Here’s the best part of Waxman’s latest letter to Fred Fielding.
I respectfully request that the interviews that the Committee has beenseeking be scheduled without further delay. If this cannot beaccomplished, I will recommend to the Committee the issuance ofsubpoenas at our next business meeting, which is currently scheduledfor June 28. [my emphasis]
It’s a nice touch. A two day deadline, at a time when the WH has ducked most of the scrutiny relating to Cheney’s latest power grab to be a Fourth Branch. Yeah, it sucks that the original deadling was sometime in early April. But Waxman’s use of the media cycle is definitely worthy of someone who represents Hollywood.
And here’s my second favorite part of Waxman’s letter:
I do not doubt your good faith in proposing that the Committee considerinterviews with other White House officials before seeking testimonyfrom Mr. Card. But it has now been over two months and the Committeestill has not been able to arrange an interview with Alan Swendiman,the Director of the Office of Administration; Mark Frownfelter, aformer White House security officer; and Jeff Thompson, the formerDirector of the White House Security Office. This continued delay isimpeding the Committee’s inquiry and is not in the nation’s interest.[my emphasis]
I’m going to start cataloging every time Waxman uses the phrase, "I do not doubt your good faith" in a letter. I don’t think it means what it appears to mean.
The rest of Waxman’s letter is just a catalog of numerous violations Waxman laid out in previous letters to the White House. Still, I suspect the flap over Cheney’s security violations might focus some attention on the WH’s own security violations.