Duncan Hunter Taught Duke Cunningham His Crooked Ways

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  1. William Ockham says:


    This popped up in my RSS reader, but isn’t showing up on the front page of the blog.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Typepad’s been flooey.

    And I thought you promised no more RSS feed (just joking–that was yesterday).

  3. Neil says:

    A just remand.

    Did you hear Duncan Hunter malign Stephen Hadley at the Doan Oversight Hearing yesterday? It was obviously a case of mistaken identity – he corrected himself – but in the meantime the rhetoric lost the effect. How does one confuse Sandy Berger with Stephen Hadley? He must have mis-sorted him into his ’slander’ column.

  4. William Ockham says:


    That was one of the funniest Freudian slips I’ve seen in a long time, because Waxman actually has been trying to get Hadley to testify.

  5. yellowsnapdragon says:

    I’d like to know how close the relationship is between Duncan Hunter and Dick Cheney. EW, I wish you would do some writing about the shady Bajagua water project. Dick Cheney, Duncan Hunter, Duke Cunningham and a bunch of the rest of the So Cal Corruption Brigade seem to be involved.