Cohen Tries to Make Sense

I deliberately avoided Richard Cohen’s latest nonsense of the other day. But then watertiger sent me a tidbit from Cohen’s online chat today (dirty trick, watertiger), and I got sucked in. First, let me start with this passage:

Boston: If Bush felt he needed to respond to Wilson, why not do it openly, on-the-record, based on the merits?

Richard Cohen: Good question. I’m not sure Bush was involved in this at all, but in general I agree.

"I’m not sure Bush was involved in this at all." Well maybe, Cohen, that’s why you shouldn’t write about this case. Because you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You see, evidence submitted at the trial made it clear that on June 9, Bush got involved. And later, on July 10, Condi passed on that "Bush is comfortable." Not to mention the fact that Dick Cheney claims to have asked Bush to declassify Plame’s identity the NIE. If Cheney did, in fact, have Bush unilaterally declassify Plame’s identity the NIE, I’d say that means he was involved.