Heffelfinger, NAIS, and the USA Purge
At a hearing before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs this week, Thomas Heffelfinger got asked some questions about how the USA Purge related to his work–and that of Chiara, Charlton, Iglesias, McKay, and Bogden before they were fired. In his testimony, Heffelfinger noted that those USAs on NAIS who were fired were not just on the subcommittee, they were leaders on it. Of the meetings NAIS had, four of five were hosted by the fired USAs (Chiara was the only fired USA who did not host a meeting). Heffelfinger went on:
All of those five people were zealous advocates in their own districts for improving public safety in Indian Country and improving Indian Country’s role in our broader Homeland Security infrastructure. As to the specific reasons why individuals got put on that list I think you will have to ask Kyle Sampson [laughs] but it is not a mere coincidence that five of eight were leaders amongst Native American prosecutors.
You’d think that, after Heffelfinger made such a statement before Congress, someone would act on it. We may not have long to wait. From a local story on Heffelfinger’s testimony:
Heffelfinger was slated to attend a meeting at the Justice Departmenton Thursday afternoon but would not say with whom he was meeting.
And DOJ, which has given precisely no persuasive explanations for anyone (save Kevin Ryan’s) firing, wants you to know that a focus on Native American issues has nothing to do with the firing.
Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse said Heffelfinger’sassertions were false, suggesting that Heffelfinger had no evidencelinking the firings and work in Indian Country.
I say we bring back Kyle Sampson and ask him under oath!