The Check’s In the Mail
Hey, Scottish Haggis!?!?!? What happened to that letter from the White House you promised us?
According to RawStory, it’s still in the mail. Or maybe it’s not coming after all.
The White House has refused to comply with a Republican senator’srequest for information about Alberto Gonzales’s conflicting testimonyon a secret surveillance program by a 12 p.m. Tuesday deadline.
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), the ranking Republican on the SenateJudiciary Committee, said yesterday that he requested from the Bushadministration a "letter addressing that question [of Gonzales’veracity] from the administration" by noon Tuesday. He promised torelease the letter to the media, but so far the word from JudiciaryCommittee staff is that no letter has arrived.
It is unclear whether the administration is refusing Specter’srequest outright or is simply tardy in delivering its response. Aspokeswoman for Sen. Patrick Leahy, the committee chairman who also isexpected to receive the administration’s response, told RAW STORY early Tuesday afternoon that no letter had arrived yet.
Specter’s office was releasing little information Tuesday.
Your guess is as good as mine what happened to Specter’s love letter. Some possibilities:
- Dick heard about the promised letter and stole all of Bush’s crayons
- With Mike Gerson gone, the White House can’t think of a new fancy acronym–Not-TSP–that they can use to parse wildly some more
- The White House forgot that there was a still-unresolved anthrax attack on the Senate, and so mail takes a while to get to Senators
- The White House has decided to call Scottish Haggis’ bluff–they’re going to blow him off entirely, because they strongly suspect (with good reason) that he’s just not going to do anything to stop them
- The White House is trying to postpone sending the letter–which may well admit to having broken the law–until after Congress passes some changes to FISA