Documents from Dick, not Bush?!?!?
As ThinkProgress reports, the Senate Judiciary Committee was about to issue subpoenas on the warrantless wiretapping program. And then Cheney told Specter no. And Specter did what Cheney told him to do. Lesson number 383,947 in why Specter is the most pathetic piece of haggis in the Senate.
In fact, we were about to issue subpoenas then and one of thesenators came to our meeting and said that the vice president had metwith the Republican senators and told them they were not allowed toissue subpoenas.
Not quite sure that’s my understanding of the separation of powers, but it seemed to work at that time.
I’m just guessing outtamyarse, but what do you want to bet the subpoenas in question were ones Schumer wanted to issue to John Ashcroft, James Comey, and Jack Goldsmith back in February 2006? You know, the ones that would have elicited the hospital story from Comey before the PATRIOT Act got renewed? You think maybe Cheney told Specter that he couldn’t solicit the very same testimony that has gotten the Administration in such hot water this year?