Fox, Henhouse, Bush's DOJ

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for my ignorance, but who’s Alice Fisher again? We need a deck of cards to keep track of all these crooks.

  2. Anonymous says:

    i wonder if there is an internal investigation going on (or recently completed) within doj?

    maybe something to do with passing along doj info.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone ever consider the possibility that semi-culpable witnesses have not been coming forward due to fear, not loyalty? Imagine coming in to the FBI and confessing your involvement, only to be the only one punished? Canaries like to sing, if they think there is a larger point to make.

  4. Anonymous says:

    So much to read about on an otherwise boring Friday, hmmm. Thanks for the continuing education.

    FYI – the visual site problems I mentioned the other day still exist with W-IE but now it’s only on the first page. If the article rolls to another page or I head to the comments all looks as it did. I don’t get it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    OT — and this is probably a pretty dumb question, but I’ll never know unless I ask… So, it’s asked in sincerity –

    TPM just got word that there’s another document dump tonight. As obstinant as Bush and boys are, why do they willingly release the documents, especially when some of the data is incriminating — and when the White House likes to call itself a unitary executive.

  6. Anonymous says:

    TPM just got word that there’s another document dump tonight. As obstinant as Bush and boys are, why do they willingly release the documents, especially when some of the data is incriminating — and when the White House likes to call itself a unitary executive

    That should have been stated in the form of a question, sorry. Why release them?

  7. Anonymous says:

    The site is still goofy for me too. I use the latest Safari on the latest OSX 10.4.9 I think. Problem seemed to start around â€The Other 13†post on 4/25. Never could get that article to come up properly; at one point it suddenly incorporated some post from 2006 I think.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh my. Jane’s certainly got the goods on Alice Fisher. What a classic example of cronyism and ineffectual management…all the way through the chain of command. Recess appointed during the Katrina mess, no less, and Chief of Criminal Division with ZERO trial experience. Geez.

    And one for Jodi: â€Fisher is a Republican who in her former job was registered as a lobbyist for HCA, the healthcare company founded by Bill Frist’s father.†Heh.

  9. Anonymous says:

    OS X.4.8, Safari 2.0.4 – same issues as bmaz.

    Too many foxes with too many feathers still stuffed in their mouths.
    Hoping for many Verdict Faeries to stop these foxes in their bloody tracks.

  10. Anonymous says:

    so the guy in charge of investigating â€I don’t know Jack†abramoff has now resigned because he has been implicated in the â€I don’t know Jack†Abramoff scandal ???

    so doesn’t that make his entire involvement in the investigation a BIG FAT CASE OF OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE ???

    or did he â€FAIL TO RECALL†that he was one of the people who obviously â€DID KNOW JACK†???

    is failure to remember that you’re one of the criminals a valid defense against that charge ???



    and hey, jack abramoff, BOHICA baby, BOHICA