Senate Friends
I only caught the tail end of Pat Leahy’s uneventful press conference. But apparently, I didn’t miss much. The deadline for the White House still stands–but they’re going to miss it. And Leahy–he says he can’t do anything until everyone returns in September.
But there is something he can do now. Why don’t those on the Senate Judiciary Committee–and anyone else in the Senate who’d like to join in–submit a friend of the court brief in support of the ACLU’s motion to unseal the FISC rulings. It seems that the Administration’s defiance of a Senate subpoena–for which they’re not making a blanket claim of privilege–is reason enough to intervene. It makes the issues the ACLU raised more pressing, since the Administration is defying normal oversight. And it supports the ACLU argument that the Administration is playing games.
Is there a downside to this? Any reason it’d not be beneficial?
Update: Oh, one thing I forgot. Twenty-seven members of Congress signed on to an a.c. brief to the Pentagon Papers case. A very close parallel to a lot of the issues here.