A Few Interesting Details on Comey’s Answers

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So subpeonaing Mueller and asking what he knows about Card or Gonzo informing Bushie of the mass resignations would be not be priveledged?

    Or should the comittee be asking Gonzo, Card or Ashcroft how they learned of the impending mutiny?

    Both sound good!

  2. Anonymous says:


    I’m not sure either will get you anywhere, honestly. But Comey has shut up for now, that’s for sure.

  3. John Casper says:

    Thanks so much emptywheel.

    FWIW, I think the Dems have positioned Comey as (for lack of a better term) their â€token Republican.†My guess is that they want Comey to come out of this squeaky clean, because he’s their ticket to securing some level of bi-partisan support for the ongoing investigations.

  4. Anonymous says:

    There you go again. Picking legalistic nits out of Comey’s hair when what the nation really wants to know is whether or not Paris is happy with her new cell!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know quite know how to ask this question because I don’t know how things work behind the scenes, but: isn’t it common for witnesses who can’t testify to some privileged/classified matters in public to speak to congressional staffers in private sessions? I also have felt that Comey’s testimony (each time) was crafted to nudge congressional investigators in the direction of further witnesses.

  6. Jeff says:

    Just wondering but…

    If [editorial] we were to (a) develop a time line of events and statements made by key Libby figures (including all the â€don’t remembers†and â€don’t knowsâ€), (b)identify the information gaps and (c) create universes of people; at least one of whom had to be in on each missing bit of information, could we not then deduce that, within each list of â€people in the loopâ€, one of them (1) had to know and was, therefore (2) lying?

    This, in turn, could form the framework for an ongoing process that would presumably narrow down things down to a managable group of potential perjurors that the DOJ, Congress and the media could hammer away at until they arrived at something resembling the truth.


  7. pseudonymous in nc says:

    My guess is that they want Comey to come out of this squeaky clean, because he’s their ticket to securing some level of bi-partisan support for the ongoing investigations.

    My guess is that they want Bush placed in a position where nominating anyone but Comey to replace Abu G. looks really effing bad.

  8. Sailmaker says:

    My guess is that they want Bush placed in a position where nominating anyone but Comey to replace Abu G. looks really effing bad.

    Wouldn’t Comey have to recuse himself from every important ongoing investigation? Plame, wiretapping, USAs?