The Case of Patrick Fitzgerald and the Missing Emails

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  1. William Ockham says:

    I figured you had a post on this in the works. I’m still going through the massive document dump from today, but I think the most promising part of this is that it gives Waxman and/or Conyers a good reason to request some info from Patrick Fitzgerald.

  2. orionATL says:

    damn this is impressive.

    and a good road guide to an issue that just will not die.

    the u.s. attny fixing is more important to the nation, but the plame vindictiveness may yet be the overreaching that sinks the ss bush (at least that would be a more satisfying script),

    simply because it is an open investigation that can be activated on reasonable suspicion(?) and might then provide a way to get access to white house/rnc documents.

    i cannot imagine bush letting gonzales resign under this scenario.

    the incoming attny gen would have to be a reasonably upstanding person to meet public expectations

    and he would not likely keep fitzgerald tethered

    or refuse to help the congress in its oversight investigations.

    if i were karl rove, i would be getting really nervous about now.

    wonder if he has a passport.

  3. SaltinWound says:

    The stance Fielding is taking about all requests for RNC emails having to go through the White House suggests to me that they may have already done the forensics and have some emails, perhaps in the context of one of these investigations. Maybe they’ve even turned certain material over to specific prosecutors, including Fitzgerald. And now they have to negotiate the whole thing all over again.

  4. notjonathon says:

    Your contributions here should be required reading for the Congress. Still on the first cup of coffee (JST), so I’m not yet ready to think. Just keep up your own great forensic work.

  5. Isbister says:

    Let me begin by saying that I think Luskin would make a great bushie too (a creative â€truth†teller).

    Luskin was asked questions about the whole can of worms being opened up on Rove again over Plame because of the news about Rove’s shady emailing. He answered, Oh no my guy co-operated fully, volunteered of all of his hard drives so Fitz and the FBI could make images in the summer of ’04 (August, perhaps).

    Now, Fitz and his team’s having copies of Rove’s drives bring a few questions/thoughts to mind (in no particular order):

    1) Fitz was looking for info pertaining to his investigation, not USA firings, Hatch Act violations, election fraud, Iraq, blah, blah, blah. Would Fitz have expanded his investigation if he ran across a Hatch Act violation (for example)? One would assume he might but maybe he found pieces of the puzzle(s) we’re seeing in today’s light… nothing overtly criminal in ’04/’05.

    2) Did Fitz find info about the plan to fire all USA’s in order to get at a select few or did that plan come about because of what Fitz was finding?

    3) Did Fitz find any USA info related to his own self?

    4) If Karl can share all of his privileged information with various non-governmental IT departments, Fitz, the FBI, and whomever else turns up over the upcoming weeks/months… why is it so difficult to share with the people’s representatives in Congress?

    5) Did Congress hear Luskin tell them that somebody’s got copies of Rove’s hard drives from the summer of ’04? (And if they get a copy, can we have one too?)

  6. Isbister says:

    Let me begin by saying that I think Luskin would make a great bushie too (a creative â€truth†teller).

    Luskin was asked questions about the whole can of worms being opened up on Rove again over Plame because of the news about Rove’s shady emailing. He answered, Oh no my guy co-operated fully, volunteered of all of his hard drives so Fitz and the FBI could make images in the summer of ’04 (August, perhaps).

    Now, Fitz and his team’s having copies of Rove’s drives bring a few questions/thoughts to mind (in no particular order):

    1) Fitz was looking for info pertaining to his investigation, not USA firings, Hatch Act violations, election fraud, Iraq, blah, blah, blah. Would Fitz have expanded his investigation if he ran across a Hatch Act violation (for example)? One would assume he might but maybe he found pieces of the puzzle(s) we’re seeing in today’s light… nothing overtly criminal in ’04/’05.

    2) Did Fitz find info about the plan to fire all USA’s in order to get at a select few or did that plan come about because of what Fitz was finding?

    3) Did Fitz find any USA info related to his own self?

    4) If Karl can share all of his privileged information with various non-governmental IT departments, Fitz, the FBI, and whomever else turns up over the upcoming weeks/months… why is it so difficult to share with the people’s representatives in Congress?

    5) Did Congress hear Luskin tell them that somebody’s got copies of Rove’s hard drives from the summer of ’04? (And if they get a copy, can we have one too?)

  7. Anonymous says:


    1) No, Fitz wouldn’t expand hsi investigation. He was asked similar questions over the course of his investigation, and every time he said he would not.

    2)That plan came about because of what Fitz was finding (and what Lam and Chiara was finding). But what Fitz was finding had more to do with Plame.

    3) Fitz didn’t need to. At the same time as he got ROve’s computer, BushCo was floating firing him, because his term had expired. He knew they wanted to get rid of him.

    4) Yup–that’s a point I was trying to make with the post.

    5) Perhaps. I do think Luskin’s blabbing was about protecting Karl. But it wouldn’t be the first time his blabbing got Karl in trouble (remember, it was his comment that gave Cooper an opening to testify).

  8. pseudonymous in nc says:

    The stance Fielding is taking about all requests for RNC emails having to go through the White House suggests to me that they may have already done the forensics and have some emails, perhaps in the context of one of these investigations.

    Perhaps, but I think that Fielding’s greatest concern is to ’bless’ the RNC-mails with the magic pixie dust of executive privilege.

  9. Anonymous says:

    ew – if notjonathon doesn’t get back to your question here, he is permanently in jst.