emptywheel Reads those Cowardly Elephants Like a Book

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  1. hang a left says:


    I wonder EW if you could do a post on the process that will be undertaken during the WH’s executive priveledge claim that will be made re Miers and Taylor.

    Toobin on CNN this morning already launched the trial balloon that this is what assuredly happen.

    I am sure Leahy and Waxman have already antipated this outcome.

    Anyway, just wanted to get your take on the coming attractions.

    Thanks for all you do.

  2. Quzi says:

    EW, your crystal ball is sharp as a sushi knife.

    I’m still pissed at Biden and Obabma for being absent for the vote!

    Now back to your email post. I can’t keep up with you these days, my scheudle is too hectic. Thank you for staying on top of the intracacies and details of this DOJ fiasco (and all underlying crimes)!!! You are a national treasure. I still believe this one has the potential for undoing this WH if we can get to the evidence thru the firewalls.

  3. QuickSilver says:

    Why wasn’t Ted Stevens able to get the AG he wanted? Why does Senator Domenici have more pull within the GOP kleptocracy than Senator Stevens? I really thought it was all for one, one for all. So what happened to share and share alike, honor among thieves? It’s just not the same GOP anymore.

  4. QuickSilver says:

    OT, I love that you can’t bring yourself to capitalize ’emptywheel,’ even at the beginning of your headline.

  5. QuickSilver says:

    And just you watch how Republicans in Alaska eulogize Stevens: he will still be trumpeted as a great Senator who only went bad there at the end, succumbed to temptation. His behavior was an aberration.

    Yeah, right! And I have a bridge to sell you—in Alaska.

  6. Mimikatz says:

    It’s hard to believe they viewed Senator â€Pajamas†Domenici as more important, and salvageable, than Stevens. Maybe they are just losing control of people as the conspiracy comes unraveled and DOJ employees and USAs start taking care of their reputations with an eye to a less-GOP-friendly future. After all, Tim Griffin is apparently unemployable as a lawyer.