Did They Try to Replace Iglesias with Rogers?
McClatchy has a story that shows that Pat Rogers, one of the key players behind the firing of David Iglesias, was an officer in the voter fraud group American Center for Voting Rights.
Iglesias said he only recently learned of Rogers� involvement assecretary of the non-profit American Center for Voting RightsLegislative Fund – an activist group that defended tighter voteridentification requirements in court against charges that they weredesigned to hamper voting by poor minorities.
Rogers, a former general counsel to the New Mexico Republican Party anda candidate to replace Iglesias, is among a number of well-connectedGOP partisans whose work with the legislative fund and a sister groupplayed a significant role in the party�s effort to retain control ofCongress in the 2006 election.
That strategy, which presidential adviser Karl Rove alluded to in anApril 2006 speech to the Republican National Lawyers Association,sought to scrutinize voter registration records, win passage of tougherID laws and challenge the legitimacy of voters considered likely tovote Democratic.
This is the Thor Hearne group generating false concern over non-existent voter fraud cases.
As McClatchy pointed out in its article and I’ve been pointing out for some time, Rogers is or was also a candidate to replace Iglesias. We know Domenici has supported Rogers’ candidacy for some time.
Yet we don’t yet have statements–from Domenici or from the White House–who was behind Rogers’ candidacy to be USA. Isn’t it about time we tried to find out whether Iglesias was fired specifically to free up a place for a vote fraud hack? You know, kind of like what happened in Missouri? Because it would make it a lot easier to show the pattern behind these firings.