Delahunt Hammers Gonzales on Posada

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  1. randiego says:

    I think all of these things – the hearings and questions and the non-answers, are all good. It’s important to put it all out there, on the record. Call it the ’drip, drip, drip’ theory.

    But, I think we can all guess that the response regarding Posada will be a big fat zero, unless this one gets some traction in the media.

    this is a juicy one for them, low-hanging fruit. Anybody?

  2. freepatriot says:

    I look forward to your excellent rebuttal of gonzo’s pathetic answers, but I think we’re gonna be dissapointed

    I mean, this happened what a half hour back ???

    what are the chances that gonzo still recalls remembering he said he would provide an answer

    on a similar topic, anybody seen a film called â€Children Of The Revolution†???

    part of the plot revolves around a woman was having sex with joe stalin, resulting his death

    when her spy-liason escort asked her what she was doing when stalin died, she could only say â€I don’t know, I don’t recall, I don’t rememberâ€

    life immitates art, or art imitates life

    I ain’t figured that one out yet

  3. Anonymous says:

    The techniques of the klepto/corprotocracy are in full display. Gonzales has spent his career honing the art of using organizational cover to avoid accountability. Its the tactic that Ken Lay hoped to deploy by foisting accountability off on those he had retaiend to serve the corporation but the little problem of his liquidating his position in the face of the bright prospects he claimed that he held for Enron created a dissonance that a jury could not hold.

    The advantage of operating in the context of half truths and plausible deniability in government especially within the confines of Congressional oversite is that there truly is no legal safety net. Impeachment is a political process. And so whereas an advocate in a court of law could not act ethically both as fact witness and an advocate, this ethical prescription is inoperative with respect to Gonzalez testimony. In the business environment the incentive is clearly pecuniary. Political incentive is more difficult to nail down.

    The play though really is the passage of the hydrocabon law by the Iraqi legislature. All other features of the current politics are designed to insure this payoff without regard to the crimes against humanity that are being perpetrated against the Iraqi people to extort this result. So we see phrases coming out of the administration like â€sometimes money is more important than peace,†and â€working toward acceptable levels of violence.†The truth is in the blood of the casualties. This is a downpayment in violent oppression paid to secure an economic order. The political cost of deploying these domesticaly is too high at this time but the inherent intimidating feature of violence nevertheless cast a shadow upon the political stage. Victory will be acheived in Iraq when the hyrdocabon law is adopted and the â€profit sharing†begins. Is this strategy really so hard to discern?

  4. semiot says:

    â€Victory will be acheived in Iraq when the hyrdocabon law is adopted and the â€profit sharing†begins.â€

    I think this reasoning is spot on – from the viewpoint of BushCo and it’s base, â€the haves and have mores†as our Commander Guy so cat out of the bagged it.

    But, I think there is a diminishingly slim chance that the law will pass an Iraqi parliament, and near zero chance that it will prove profitable for BushCo in any case.

    I do think the BushCo/GOPper idea is to keep American troops in Iraq â€forever†– Hannah Arendt noted that the wave of imperialism that characterized the 19th century was predicated precisely on Western governments dispatching troops and bureaucrats as protective cover in the wake of private capital flows. We see how that turned out – even if the Dick Cheneys and Paul Wolfowitzes and Bill Kristals of the world don’t. Of course the real â€smart money†here (yah) is short to medium term – shrink wrapped Fed notes and RPGs. The oil will be there. But unless BushCo can pull off a Full Monty genocide in Mesopotamia, with American troops as the noble cause skin in the game, then that oil will run in the long run through national pipelines into Chinese tanks and Bob’s yer uncle.

  5. Basharov says:

    He has been tied to a bombing of a Cuban airplane that killed 73 people.

    Posada hasn’t just been â€tied†to the bombing of the Cuban airplane, he was actually convicted by a Venezuelan court and sentenced to prison there, a prison from which he â€escaped,†almost certainly with assistance from his employers at the C.I.A. and the complicity of the right-wing government that ran Venezuela at the time. It’s probably just a coincidence that in 1976, when Posada (and his buddy Orlando Bosch, presently enjoying a comfortable retirement in Miami) blew up the airplane, Dubya’s Daddy was the head of the C.I.A.