Another Disappearing Republican Front Group

Remember the way that Thor Hearne tried to hide any traces of his American Center for Voting Rights, just as the media started to realize that it was a Republican front group designed to popularize ideas with no basis in reality, but which would be key tools to Republican dominance?

Well, the same is happening with Italia Federici’s organization,  Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy. The Hill reports that the organization is all but disappearing.

But, if the council’s website is any indication, it couldn’t surviveher guilty plea in federal court last month for obstruction and taxevasion. Federici’s sometime-boyfriend, former Deputy InteriorSecretary J. Steven Griles, was also sent to prison last week for 10months.

A visit to the group’s site now yields: “This site is temporarily unavailable.”

Foryears, the site had served as a source of talking points for those outto defend the environmental record of President Bush and Congress, whenit was run by Republicans. It cited philosophical ties to TheodoreRoosevelt and proclaimed, “President George Bush has made great stridesin protecting and improving the quality of America’s land, air andwater.”

For those who like to track disappearances, here’s the website. I think Sierra Club ought to see if it can buy the domain name–just as ACORN was gifted Hearne’s old site.

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  1. *xyz says:

    There is a nifty tool available for going back in time and looking at what used to exist on a website at various dates over the past several years. Seriously, it is an awesome tool and one which will further help develop our collective memory. It is called the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Here’s the website:

    And here are the numerous results for the website of the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy.*/

  2. somethingsrotten says:

    Hi Marcy.

    A little OT, but could you explain why Americans are so afraid of a National Voting ID Card? Or any national ID? If in the future there was a national health plan, how would it function without an ID of some sorts?

  3. Veritas78 says:

    OT, but I had a thought, Marcy: why doesn’t Congress give Scooter limited immunity and haul him up for testimony? That the commutation or his ongoing appeal keeps him from ever testifying is bogus. He’s gotten away with it so let’s push him and Bush as far as we can.

    Put him on the stand and ask him the same questions Fitzgerald asked him. He’ll either lie again (and re-perjure himself) or he’ll tell the truth and prove in public that he perjured himself in front of a grand jury.

    And if his testimony incriminates anyone else? They’re not protected by his immunity before Congress. Plus, let’s face it, we now know the entire pack will be getting pardons.

    I see no reason why Congress shouldn’t give him immunity. Have I missed something?

  4. Canuck Stuck in Muck says:

    Sheesh! More of the Repo propaganda machine exposed. EW, this stuff is too good not to get out to the people. And, if the traditional media won’t do it, perhaps a good ’science fiction’ story would do as well. Somebody should write a book about a poor schmuck who’s living in a country governed by liars, where everyone is constantly watched and heard, where the news and history are written to the tune of the politicians (which is obvious to everyone else), where speaking out will get you a bad name or worse, indefinite detention, possible torture, and ultimately have your official identity erased. There’d be good lines, like War is Peace, and the government department that’s responsible for getting out the talking points would be called the Ministry of Truth. It’s be great. All the fourth graders would be made to read it as part of the curriculum, to impress on ’em how easy it is to be meek and mute in the face of such totalitarianism. I reckon it’d be a best seller.

  5. Mimikatz says:

    For years the ACLU and other civil liberties advocates opposed the use of a national ID card because it smacked of authoritarian governments like the Nazis and Communists, for whose citizens â€show me your papers†always caused shivers. Also, there was fear the gov’t would maintain large databases on individual citizens. By default, Social Security numbers became the universal identifiers, tying ones personal financial records to those governmental databases.

    Now that all the fears about data collection have come true, the fear is really more identity theft. If there is a national ID card that gets people the right to work, and access to the database is open to employers, there is the real possibility of massive identity theft and then financial fraud. And since fraud and get-rich-quick schemes seem so very popular these days, I wouldn’t discount the threat. It is evidently impossible to make a card that can’t be forged or have its data stolen by determined thieves.

  6. radiofreewill says:

    EW – For some reason, at the time of Libby’s Trial, I thought Judy’s description of meeting Scooter at the Rodeo in Wyoming was her telling of the first time she had met him – presumably some time before all the leaking occured.

    But no. She was talking about August 2003! When Cheney had his month long ’working vacation’ in Jackson Hole. She had come from a meeting at the Aspen Institute and ’happened’ to see Scooter at the Rodeo.

    I’m going to go back and re-read the Miller Live-Blog, but that August meeting really begs the question of conspiracy/witness tampering. As we may recall –

    – Judy didn’t initially admit to meeting Scooter on July 8th.
    – She ’found’ her notebook from that meeting in a bag under her desk in her Sag Harbor home.
    – That notebook is the one with the famous ’wife works at WINPAC’ note in it.

    IIRC, she testified that she ’may have added’ the WINPAC note after her meeting, but she wasn’t sure.

    Let’s assume that Libby did reveal the INR Memo to Judy on the 8th – wife works in CPD. That would be a ’smoking gun’ IIPA violation if it were in her notes.

    One thing Cheney KNEW by August – he, Bush and Scooter had ’outed’ Valerie Wilson, a Covert National Security Asset – in the course of a Politically Motivated Imperial Declassification from Bush to Smear the Wilsons as Political Operatives.

    I think Judy went to Jackson Hole to coordinate her story with Cheney and Scooter – and that was where the ’can’t recall meeting Scooter on the 8th’ second line of defense was drawn-up – the first being protecting ’confidential sources’ that would push the case past the ’04 election.

    So, she fought the subpoena and went to jail for 85 days. Why? Because Scooter had, in fact, outed Valerie to her and she thought she may have participated in Treason – it didn’t have anything to do with journalistic integrity.

    Then, Scooter sent her the Aspens letter, letting her know that it was ’safe’ to come out of Jail, and not to roll on anyone because they were all in it together.

    My guess is that she added the ’wife works at WINPAC’ note right after being released from Jail – at someone’s instruction – in order to cloud the intent element of the IIPA.

    She’s in it up to her neck as a full-blown cover-up conspiracist.

    Back after re-reading the live-blog…

  7. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been saving all the CREA pages over the past week (I noticed a little over a week ago that the site was down – but it’s been down before for weeks at a time, so I didn’t take it as a definite sign of closure.)

    I do hope that the Nick Rahall requests Federici appear at the House Resources Klamath hearings, particularly in light of the July 10th meeting with Norton, Wooldridge and Bettenberg. We might actually gain some insight into the actual events, should she decide to take some revenge for not getting the Libby Treatment from her Republican peers and come clean. But then, that would mean the House is actually interested in answers and not just grandstanding.

    It just struck me the other day as I was re-reviewing Norton’s calendar that she had a couple of meetings with Federici in late 2004, well after the Abramoff scandal broke and when McCain and others on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee new of her involvement (but weren’t yet prepared to let the rest of us be privvy to that information for another few months.) It must have been pretty important for Norton to agree to meet at Interior, where the meetings would be logged.

  8. Jillian says:

    *xyz: that has several roots. The major one is on the Right and goes back in substantial part to the aftermath of the Civil War. Many ex-Confederates, especially the remnants of their guerilla cavalry forces in Kansas and Missouri, feared war crimes prosecutions. Ex-Confederates also realized that federal power to suppress them was weak and kept particularly weak west of the Mississippi. During and following Reconstruction rapidly reestablished what they could of the Confederacy there, principally in Texas but throughout the settlement frontier in the West. (Confederate guerillas created the ’Wild West’, generally.) These ex-Confederates maintained a paranoid anti-federal doctrine of governance, and one in which they asserted absolute right to arm themselves (and keep ex-slaves disarmed). Their misreading of the Second Amendment is still right wing dogma, and their emphatic determination to not permit a national gun registry combines multiple dogmas that have been handed down.

    The particular issue with national voter ID is that it strongly biases voting rights and participation to people who are sedentary- live in the same place all their adult lives-, are politically determined, and who have the time, money, and patience to go through what amounts to a bureaucratic filter. That filter eliminates people who are marginally literate, who are disorganized, for whom the fees involved are a burden, who don’t have a fixed residence, and who have too many other worries to overly concern themselves with . This assumes that the filtering process is all done with due diligence and due process and equal care to the applicant for the ID, which isn’t in fact the case in much of the country.

    Such a process is very much a selective filter in much of the country. In the South it clearly favors older sedentary rural and suburban white voters most and works most against young urban black voters. It’s basically the old poll taxes and literacy tests. In the past those were imposed on the claim that black people couldn’t read the ballot and didn’t know what their government was, and, being poor, didn’t pay for elections. These days the same requirements imposed on the claim that many black (and Latino and American Indian) people vote multiple times or when/where ineligible to do so (’vote fraud’). Of course, the actual crime in all cases is Voting While Non-White.

  9. John Lopresti says:

    In appreciation of the work MBW, McClatchy, and several other folks have put into the Klamath matter:

    Updated legal background July 2, 2007 on the Klamath 30,000 adult salmon snuffed out incident several years ago; hearings soon.

    Legal background on the Griles coterie in Department of Interior at wabanaki June 29, 2007.

    McClatchy June 28 elaborates planned hearing on Rove developing the French style tractor demonstration, opening the gate valve to Let the Impounded Waters Irrigate, and cause the largest anadromous fish population management malfeasance in US history.

  10. *xyz says:

    TheOtherWA –

    $250,000 taken care of in an afternoon. Piece of cake.

    I guess that is what Bush meant when he said â€My decision to commute his prison sentence leaves in place a harsh punishment for Mr. Libbyâ€.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Based on the following info about the website’s registration, an entity could only put in a reservation for the domain name when it expires in January 2008:

    Jerod Carpenter
    c/o Network Solutions
    P.O. Box 447
    Herndon, VA 20172-0447

    Domain Name: CREA-ONLINE.ORG

    Administrative Contact :
    Carpenter, Jared
    [email protected]
    c/o Network Solutions
    P.O. Box 447
    Herndon, VA 20172-0447
    Phone: 570-708-8780

    Technical Contact :
    Network Solutions, LLC.
    [email protected]
    13861 Sunrise Valley Drive
    Herndon, VA 20171
    Phone: 1-888-642-9675
    Fax: 571-434-4620

    Record expires on 14-Jan-2008
    Record created on 09-Oct-2002
    Database last updated on 01-Jun-2007

    Bold mine. Note the create date; was there anything significant during the month before and of its creation?

    And the database has recently been updated, too…what did this record look like prior to 01-JUN-07?

  12. albert fall says:

    These front groups need thorough investigation. Who funded them? Who directed their activities?

    My suspicion, particularly on the voter ID issues, is that they were disguises for Karl Rove and the Reps, and there could be some direct evidence of that were Congress to look.

  13. Anonymous says:

    A little OT, but could you explain why Americans are so afraid of a National Voting ID Card? Or any national ID? If in the future there was a national health plan, how would it function without an ID of some sorts?

    *xyz, I’ll give you my opinion about the national ID controversy.

    As an engineering and programming person, my first inclination is to agree, for purely practical reasons, that we could all benefit from having a uniform id card. I just think it would be simpler and more convenient than having all sorts of different state IDs and so forth. This card might eventually be used as a passport, a driver’s license, a medical card, and so forth.

    With the use of such a card, it would presumably become more difficult for a person to create a new identity — something which has not been very difficult in the past because of the existence of a wide range of semi-equivalent identity documents such as locally issued birth certificates, drivers licenses from 50 states, and so forth, which in the past could be forged with relative ease.

    So such a national ID system could be very logical and convenient for everyone, except for someone with an identity problem.

    That said, many people, with significant justification in my opinion, are concerned that such a card could be abused in several ways. It could be used to track people by saving a record of where they have been; there are concerns about identity theft; people worry that just the act of going to pick up one’s card could subject a person to arrest or deportation under certain circumstances; the card might be taken away by police or other government employees, leaving the card holder without valid ID, and so forth. There are probably additional concerns I don’t know about or haven’t thought of.

    So right now I think it’s a case of a fairly reasonable idea that we don’t want to accept right now under the Bush administration, because we can’t trust our own government to use the information wisely or safely or even legally.

    I’m guessing there could be various technological arrangements that would help mitigate some of these concerns through the use of encryption and anonymization techniques. Nevertheless, I still think it will be at least several years, maybe a decade, before most progressives will be ready to accept such an idea.

  14. John Lopresti says:

    The Evanscent Front Organization (EFO) is an interesting paradigm. Taking ew’s annotated EFO as a research thread, perhaps there will be more to add later. Meanwhile, one contributor in the thread is asking about the ID card, or the RFID conundrum. I suggest looking at a report Gerry Hebert wrote at Constitutional Law Center a few days ago regarding an expert on leveraging ID cards to discourage Democratic party registered people from voting, an individual whom President Bush named to the federal electoral commission during congress recess so congress would have no chance to reject the nomination; but the term for the recess appointment is expiring now.

  15. jackie says:

    I always thought the comment made (I believe to Judy Miller) something about ’ remember, the aspens all turn together’
    There seems to be a resurgence of the ’tree/aspens links/clues/connections whatever’ so maybe we could look here
    ’The Aspen Institute Congressional Program’,
    to see who was having dinner with whom and who else was invited, etc…may be interesting

  16. John Lopresti says:

    Addendum: Federici first appears in autumn 2005 on the CREA â€Honorary†Board as President, and at last view in Spring 2007 her name remains there. A glance through the historical timeslices shows a span after launch in 2000 when the site was nascent and partially functional, and another few months in early 2003 after it had been running complete but began an upgrade so was fairly unusable and barely readable until June 2003. However, my predilection is for other than opposition research, yet, I hope these fragments from the archive engine help the research project into the vanishing Repulbican advocacy entities. I compiled a roster of the board members, and may do some investigation of that later.

    Footnote: Next time I am looking for some erased TNH material, I will try the useful tool AsteriskXYZ has provided. Last time I looked, there was a hack that took out some of ew’s early investigations on the VA freedom of the press case; I even found one view in which the hackers could be seen sending blackberryLike messages between their dorm rooms, or ostensibly so; maybe it was merely a certain senator’s former-employee judiciary committee server hacker trying to look unassuming as he modified TypePad’s copy of the TNH archive.