AGAG Makes His Last Stand on Voting Fraud

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  1. Anonymous says:

    all of this simply confirms what we have known all along… there isn’t anything – and i mean ANYTHING – this criminal cabal won’t say, and there isn’t anything – and i mean ANYTHING – they won’t do to serve their megalomaniacal agenda… The pattern was established with the 12 december 2000 scotus decision prior to george’s coronation, has continued uninterrupted since and will proceed until 20 january 2009 unless and until they are forcibly removed from office… moreover, gonzo will remain as ag because he won’t resign as long as he has george’s support (which he does), bush fires him (which he won’t), congress impeaches him (which they won’t), congress declares â€inherent contempt†(unlikely) or a 100% undeniable smoking gun is discovered (i’m praying)… in the meantime, all we have is some great theater to distract ourselves from the horrible reality that continues to unfold unabated from the white house…

  2. jonno says:

    this guy’s actually pretty good for a real estate lawyer. Just keeps smilin away. Wow.

  3. Dismayed says:

    MSM fell all over themselves to report that â€nothing more is expected to come from todayâ€. I’d love to see a bomb dropped on Gonzo, but my feeling is that today is more about getting him pinned down on a few items. Perhaps later testimony will then put him in a perjury position. I’ve got to figure that the dems on the panel have a strategy and that’s all I can see at the moment. What do you think they are trying to achieve today, EW?

  4. marksb says:

    Prof, probably the next year and a half unfold the way you outline it…but…with every drop of exposed corruption and FU attitude the message is delivered: The GOP, all the way through, is corrupt and criminal and will screw every American in order to gain power and steal money.

    The only people standing up to this wholesale corruption are our elected Democratic leaders and it’s playing every week on the TeeVee.

    Marketing is having a compelling story to tell, a compelling reason to switch brands, a simple message that tells this story, and constantly getting the message in front of your target market segment. We’ve got this in spades and will for the next year at least. Meanwhile, they got nothin’.

    2008 could make the 2006 midterms look like a close election.

  5. Canuck Stuck in Muck says:

    Frankly, I’m appalled at the inanity of the questions coming from Conyers and other Democrats on the panel. Of course, I’m made naseous by those of the Republicans. The Demos appear confounded, and ill prepared (e.g. Conyers consistently mispronouncing Iglesias, others using wrong dates, etc), and Gonzales is able to dance and bob and weave (STILL!) and do the rope-a-dope until each 5-minute round is over (sorry–I’m old enough to remember Muhammed Ali as a fighter and I can’t get the language out of my head!).
    I’m not only appalled, but also discouraged by this panel’s performance, today. This will give the Repos much more momentum to say, â€Let’s just stop this fishing expedition, and move on the the business of governing this great nation, blah, blah, blah.â€
    Somebody, please rescue the truth!

  6. AJ says:

    Can’t the SJC recall Gonzalez to ask about the delegation of authority? Especially if Gonzalez didn’t bother to respond to their follow-up questions where they asked for the responses in writing — weren’t those due May 4th?

  7. sojourner says:

    EW — I have a question that may be slightly off topic. I was watching the hearings earlier (before WORK demanded attention) and saw Lamar Smith’s idiotic questioning of AGAG.

    My question is: at what point does someone like Smith become complicit in the coverup — of preventing justice from being done? He has the right to ask â€his†questions, but at the same time, if he is strategically helping unknown forces block the truth from coming out, doesn’t that make him a part of the coverup?

    I know this is probably either a) simplistic, or b) extremely complex I have just had to wonder: how far down in the ranks of the Republican Party are people aware of the â€strategy†and actions taken to create that permanent majority they so badly want? I watch seemingly intelligent elected officials marching in lockstep to Rove, Bush, and Cheney’s whims — and they HAVE to know that the unholy trio are marching the whole party off a cliff.

    There is a scene from an old movie, â€Three Days of the Condor†that starred Clif Robertson and Robert Redford, at the very end. Redford’s friends (all CIA analysts) have all been murdered/assassinated by unknown forces, that are after Redford. In the end, it all comes down to oil (this was made about the time of one of the major energy crises). Robertson plays the heavy pseudo-badguy who is chasing Redford. At the end, they have a discussion about oil, and Robertson says something along this line: â€Do you know what is going to happen the next time we have a major energy crisis? The voters aren’t going to care where the energy comes from… They just want it.â€

    I am beginning to get the feeling that this whole thing that we see unfolding before us is about oil, that a permanent Republican majority thinks that it can continue the supply for all of us, and will do so at all cost, to maintain our (American) way of life. In essence, no one in Washington has the cojones to do anything because it is going to cause major changes in our lifestyles, our economy, and everything we know.

    This probably sounds like end of the world nutball theory, and after re-reading what I have written I will probably melt away into the shadows.

    That movie has haunted me ever since I first saw it. I spent 20 years in the oil and gas exploration business, and the politics of oil are scary — particularly when you consider that we just are not doing anything different…

    Thanks for letting me ask my question and get on a soapbox

  8. bmaz says:

    Sojourner – Great movie; one of my all time favorites. In answer to your question, congresscritters are pretty much immune, both civilly and criminally, for anything said or done on the floor of congress that is in any way connected to their duties.

  9. Sojourner says:

    BMAZ, thanks! I guess I remember that they are pretty much immune from everything in the course of their duties, but it has been too long since I was in civics class.

    And, yes — I need to scout up a new DVD copy of that movie. I think it was when I began to question what all went on in Washington, and what was done â€for the people.â€

    Again, thanks!

  10. marksb says:

    But, sojourner (the name of my favorite local restaurant, BTW), you are not far off the mark. I’m convinced we are dealing with an evil matrix consisting of oil access, corporate power and profits, military base positioning, military budgets, permanent GOP power, and the nullification of legitimate democracy that threatens this power-matrix from becoming the dominate agenda.

    So…nutball theories, yes, and while I tend toward viewing things through a rather positively colored lens, the reality…is indeed scary. Have a go at Conason’s â€It Can Happen Here: Authoritarian Peril in the Age of Bushâ€, it’ll raise the hair on the back of your neck, and of course Palast.

  11. hauksdottir says:

    Murray Waas has a new article up:

    Several of the e-mails that the Bush administration is withholding from Congress, as well as papers from the White House counsel’s office describing other withheld documents, were made available to National Journal by a senior executive branch official, who said that the administration has inappropriately kept many of them from Congress.

    The senior official said that Gonzales, in preparing for testimony before Congress, has personally reviewed the withheld records and has a responsibility to make public any information he has about efforts by his former chief of staff, other department aides, and White House officials to conceal Rove’s role.


    A congressional investigator questioned whether the White House counsel’s office would sign off on the letter without asking Rove himself whether it was accurate. The investigator also noted that publicly released Justice Department records show that Taylor and Jennings, both top aides to Rove, worked closely with Griffin to have him installed as U.S. attorney. In response Fratto said: â€We have no record of that letter ever leaving the White House counsel’s office.â€…..510nj1.htm

    Rather stunning in the particulars.

  12. marksb says:

    So…reading Waas…maybe the HJC members have been dancing around the questions put to AGAG today in order not to walk on the potential to charge him—and/or others—with Contempt of Congress and Obstruction? Don’t ask him anything that would get in the way of charges while a set of staff attorneys are burning the midnight oil preparing a case. Might explain the toothless questions. ?

  13. hauksdottir says:

    Now, did Abu know that Waas’s article would be posted before he entered the chamber to testify? I don’t see a posting time on the article. Some aide for a congress-critter probably alerted them, but would anybody have been able to alert Abu that there was a breach?

    (No TV, so I don’t get visuals.)

    This does reinforce our point that his memory is not really that bad, he is simply playing the game of absorbing every arrow, lance, and spitball lest his BFF Bush gets dirtied by an accurate shot. I’m sure that Bush will reward him well.