Skubick’s Off the Record
I talked about Norm Pearlstine’s Off the Record the other day. Well, here’s a more fun Off the Record–my appearance (with three other bloggers) on Michigan’s own "Timmeh," Tim Skubick’s show, Off the Record, over the weekend on MI’s PBS stations. I don’t often link to my teevee appearances, but I had a lot of fun taping this. Among other things, I got to:
- Emphasize that Barack Obama was polling third, ahead of Fred Thompson, in Iowa (and that, in spite of hiding his fundraising, Thompson still couldn’t raise much money)
- Talk about how uninterested Republicans are in this year’s Presidential race
- Talk about how, if only we can aspire to be as competent as the French, universal healthcare would actually improve our healthcare and save us money
- Get one of the Republicans to agree that the worst thing would be to have George Bush in charge of our healthcare
- Call Mitt and Giuliani flip floppers, with worse women problems than Bill Clinton ever had–I even got Giuliani’s cross-dressing in!
- Point out that Cheney’s Pakistan policy has the effect of paying the Taliban
It’s a fun time to talk to Republicans about the Presidential campaigns!
Click here to watch it on RealPlayer now. Here’s the info on when it shows in Michigan:
Fridays, 9PM
Sundays 1PM, 11:30PM
Saturdays 10PM