Skubick’s Off the Record
I talked about Norm Pearlstine’s Off the Record the other day. Well, here’s a more fun Off the Record–my appearance (with three other bloggers) on Michigan’s own "Timmeh," Tim Skubick’s show, Off the Record, over the weekend on MI’s PBS stations. I don’t often link to my teevee appearances, but I had a lot of fun taping this. Among other things, I got to:
- Emphasize that Barack Obama was polling third, ahead of Fred Thompson, in Iowa (and that, in spite of hiding his fundraising, Thompson still couldn’t raise much money)
- Talk about how uninterested Republicans are in this year’s Presidential race
- Talk about how, if only we can aspire to be as competent as the French, universal healthcare would actually improve our healthcare and save us money
- Get one of the Republicans to agree that the worst thing would be to have George Bush in charge of our healthcare
- Call Mitt and Giuliani flip floppers, with worse women problems than Bill Clinton ever had–I even got Giuliani’s cross-dressing in!
- Point out that Cheney’s Pakistan policy has the effect of paying the Taliban
It’s a fun time to talk to Republicans about the Presidential campaigns!
Click here to watch it on RealPlayer now. Here’s the info on when it shows in Michigan:
Fridays, 9PM
Sundays 1PM, 11:30PM
Saturdays 10PM
I think you mean â€uninterested.†I have yet to meet a ’distinterested’ one.
ahem, I mean ’disinterested.’
ahem, I mean ’disinterested.’
Right you are–I’ve changed it, thanks!
I clicked on the link to â€Off the Recordâ€, and that site says that the episode airs tonite at 9pm, not on Sunday. I’d hate for people to miss it just because of a typo.
Hallo Marcy,
Thanks for making the video available to us, it was so interesting watching your protagonists flounder around. I don’t think â€disinterested†(or uninterested) is the right term – â€defeatist†or â€let’s make the best of a bad job†would be more accurate.
You were on top of everything (as usual). Are you considering running in any of the elections? You definitely have a firmer grasp of the facts than many â€professional†politicians and can develop an argument better than most.
If the GOP argument is going to be a â€publicly funded abortions†opposition platform then they are really grasping at straws, I think the young lady opposite has grasped the fact that they (the GOP) have no chance in ’08 and was putting on a happy face, but she ended up by agreeing with everything you said.
How to win minds and influence people. Well done, you are the perfect voice of the progressive movement. Totalitarianism has no place anywhere, forget the left/right argument it is totalitarianist versus progressive and there must only be one winner.
Thanks for sharing ew.
Marcy – Video is a good format for you! Also, that was a nice level of banter in a political discussion between respectful antagonists. Tim would be an excellent moderator for political debates.
Great Job!
Marcy, you were brilliant! I hope you’ll post links to your future appearances, and I think your publicity person (I know, ’har har har’) should be sending some of that tape to bookers at Charlie Rose, MTP, and some of these other asinine Sunday blab shows, because they REALLY need you. I was watching the ABC morning show today and they had a segment on this manufactured controversy over â€Is Obama Experienced Enought?†and there was Cokie, Keeper of the Flame of Ancient Custom, shaking her jowls disapprovingly. How refreshing it would be to see you on that show instead!
I have to say,I thought that was superb (especially that the stuff about the French).
I’m inclined to think that the fact you have – if I’ve picked up the breadcrumbs correctly – a business background rather than/as well as a media one (I guess the PhD on the feuilleton counts as a media background in its way)really works in your favour.
Have to say, I think it would work well for you as a candidate as well.
Just to lower the level of the discourse a bit – how old are the rightbloggers on the show? Van Leeuw looked all of 17, and anorexic to boot…
Apropos of absolutely nothing, but a friend just sent me this, and I HAD to share:
This is a direct quote from the just published REAGAN DIARIES [re George W].
The entry is dated May 17, 1986.
’A moment I’ve been dreading. George [Sr.]brought his ne’re-do-well son
around this morning and asked me to find the kid a job. Not the
political one who lives in Florida. The one who hangs around here all
the time looking shiftless. This so-called kid is already almost 40 and
has never had a real job. Maybe I’ll call Kinsley over at The New
Republic and see if they’ll hire him as a contributing editor or
something. That looks like easy work.’
Apropos of absolutely nothing, but a friend just sent me this, and I HAD to share:
This is a direct quote from the just published REAGAN DIARIES [re George W].
The entry is dated May 17, 1986.
’A moment I’ve been dreading. George [Sr.]brought his ne’re-do-well son
around this morning and asked me to find the kid a job. Not the
political one who lives in Florida. The one who hangs around here all
the time looking shiftless. This so-called kid is already almost 40 and
has never had a real job. Maybe I’ll call Kinsley over at The New
Republic and see if they’ll hire him as a contributing editor or
something. That looks like easy work.’
emptywheel crush! emptywheel destroy!
I never saw Republicans so deflated!
Thank for link, EW. I’ve been looking forward to watching it.
On the NewsHour tonight, Harold Meyerson, of The American Prospect, is sitting in for Shields and opposite David Brooks Bobo on the weekly Friday night Shields and Bobo segment. Bobo is snorting and chuckling, summoning his most convincing mannerisms that signal his distain for all politics left of center while Meyerson calmy and with reasonable factual claims destroys Bobo’s every assertion. The covered the Rove era from 30,000 feet. you didn;t miss anything exit watching Bob being taken apart.
The Titans (Don’t forget the Titans!) are playing in Foxboro tonight at 8. I hope we get to see the starting offense for a least one quarter.
Did I see that right on Off The Record?
Faced with an honest portrayal of Rudy Giuliani, Nick endorses the man for President but he will not vote for him.
Oh, Nick’s not going to endorse Rudy, I suspect–he’s a social conservative from W Michigan. I think he was just saying that Rudy would probably win.
Which kind of proves my point–if the Nicks of this world are so grumpy about the guy who’s going to win (huh, reminds me of 2004), then it doesn’t bode well for the GOP.
Well, EW, you certainly had your way with that crew! I wish we had some congresspeople capable of expressing themselves that well.
That was great! Thanks for everything you do!
Just watched the video [and sorry for the double post above]:
1) Your local â€Timmeh†sure is â€Timmeh.†Eeech.
2) I thought Timmeh gave the Repubs a lot more time.
3) Your counterpart needs to spend a little more time on her on-camera appearance. I know, I know . . . but it’s hard to take someone seriously who looks SO casual.
4) Do all Republicans have no chins?
My counterpart was three weeks past giving birth to twins. So I think she looked damn good, considering…
Barack Obama may have been the most impressive candidate at YKOS, but remember to catch his glad-handing with Joe Lieberman, his self-described mentor, on the Senate floor on CSPAN.