No One Could Have Foreseen that the Premiums Would Go to Pay Saddam

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  1. semiot says:

    I’m still waiting for some prosecutions from the BCCI scandal. I’m a patient sort of guy.

  2. Sparkles the Iguana says:

    Clearly, little pictures of the board members need to be inserted in the minutes, for those who only have time to skim. Thus the leonine, aristocratic, gray-maned Richard Burt would smile slyly and be able to distinguish himself from the squat-headed, beady-eyed, combovered Perle.

  3. freepatriot says:

    yo, emptywheel:

    do you by any chance play chess ???

    I’m a potzer, but I know how all the pieces move …

  4. Veritas78 says:

    A sunset law for corporations would help. Give ’em 24 years, then close ’em down. Biden and Lieberman would have heart attacks, but it’s a small price to pay.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Veritas: nah, they’re like zombies. In year 23, you just start a new corp, and transfer all the assets from the old one to the new one, and voila! Meet the new corporate overlord, same as the old corporate overlord. Call it â€Altria†instead of â€RJ Reynolds†and you’re all good.

    It’s already happening in telecom, and the round-trip time has been only, what, 23 years since AT&T was broken up in 1984? did you just pull that number out of your * ?

  6. marksb says:

    If you look upstairs, you’ll note that I talk about how company can pay bribes without actually paying bribes. In the story I tell, did the board know that the special projects fund was actually going to pay a series of bribes to close business? Nope. Not presented.

    Management doesn’t want the board to know more than the summary financials, the project sales, the result of past quarter/yearly sales, and issues that will cause a higher risk or a higher reward in the future.

    The board likes it that way, the execs like it that way, and everyone in the food chain stack the boards to allow it to be run that way. The board has deniability if shit happens, the execs have someone higher than themselves they can point at if shit happens, and everyone walks away from the shit that happens. Our business ethics in action.

    It’s bad business and it’s not universal, but it’s certainly more often this way than is good for business.

    (To be fair, this is Big Business for the most part. Startups often have the VC’s actively sitting on the board and they watch the situation like a hawk, sometimes micromanaging the company from their board seats. Of course, shit still happens… And when you get an activist investor sitting on the board, the CEO can sometimes experience a bit of, um, turbulence. If we had a set of regulatory rules that hold board members directly accountable for illegal actions taken by executive management, we’d see a more ethical business environment. [Maybe we do and no one enforces it?] Like I said earlier today, ethics in business today is the art of preventing prosecution. Sad, isn’t it?)

  7. oldtree says:

    do you think we could get some laws passed where people have to tell the truth? everyone in government, everywhere in our country?
    wouldn’t that be fascinating

  8. freepatriot says:

    yo, oldtree, as I understand it, that’s what GITMO is all about

    jus sayin, is all

  9. Jukesgrrl says:

    And, pray tell, why isn’t this story all over the MSM immediately following their lame local whines about the price of gas???

  10. apishapa says:

    I kind of wonder why everyone seems so convinced that Condi didn’t know what was going on. Because she says so? Of course she knew about Chevron’s crooked dealings. That is why it has taken all these years to come to light. She is a liar and a crook who will go to any length to line her pockets and promote her own agenda. She is not just Bush’s lackey. She is a bona fide criminal in her own right.

  11. Cara says:

    Useful to indict small oil companies making a perfect distraction to the Big American companies involved(government interest). Now explains.

    Why was not Chevron indicted as well?