I’d like to point out a teeny detail in the report that Henry Waxman cites as his source that OVP isn’t providing ISOO with information about OVP’s classification and declassification activities:

PFIAB and OVP did not report data through the SF 311 to ISOO this year. This report, therefore, does not include any data from these two entities.

It was not just OVP that blew off ISOO in 2003. It was also PFIAB.

PFIAB is the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, a group of big-wigs providing outside oversight into our intelligence activities:

The President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) provides advice   to the President concerning the quality and adequacy of intelligence   collection, of analysis and estimates, of counterintelligence, and of other intelligence   activities. The PFIAB, through its Intelligence Oversight  Board, also advises the President on the legality of foreign intelligence activities.

In 2003, the board included such luminaries as: