Is Senator Sesssions the Fred Thompson of the Bush Scandals?

The BoGlo has a great story out today about what a slime Fred Thompson is. While he served as a minority counsel on the Senate Watergate Committee, Thompson was feeding Nixon’s lawyer information so Nixon could take "appropriate action."

"Even though I had no authority to act for the committee, I decidedto call Fred Buzhardt at home" to tell him that the committee hadlearned about the taping system, Thompson wrote. "I wanted to be surethat the White House was fully aware of what was to be disclosed sothat it could take appropriate action."

Armstrong said he andother Democratic staffers had long been convinced that Thompson wasleaking information about the investigation to the White House. Thecommittee, for example, had obtained a memo written by Buzhardt thatDemocratic staffers believed was based on information leaked byThompson.

The story confirms a lot we already know about Thompson–he’s the kind of corrupt thug that BushCo could well choose as their chosen successor.

But I’d like to ask a different question. Is Senator Jeff Sessions–or one of his staffers–the Fred Thompson of the Bush Scandals?