Beached Whale

Funny. In the entire Peter Baker article entitled, "Rove: Departure Unrelated to Investigations," Peter Baker never once quotes Rove as saying, "my departure is unrelated to the multiple investigations in my conduct." Or anything similar. Sure, Rove talks a lot about Ahab and Moby Dick.

"I realize that some of the Democrats are Captain Ahab and I’m thegreat white whale," he said. "I noticed the other day some Democraticstaffers were quoted calling me the big fish. Well, I’m Moby Dick andthey’re after me."

He admits that his departure won’t necessarily dissuade Democrats from investigating. But he never denies–certainly not in the any of the quotes included in the article–that he’s leaving because of the investigations.

Indeed, the whole thing reads like Rovian spin (and not very good spin at that) to try to suggest that Democrats will get hurt as they continue to pursue Rove’s actions.

In the interview, Rove criticized the Democrats for pursuing him andsaid their investigations have diminished their public support. "Thereis a reason," he said, "why the Congress has gone from high standingafter the ’06 election to being less popular than the president."

Mind you, Rove doesn’t provide any real data to prove his point. That’s probably for the best, though, because his "math" has been a little suspicious of late. Nevertheless, Rove never entertains the more plausible notion that Congress’ approval rating is declining because we’ve still got troops in Iraq.

Though I appreciate one thing. I noted, earlier, how the WSJ had botched the timing of the time when Rove first considered leaving the White House, suggesting he first floated the idea a year ago, rather than the 15 months ago when it looked likely he’d be indicted on the Plame investigation. He makes no such misrepresentation to Baker.

Still,Rove said he, too, was surprised that he was leaving now. Many of hiscolleagues had long assumed that he would stay until the end of theBush presidency in January 2009.

"So did I," he said. "I wantedto. But I just can’t. About a year and a half ago, it became apparenttalking to my family that there are things happening, that it was timeto go."

So by my reading, here we’ve got a report that the first time Rove thought of leaving was about the time when it looked likely he’d have to leave. "There are things happening," indeed. And, in spite of the title, we have no clear denial that Rove is leaving because the investigations into his activities may soon bear fruit.

  1. radiofreewill says:

    He’s been protectively kept in a closet like a family imbecile for 15 months just to accomodate Bush’s Pride.

    He should have been indicted with Libby.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You know, I have to give the man props for owning his white whale-ness. Too bad he doesn’t actually see that as an embarrassment in all the ways that being a beached white whale should be.

    You’d think if he knew for the last year and a half he was going to have to bail that he’d be just a little less choked up about leaving.

  3. marksb says:

    You’d think if he knew for the last year and a half he was going to have to bail that he’d be just a little less choked up about leaving.
    These guys don’t ever think they’ll get caught, or have to take responsibility or admit mistakes.
    They’ve got immunity, right, because they’re Republicans and God’s on their side. Or someone/something is…
    And we know from reading history that the biggest tyrants always fight to be in power to the last. That’s why I have to agree with most of the folks around here and at the Lake today–something else is going on here.

  4. Jodi says:

    Wow, the logic of these last threads is astounding.

    ~He is denying so he must be guilty! ~
    ~He doesn’t deny so he must be guilty!~

    ~Damn, we all know he must be guilty!~
    ~He has to know he must be guilty!~

    Why doesn’t someone just charge him with a crime? It is just so unfair, and I am really, really tired of it!

  5. radiofreewill says:

    â€This is Ken.â€

    â€Hey, it’s me. Watcha doin’?â€

    â€Uh, I’m getting ready to meet Mark at the Athletic Club for a work-out, then we’re going to catch-up with Denny and the boys a little later on. Wanna join us?â€

    â€Oh…really, well, I’m not feeling so good right now. I wouldn’t be any fun.â€

    â€Nonsense! What’s wrong with you? Did you have a bad day?â€

    â€Well, you know those bloggers over at TNH? – those, those assholes, well they called me a beached whale – can you believe that? Well, I used to get by dreaming of the day I’d get even with them by whipping Joe Wilson in my leathers at a Detention Center, but now I can’t take it anymore…oh boo hoo hoo hoo!â€

    â€Come on, now, it’s not really that bad, you’ll get over it.â€

    â€No, no, not this time…fuck that, I’m quitting. I don’t have to take any more of that personal accountability shit from any of these dirty fucking hippies. Nobody does. Fuck them, I’ll show them. Oh, boo hoo hoo hoooo!â€

  6. DeeLoralei in Memphis says:

    Rovy Dick sounds like a Monty Python or Capitol Steps skit .
    But aren’t the great whales mammalian? Rove is one cold-blooded summuvabitch, surely he’s not equating himself to a mammal?

    Note to Rove: In Moby Dick. The.Whale.Dies.

  7. DeeLoralei in Memphis says:

    And EPU’d correction from two posts ago : Marcy, when I was talking about Moford or whoever was in Nashville, I was trying to say either of the other two divisions in TN would have made more sense for placing a loyal Bushie, and I couldn’t think of why he would be in there to help Rove’s operatives in the state. other than the two reason’s I typed about. I was not saying it well, but who ever responded after me did. Moford may be the red-herring in the group… sometimes, after a battle, they give up clean info that doesn’t make them look bad. And the Mid TN USA may be in your list for that reason. The bright shiny clean object… Again, I’m not saying this well either. Sheesh.

  8. alabama says:

    Don’t the words â€finish†and â€job,†as used by Patrick Fitzgerald, mean that he hasn’t yet finished his job? And doesn’t he always finish his job–sometimes five or ten years after he starts it?

    When Rove blubbers on about â€Ahab,†I doubt that he’s thinking of Congress.

  9. Neil says:

    Why doesn’t someone just charge him with a crime? It is just so unfair, and I am really, really tired of it!
    Posted by: Jodi | August 13, 2007 at 23:54

    Patience Jodi patience. Beside, no one requires that you to read this material. Really, really.

    Don’t read on if you’re not up to it. Digby thinks Rove may go down for Hatch Act violations link. Conservative Andrew Sullivan has a few words honoring Rove’s performance link

  10. Muzzy says:

    Rove very well could be telling the truth in wanting to spend more time with family -especially if he suspects, for reasons beyond his control, that soon enough private time with family could be harder to come by than ever before in his life.

  11. prostratedragon says:

    When Rove blubbers on about â€Ahab,†I doubt that he’s thinking of Congress.

    (Oh please, oh please!)

    I think it’s Larry Johnson who wondered Mon. evening whether Rove’s family want to spend more time with him.

  12. rex applegate says:

    NY Times today mentions in the bottom of main Rove article that when asked, Josh Bolten, who supposedly told Rove he had to pack his bags by Labor Day unless he was going to stay until the end said: â€I do not recall saying that to him, he just understood it that way.†So as we suspected, Rove is lying about why he is leaving.
    Which obviously leads to why is he leaving….

  13. Boo Radley says:

    â€Why doesn’t someone just charge him with a crime?â€

    Bold is mine.

    â€Someone,†it has to be someone with the deputized, legal authority, such as the DOJ. Why don’t you ask them?

    â€It is just so unfair, and I am really, really tired of it!â€

    Get over it.

  14. John B. says:

    Uhh, actually there is no mention of the Great White Whale’s demise in Melville’s classic; it is Captain Ahab and all his shipmates (save one-let’s call him Ishmael) that die an untimely death; Ahab strapped to the back of the Leviathan (Hobbes)like Prometheus chained to his rock for daring to help the mortals from the wrath of the angry and vengeful gods.

  15. Jodi says:

    Personally, I like the Rove statement, that really hits at the blogs and their claims of influence over Rovian dynamics.

    Something like: ~~It is like the rooster claiming that he calls the sun up in the morning.~~

  16. radiofreewill says:

    Those were tears of utter defeat – the mean bloggers chased him out of the White House with his tail between his legs, running for his life – totally repudiated in the mid-terms, scandals nipping at his heels, and now thrown under the Bus by his handlers. It’s been a loser’s run for poor Karl.

    He was only a hack, all along, who enjoyed the patronage and protection of a moral-less coward who had dirty work to be done. That Corker Ad, alone, will live in infamy.

    Rove is going to be lucky to keep his freedom, and that’s far from a done deal.

    At the very least, he’s a disgrace to America.

    He should never show his face again in public.

  17. Neil says:

    Personally, I like the Rove statement, that really hits at the blogs and their claims of influence over Rovian dynamics.
    Something like: ~~It is like the rooster claiming that he calls the sun up in the morning.~~
    Posted by: Jodi | August 15, 2007 at 02:38

    The statement hits at the blogs and their claims of influence? How so?