Go Read Digby and Jane

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  1. Neil says:

    EW, You’ll be great on that panel â€Curbing the Imperial Presidency†with John Podesta, John Conyers, Joe Conason and the inestimable Marcy Wheeler. Will we get to see it on C SPAN?

  2. Ishmael says:

    EW – I am truly stunned by this development – that Obama would even think of permitting his counsel to write this piece, to provide cover to the neocons and their apologists in the media, is truly amazing to me. Unlike the brilliant Digby, I cannot find the right words scathing enough to express my revulsion that the â€progressive†Obama would characterize this through Bauer as a â€progressive†act, so I can only provide an illustration. At the beginning of my legal career, I worked for a brilliant lawyer, a graduate of Yale and Oxford, who was studying in England when Nixon used his clemency powers to release Lt. Calley from prison during his appeals. This lawyer was so appalled by Nixon’s acts in support of Calley that he renounced his American citizenship and moved to Canada (and no, trolls, he wasn’t in danger of being drafted). I was thinking when I read Bauer’s piece that at least Nixon didn’t hide behind John Dean when he did this, like Obama is doing here. This is a dealbreaker for Obama with the progressive community. Another Profile in Courage in the US Senate. And no, I don’t think it is extreme to compare Scooter to Calley, both were following orders to further the cause of an immoral war.

    While reading the comment string in the HuffPo piece, I noticed that David Frum was floating the idea of Bush using his clemency powers to free Scooter during his appeals. To Bmaz, LHP, CHS, anyone out there with knowledge of this area, is this possible, or was Nixon able to free Calley pursuant to military codes and in his capacity as CIC of the armed forces?

  3. QuickSilver says:

    I was an Obama supporter and donor—but no more. To expect someone convicted of lying and obstruction to serve time for the sentence is not â€mere glibnessâ€, as Robert Bauer suggested.

    I am absolutely disgusted by this trial balloon from Obama’s counsel, which speaks volumes about the probable venality and corruption of an Obama Presidency. Disillusioning as this is, I trust my gut feeling on this and have duly un-subscribed from his campaign’s email lists. What a shame.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Ishmael – Don’t know answer as to Calley; but there is an antiquated concept known as â€respite†that does suspend the execution of sentencing during certain processes. I think last time used was during or before WWII and that instance may have actually involved a different concept. I think there is a real question whether or not respite is still viable in light of Congress having specifically occupied the area of law through passage of 18 USC 3143(b) mandating a presumption of remand pending appeal.

  5. Mary says:

    To be fair to Obama, TPM has his response – that he is against a pardon.

    I can’t get on Huffopo to post a comment, but this is what blew me away:

    â€So Bush kept clear of the case, as it had nothing at all to do with him.â€


    Um – has he forgotten Bush’s role in the â€get it all out there†and his express direction to go ahead and covertly leak classified intelligence information for the purpose of engaging in domestic poltical propaganda?

  6. Jodi says:

    Robert Bauer

    has a lot right from Clinton’s Hog Farmer and his own lies, to the Liberal’s frustration at only ending up with Scooter Libby at the end of their Cause célèbre.

    I don’t, though, follow his assertion that a Pardon by Bush necessarily causes Bush any more of a problem that he has already.

    The pardon will come in January of 2009, and will be washed away by the festivities of the time.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps I have harped on these themes before but I think that it is important to understand the principle of â€self-governance†to fully understand the significance of a constitutional republic. At some point in the evolution of human consciousness there become an established understanding of the political risk of inflating the potential of human kind with the expansive and limitless trops of identity associated with the divine. Self governance starts with the bond of individuals who recognize the necessity of personal limitation in order to acheive union. It really is not so much a gesture of sacrifice as it a participation in an archetypal organization of civil refinement. In other words it is an aspect of human potential founded on the principles of experience and the transmital of wisdom through time binding in texts, institutions and education.

    Marcy’s commitment to the evidence and the inferences flowing so naturally from the conventions of texts is a kind of commitment to this wisdom. The limitless psychic inflation of imperialism and the ethics of noblesse oblige and sovereign immunity that pave the streets of the faeryland of divine right so favored by the current Republican elite really is nothing less than a reversion to the criminal pretensions to governance so frequently subjected to constraint in the history of modern western civilizaiton. But the most insidious feature is the pretext of democracy. The structure of the constitutional republic in the light of the divinely inflated psyche is seen only as means. The irony though is that the beginning of self-governance is in self-awareness. There is self-awareness available in the body politic for example from the experience of veterans, through to the experience of seasoned United States Attorneys. Wisdom is not obviously exclusive to this group, but these are examples of where the one may turn in understanding the value of understanding in time. The current Republican elite sees this wisdom as an impediment to the exercise of endless power in politics, in economics and in media. Of course this is why they were initially so enamored of the idea of the end of history and and the precipitation in terms of idealogy only of a static geopolitical profile.

    The turn away from self limitation born of experience afterall is what Al Gore is getting at in his critique of the one dimensional character of media and his call to a return to the traditions of reasoned dialogue founded in proof and reason. Clearly this is a story founded on an attempted understanding of the value of principle, born of self awareness and leading to the possibility of self-governance. One can only hope more will awaken to this prospect beyond the facile enslave state of the participation mystique toward a rational and self-interested decision to participate.

    The significance of this difference is not fully drawn as of yet in the presidential race especially as presidential politics seems to draw to it those enamored of the potential of ever increasing power. One can only hope that a voice will emerge that eschews the mesmerizing media tactics of the status quo and harkens to the potential inherent in the constitutional frame work. Howard Dean had begun to move down this road and this is why he so quickly became a threat to the status quo. But I am hopeful seeing the web log emerge as a forum for dialogue and the pursuit of wisdom out side the one-dimensional drone of the corporate media.

    Of course in the science of cycles the grotesque divine and the rational will always dance. It really is a question of where one will cast their psychic tent then.

  8. ecoast says:

    Steve – Not just you, even some of Digby’s regular commenters think digby is male. When she comes out next wk, so many will be surprised. Read EW’s last line again. And Jane Hamsher threw a hint too at FDL.

  9. jonno says:

    digby’s a gal too? i’m surprised. glad i’m not alone. I kept reading EW’s piece and going wha? No prob. You girls rock.

    OT Is anyone else having problems with FDL? since last weekend it won’t load in my opera browser, but will in IE. A drag. This used to happen a long time ago but has been no prob for months now. Tubes!

  10. Dismayed says:

    Obama needs to fire Bauer right not. It was bad enough that he didn’t show for the Gonzo vote. Now his chief council is undermining the execution of justice for Libby?

    I get that Obama is running on this end of battleground politics adgenda, but that doesn’t justify running away from honest belief and core value to look moderate. I have the greatest respect for Jimmy Carter, but this is just the kind of gelatinous behavior that cost him a second term.

    My guess is that it will cost Obama his first.

  11. Woodhall Hollow says:

    I always knew Digby was a â€she.†Certain clues, but particularly the way she rips into â€certain men†and speaks out about choice.

    As for Obama…I have a feeling that he is in the Hilary camp, in that he would dearly love to retain some of Cheney’s unitary executive privilege. Power (or the dream of) is such a potent aphrodisiac. For some, that is.

  12. west says:

    jonno with the embarrassing geezer white man attitude: â€You girls rock.â€

    We’re so glad it’s no prob for you, jonno.

  13. freepatriot says:

    yep, digby’s a woman

    emptywheel, ReddHead, Jane, Sara, and a lot of the sane and intelligent voices that contribute to the comments here and at fdl, they’re all women

    this kinda fits with a theory I developed back in the early 1990s

    short version: we’re letting the wrong gender run the planet

  14. Mimikatz says:

    I thought the Bauer piece was sarcasm. I couldn’t imagine that anyone would seriously advance such an argument.

    Women are certainly paving the way here on how to accept adverse fate with dignity–first Martha Stewart, then finally Paris Hilton. Setting an example for the Libbys of the world. No wonder the â€little people†see through the elitist snobs in DC. No one of â€our kind†should ever have to go to jail–indeed!

    If they really want to save Scooter, try to get The Big Dick Cheney to confess his role and stop asking Scooter to take the fall for him. But of course Dick has â€other priorities†as usual.

  15. Woodhall Hollow says:

    But Big Dick won’t stick his neck out to â€save Scooter,†because as we all know, he is not a real man.

    Because he hides all the time.

  16. freepatriot says:

    I think the bauer argument is a serious argument in a utopian universe where presnits actually take responsibility for their actions and where george bush has some sense of shame

    whick kinda makes you wonder what fucking alternate universe bauer has been trapped in for the past 6 years cuz that ain’t a rational argument on this plane of existence

    and Mimi, you’re one of those â€sane and intelligent†voices I was talkin bout (wink)

  17. zhiv says:

    Like so many others, I had no clue that Digby is a woman. The obvious reason for the assumption is the photo of Peter Finch at the corner of the Hullabaloo site. Not that that should be definitive, since it’s obviously an image of a guy from a movie, but I guess it sets a tone.

    Don’t know why she wouldn’t have a nice pink site like Harriet Miers link ew posted yesterday… what was that thing–another assumption, that that wasn’t a real Harriet Miers SCOTUS nominee site, but anything’s possible.

    Hortatory subjunctive, Digby’s gender… never can tell just how a day is going to go…

  18. Mimikatz says:

    Digby is female, but very different from the ladies at FDL, which may have fooled some people.

    Digby is tough and uncompromising. She has a razor-sharp mind and is absolutely devastating when she skewers hypocrisy, especially the elitist variety and the fake maleness that passes for toughness in the TV world. We need all sorts of voices on the left and she is one of the best.

  19. RP says:

    It’s like reading James Tiptree, Jr. There’s no substitute for good writing, whether or not the author decides to substitute a name.

  20. hauksdottir says:

    I used to read Digby’s site, but then a bunch of regulars referred to a professional woman as a girl. :pffffft: When I complained about the use of the diminuative, I was made most unwelcome. It was especially provocative given that the site is owned by a woman.

    If we don’t treat ourselves with respect, how can we expect men to regard us as equals?

    I know about sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and sexual predation from personal experience. I wasn’t born a feminist, but became one as a survivor. We need to continually stand up for ourselves and for all other women, until sex is no longer used as a tool for dominance. Every time we accept the use of the word girl, we affirm that we are helpless and weak and immature. Bullshit. In the prehistoric past, physical strength may have led to male dominance, but surely in this civilized age, brain power or creative problem solving or invention ought to be the determinant factors! Words have power. Muscle-power dies with the man, but words live for generations and gather more power with each citation.

    Atrios often puts up a link to Digby’s latest, but I seldom bother to click over. There are so many well-written blogs that I can choose which communities to frequent. Why associate with people pretending to be children?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Like so many others, I had no clue that Digby is a woman. The obvious reason for the assumption is the photo of Peter Finch at the corner of the Hullabaloo site. Not that that should be definitive, since it’s obviously an image of a guy from a movie, but I guess it sets a tone.

    I didn’t believe it even after being told by someone with firsthand knowledge — I assumed it was some form of misdirection. I suspect that Digby may have consciously developed a â€male†writing voice for camouflage purposes.

    Don’t know why she wouldn’t have a nice pink site like Harriet Miers…

    LOL. After being tipped off, I joked that I couldn’t read Digby’s site anymore without imagining a little heart over the â€i.â€

  22. Ken Muldrew says:

    There was the New Years post where she talked about â€drinking champagne from a fabulous glassâ€. Not very mannish, that.

  23. surprised says:

    I thought Digby kept Digby’s gender secret as part of the pseudonym. I was shocked to see emptywheel’s use of the she.