
Randiego – I’m no poet; and I know it. Heh heh; got lots of old cliches though. Hey where did you see Zep in 1977 ? don’t know if you saw later reply to you yesterday, but I saw same tour in Tempe.
Yikes! I have recently sent a few friends here to see what open intellectual and informed discussion of politics look like and to prove that the â€liberal hate blogs†are anything but. True to my luck, shitstain shows its ugly head.
For those who don’t understand, jodi is a troll. The normally civil and thoughtful commentors here like to mark jodi’s appearance with uncivil and rude treatment it deserves. I personally think you will find it works from the RNC or Whitehouse servers.
Without jodi’s provocation, the worst disagreements I have seen here have been entirely intellectual or just basic misunderstandings or mis-speaks.
EW, please, I’d like to do SOMETHING other than read this blog today. I do have other things to do. (Not really, I love it!)
I am sick over this war, for more personal reasons than most here have. And I have made clear my opinion of the megalomaniac George Bush.
But I don’t begrudge any success we can wring out of the war. And those of you who call yourselves Democrats had better hope that we can get more successes and soon, because it looks like the Democrats will soon have the sole responsibilty for Iraq, and if you think you can just retreat back across the water to Fortress America, you are being incredibly shortsighted.
JohnJ, yeah, I think there are a few people who post under Jodi’s handle. I think the main one, while a paid troll, is pretty much who she says she is, a brother in Iraq.
Jodi, the â€U.S. Military†isn’t making any progress (but it’s certainly not their fault). First Bush decided to blow up Henry Kissinger’s Sunni block to Iranian (Shia) expansion. That’s what Saddam was. We put him there. When Bush finally figured out that making Iran more dominant in the region was a bad idea, he went back to the Sunni’s and is now trying to rebuild what he destroyed. Where is the progress?
Oh my. After looking at the photo on the web today and comparing it to the photo you posted about Risha before, it looks to me like he was thinking, â€Here I am sitting listening to this asshole and now I am totally doomed.†Or however you say that in Arabic.
Everything Bush is going to say or do from here forward is all about the elections. This BS declare victory and announce that some troops can come home is just another false can of hope made to be sold to a gullible public.
It will backfire, and only the loyalty of MSM will soften the blow. Funny how I haven’t heard a thing about our new friend’s death on the radio today.
This idea that the world will come to an end if we leave is utter BS. All our presence has done is slow the 100,000 dead is a 100,000 dead 3 million displaced is 3 million displaced if it happens over a month or over a year.
We simply don’t have enough troops on the ground to affect outcome in Iraq. Bush will claim any little thing he can claim as positive, if he affected it or not. I can’t see where our influence has had one bit of impact in well over a year.
Yes, I think we can come home to fortress America, get big oil and big corps fists dislodged from our ass, and start now on eliminating the need for foriegn oil. That’s the answer.
Can you imagine the position we would be in globally if we weren’t spending all that money in the middle east? Imagine the innovation we could be exporting in 10 years.
Day was when America looked ahead and tried to be the leader in future markets. Now we have a bunch of shortsighted status quo fat cats, who only care about themselves running our nation, and I for one am sick of the stupidity.
Right. The absolute WORST thing we could do is accept the fact that our method of meeting goals is not effective and that we should try a more effective path. What a travesty to accept reality. What a mistake.
Definition of war: To get goals or outcomes met by use of fear, death and destruction.
It’s time for accomplishing goals using intelligence, creativity and ingenuity, since that war thing didn’t do the trick.
Human evolved because we were curious and when something didn’t work we were willing to try something new.
Some folks just weren’t cut out for evolution.
Does this mean Bush won’t declare Surge Accomplished tonight?
KJ – Thats why they don’t believe in it. they sure know how to retard the progress of the rest of us though.
Nothing like a war to interupt evolution.
Did anyone else see this story? I have tried so hard not to get worried about this. I admit I have indulged in fear here or there. I read an article stating that people who believe that we will go to war with Iran are being silly. But I think they are trying awful hard to make it happen. Also I do not trust this gov’t to use democratic means to decide. I think they will go around all the stop gaps.….._0913.html
Nothing like a war to interupt evolution.
Did anyone else see this story? I have tried so hard not to get worried about this. I admit I have indulged in fear here or there. I read an article stating that people who believe that we will go to war with Iran are being silly. But I think they are trying awful hard to make it happen. Also I do not trust this gov’t to use democratic means to decide. I think they will go around all the stop gaps.….._0913.html
aw crap…I need to evolve…sorry about the double, double.
JohnJ said â€For those who don’t understand, jodi is a troll. The normally civil and thoughtful commentors here like to mark jodi’s appearance with uncivil and rude treatment it deserves. I personally think you will find it works from the RNC or Whitehouse
serverssewers.â€Just a minor typo correction that I’m sure you missed. *g*
There’s a reason the British left before Ramadan, while Petraeus was bribing the Sunni Sheiks in Anbar.
The Occupation is proof that Bush can’t see a disaster coming, and Katrina is proof he doesn’t know what to do in the aftermath of one, either.
130,000 Troops would not be safe inside a hostile nation of 25 Million, if that nation was unified in its view that our Troops are the common enemy.
Let’s see Bush tell the world â€We’re kicking ass!†tonight.
The best enemies are predictable enemies – they make possible the most spectacular catastrophes and reversals of fortune. The combination of Bush and Petraeus – happy talk convinces them – might just be the formula for a modern day Cannae.
But, who can tell Bush anything?
Oh no The Decider will look glum and proclaim that a close friend of his was killed by alquda(sp)as a tear drops from his eyes. A tragic loss to the American people. Like he or his mother like anything browner than they are…you know..the right sort of people.
mullah cimoc say all him collaborator to get the bullet in head unless sotorture by ameriki, or him children so torture by ameiriki.
what aemriki him do if aemrika be occupation by chinese army and some whitie amerika collaborate with foreign chinese occupier?
mullah cimoc hoping honest and good ameriki to kill all collaborator and all him family even him second cousin. But maybe not now him ameriki way if so feminize and be bossed each day by the woman unless not having even the one gonad.
this sheik him just a bandit and kill for money so many generation. even him name kind of joking in arabic, call play on words.
abdul sattar abu risha when speaking by shia from south or iraq sound like to mean: him eat white man dung until exploding.
this favorite joke now for all him sunni in baghdad.
Does this mean Bush won’t declare Surge Accomplished tonight?
Posted by: Pete | September 13, 2007 at 16:16
Oh he surely will. â€Surge Accomplished†we’re bringing 30,000 home.
mullah cimoc say all him collaborator to get the bullet in head unless so torture by ameriki, or him children so torture by ameiriki.
what aemriki him do if aemrika be occupation by chinese army and some whitie amerika collaborate with foreign chinese occupier?
mullah cimoc hoping honest and good ameriki to kill all collaborator and all him family even him second cousin. maybe now him ameriki so feminize and be bossed each day by the woman not having even the one gonad.
this sheik him just a bandit and kill for money so many generation. even him name kind of joking in arabic, call play on word.
abdul sattar abu risha when speaking by shia from south of iraq sound like: him eat dung of whitie until exploding.
this favorite joke now for all him sunni in baghdad.
Tribal law and custom being what it is, it is now required of Risha’s tribe and clan members to extract blood vengence against those who planted the bomb that killed Risha. If it was another tribe in the region, one should expect inter-tribal attacks to trump fighting al Qaeda in Iraq, and we might expect what remains of al Qaeda to give support to those targeted by Risha’s clan and tribe. The notion of tribal honor requires this sort of vengence. This is so fundamental to the organization of Iraqi Tribes and culture. The whole basis of security in any tribal society is the notion that you and your family are protected by the promise that any attack on you will be met with blood vengence by all other clan and tribal members.
In otherwords, this assassination could quickly devolve into a tribal war with all kinds of crazy alliances of convenience. The Baghdad Government and the Shite will sit back and watch the Sunni fight it all out. Those local police forces and Sunni army the US helped stand up — if they are tribally mixed, they could easily fracture along those lines, with armed police taking a role in the vengence.
So just a little prediction ….
Sara – Yep. There is also the possibility that a Shia faction pulled it off for the express purpose of setting off just such powder keg of violence. Whoever did it, and it was inevitable that someone would, there is nothing good that can come to US interests out of this. They will all be distrustful of each other and none will want to risk collaborating with the US. Who could have predicted this would happen?
Or however you say that in Arabic.
I just love watching the faces of people meeting Brush, especially foreign leaders. There was Maliki’s memorable â€They didn’t tell me that seat over there was a jack-in-the-box,†from the time Bush showed up on him in Iraq soon after he was elected. That one’s been scrubbed from the ’net, I do believe.
Shorter Bush: I’m keeping the Surge Troops in Iraq as long as I can – now Congress give me my money!
Shorter Shorter Bush: Stay the course!
Isn’t madness doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
Even with the People closing in on him with a net of his own lies, he can’t let go of the sceptre of power…Bush and Chiquita were made for each other…and both enabled by the Government, too.
It’s time for the Truth to prevail.
No more of Bush’s fairytale.
bmaz, I hope you get this – I lurk a lot and comment randomly when I have a minute, usually when something catches my eye while getting my daily EW fix.
I saw The Zep in San Diego at the Sports Arena (or Dis-Tort Arena we used to call it, the sound quality was VERY bad). A lot of footage from that tour was used in ’The Song Remains The Same’ which I saw like 6 times when it came out.
I pull that little factoid out at parties, and I get a great deal of mileage out of it. I was at a bar recently and a kid was wearing a remake of that tour’s tshirt, and I had yet another chance to brag to my friends that I had seen the show, and the kid wearing the shirt hadn’t been born yet.
Good times.
Yep, I know the Sports Arena. I don’t go to many big shows anymore (although I did catch the Stones last tour); it is just to big of a hassle. My wife is an erstwhile musician and loves live music, so we go to smaller shows and clubs. I say this because there is a great, and I mean great band called the Hold Steady we just bought tickets for at a club here on Nov. 9. The schedule said they are in San Diego Nov. 8 at some place called â€Canesâ€. Sounds like a club. I would bet you would like them if so inclined. We saw them here about a year ago and were blown away; very fun live band. There are some youtubes of them and what not that are not bad; but nothing like their live show.
Great comments, lest we forget the real power behind the throne is corporate control.â€K†street is a happy street over all the do re mi war booty. Oil is up and â€I want to keell,keell,keell†with red eyeballs on fire for more blood lust madness. They don’t care who gets hurt they are playing king of the mountain and there are no rules.
well, i am not surprised – look what happened to me when i shook hands with The Devil.
and, jodi, please go somewhere else to wet your panties, you little fearful small person. you and your ilk can be scared all the time if you want, but the rest of us sane rational people have moved on. please get over yourself.
Every word of this speaks to Bush’s speech and our current situation:
Al Pacino – Dog Day Afternoon (trailer)
Yeah Bmaz, Craig Finn from the hold steady was originally in Lifter Puller and now his vocal styling is more Springsteenish circa Greetings from Asbury Park and The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle. They definitely rock!
one of my sons e-mailed me an article from asia times this morning with one of the most blackly funny headlines i’ve seen in ages.
the headline:
mr. bush, your sheik is dead.
(by pepe escobar)
sheik sheik sheik
sheik sheik sheik
sheik yer bushy
sheik yer bushy
Despite talk from many circles in Anbar and elsewhere that he came from a family of highway robbers, Abu Risha with his fine tribal robes, goatee, and a pistol tucked in a hip holster had charisma and swagger that appealed to both the US military and many Anbaris and other Iraqis.…..tml?page=2
Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abu Risha – along with his two bodyguards – was killed by a roadside bomb planted near his home in Ramadi, the capital of an Anbar province Petraeus had sworn was â€pacifiedâ€.…..5Ak03.html
Sheik Sittar was probably the most heavily protected Iraqi leader outside the government. A U.S. tank stood outside his high-walled compound just off the Baghdad-to-Jordan highway. The area around had been razed to remove any cover for terrorists and laced with deep ditches and berms to prevent car bombs. He was guarded by scores of Iraqi police.…..4f73a0dc64
Abu Risha, 37, usually stayed inside a heavily fortified compound containing several houses where he lived with his extended family. A US tank guards the entrance to the compound, which is opposite the largest US base in Ramadi.…..962054.ece
Ah, yes, a bandit with swagger… Bush just adores brutal men. The articles sometimes state that he made his living from smuggling, as well as banditry… and used the police as enforcers. Sounds just like our fearless leader?
And pacification means exactly what? Everybody living in forts surrounded by rubble?
His compound-fortress with moat and spikes makes a prime example of why castles and walls went out with the passing of the Middle Ages. Unless you want to be a prisoner inside your own home (siege mentality plus duct tape and saran wrap for the more modern menaces), you have to leave sometime. What I can’t determine is whether he built next to the US base for protection, or whether the base was built next to his existing compound. (Where’s a real reporter?)
All that cash doesn’t really buy loyalty. Militias, strongmen, mercenaries may serve for a time, but they have their own agendas. If this sub-tribal sheik was indeed in the middle of tribal blood feuds, and allied with the US for backup, he would have been just as likely to turn on his protectors as soon as his enemies were minimized. Because he is dead, he’ll be made into a heroic martyr.
They are talking about raising a statue to him. How long until the movie deal?
greenhouse that is EXACTLY what I was thinking!
bmaz, I figured you would.