Shorter Henry: Nice Try, Brad Berenson

There has been a lot of discussion already about the Ralston news from today–that she asked for immunity so she could testify about Abramoff contacts with the White House. What seems to be missing from those stories is the takeaway: Henry Waxman’s not giving Ralston immunity anytime soon.

Waxman provides a helpful map of what happened. Ralston gave a deposition on May 10–over a month after Waxman first invited her to visit. While there, she "testified on a number of subjects unrelated to the Abramoff matter." [Note to Novak and Rove–that bit’s just there to make you sweat.] But as for the rest, Waxman describes what sounds like an unsuccessful attempt on the part of designated firewall defense lawyer Brad Berenson to convince Waxman to give Ralston immunity for stuff she’s still under investigation for with the DOJ probe. Henry helpfully shows us the roadmap Berenson laid out for us:

Susan is here this morning voluntarily. She wants to assist the committee in its investigation to the extent she is able to. She is not under subpoena. We understand that the purpose of this morning’s deposition is really twofold: first, for her to provide the information that she can provide on a couple of subjects where she can testify without precondition … and, secondly, to make a record for the committee of the subjects on which she does not feel she can testify without a grant of immunity based on concerns that the testimony may reasonably form some link in a chain of evidence that someone could regard as inculpatory of her.

The subjects this morning that she will be unable to testify to on those grounds are the subjects of the relationship between Jack Abramoff and his associates and White House officials, including Ms. Ralston, and the subject of the use by White House officials of political e-mail accounts at the RNC.

She has material, useful information about both of those subjects. She is more than willing to provide it to the committee. However, she will, as we have previously discussed, require a grant of immunity before she is comfortable going forward.

And if you can’t read that road map, Henry gives you an even more specific one:

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  1. orionATL says:

    i think you may have you slipped on â€waxmanâ€.

    there’s one waxman too many in the last paragraph.

    thanks for the info: i’ve been wondering what actually happened with the ralston deposition.

    and i’m also wondering who is going to be the alexander butterfield (or some such), of this mammoth scandal,

    the person who gives the whole game away.

    iglesias says the sweet little m&m girl might be the one.

    i guess we’ll test this hypothesis tomorrow.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Right you are, thanks.

    Goodling won’t do it all, if for no other reason than she’s trying to get immunity while still protecting people.

  3. Dismayed says:

    EW – Why do you think Waxman is holding out on giving immunity to Ralston?

    My thought is that could be getting good data from other people that will put her in a much tighter spot, thus when it comes time to negotiate with her, she’ll be much more eager to walk the dog (rover) than to play firewall.

    I don’t know seem odd to me. I can’t imagine that he has information enough from others as to make her moot.

  4. Anonymous says:


    He saw Iran-Contra, the movie. And doesn’t care to see the sequel.

    If Ralston is the key player, and doesn’t bring others down, it’ll do no good. You need Ralston to remain perfectly liable for her crimes. And if that requires trusting in PI at DOJ, so be it.

  5. dunderhead says:


    I love your analysis. Stop making sense! Someone in the damn House and Senate might hear you.

  6. Dismayed says:

    So it goes back to someone’s comment â€I like my stoolies under indictmentâ€

    Thus, your gut feeling is that they are closing on her in a very tanigible way. It that’s so, it’s going to be one hell of a bomb when Wax sets it off.

    Sometimes I get the feeling that we are watching one big dog and pony show where both sides are players that know their parts. From where we are now if we don’t get some real heads on the platter I fear I’ll look at Washington with about the same disdane as WWF.

  7. TJ says:

    I hope to the powers that be that something will really happen. I’m so tired of tough talk but no action.

  8. Ace Armstrong says:

    The conundrum for the paleocons/sons of watergate is the cost benefit analysis/risk assessment of firewall defense versus the election cycle. The emerging chess game of constitutional rules and legal time should enthrall all of us because the sensibilities of the Founders were incredibly accurate. The scoundrals are always with us and the only hope is to have institutions and structure that keep them at bay.
    Ms. Ralston and Ms. Goodling serve as prime examples of innocence gone awry. Neocon fodder for the cause. I don’t think there will be a Alexander Butterfield, but rather a cascading effect of culminating behavior that Christ might more readily identify with the Sadducees and Pharisees than his disciples.

  9. Albert Fall says:

    Early indications are that Goodling is going to try to protect her old friends (Rove et. al.) while trying to do something to justify the immunity grant by her new friends (Congress).

    Where is the evidence that she is savvy enough to pull that off?

  10. obsessed says:

    the person who gives the whole game away.

    please, â€the personâ€, step forward … people are dying here

  11. obsessed says:

    And if that requires trusting in PI at DOJ, so be it.

    excuse my acronymous thick-headedness, but what, pray tell, is â€PIâ€?

  12. bmaz says:

    This is an incredibly bizarre Kabuki dance Berenson is laying down on/off the record as cited by Waxman in the May 22,2007 Memorandum. I am curious if it comes across the same way in the cold transcript as it does in Waxman’s Memo. Who is the â€Majority Counsel†referred to in the Memorandum that conducted the deposition of Ralston for the Committee? There is some agreement or understanding between Berenson and either Waxman or, alternatively, the majority Counsel on Waxman’s behalf, that we are not seeing here.

  13. John Casper says:

    On this thread Tokyo Jodi says: â€Ralston will get immunity. These committee hearings need fresh testimony to keep goingâ€

    But just a few threads earlier, Tokyo Jodi said: â€Now why am I so scarcastic here? It is because everyone is looking at the wrong thing. Look at Iraq people! That is where the smoking guns, and the dead bodies are. All the rest is just side street theater.â€


  14. Anonymous says:

    great stuff, EW! –

    it seems that rep. henry waxman
    (or â€his peopleâ€!) read your
    fine blog, EW — well-after midnight
    last night the ACTUAL WAXMAN MEMO
    text was UPDATED, with a shiny new
    paragraph that makes what you said
    just as clear as day — IN THE END

    yep — i’ve marked it all, on mine.

    great job, EW!

    imo, unlike ms. goodling — there should
    be no quick move toward immunity for
    ms. ralston. as waxman’s revised memo
    indicates — let’s subpoena karl rove,
    among others, FIRST!

  15. Anonymous says:

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