House GOP Mutiny
We’ve been hearing inklings of a BushCo plan for a veerrrrryyy slooowwww draw-down of troops. Scott Horton explains the reasoning more clearly than "serious" journalists would.
A major point driving the move has been the Congressional G.O.P. Bushwas told that if he pushed a straight continuation of the Surgestrategy after this fall, he would lose most of the CongressionalG.O.P. One senior Republican Congressional figure is said to have toldhim that the G.O.P. would be “committing suicide†if it went into the2008 elections with the Iraq War as the lead issue and no draw-down insight. Bush has been assured that he can hold the G.O.P. in Congresstogether with an extended, slow paced draw-down.
Now, I’m not surprised, nor will I be surprised when Duncan boasts of telling me so when this proposed draw-down turns into a mirage that gets vetoed by Dick.
But I do find it curious that Rove leaves–all the while promising glorious success in Iraq. Republicans–even Fox News–is surprisingly and publicly gleeful at his departure. And all of a sudden news of a draw-down is floated.
It would be logical for the Republican House to start demanding some changes, after their big losses last year. I guess the GOP Senate has already given up.