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  1. Anonymous says:

    Yoo-hoo! EW! More stuff happening in reguards to USA. THis is from The Hill:

    Nelson opens new front on U.S. attorney firings
    By Elana Schor
    April 12, 2007

    A new front has opened in the growing furor over the U.S. attorney firings, as Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) on Thursday sought more information from the Department of Justice (DoJ) on an information-sharing computer program championed by several of the federal prosecutors later forced from office.

    Ousted Washington U.S. attorney John McKay took a prominent role in promoting the LInX program, which was developed by Navy investigators to help federal, state and local authorities share criminal data. The program was reportedly stymied by a lack of full access to DoJ’s information. McKay and 17 fellow prosecutors, five of whom stepped down during the Bush administration’s controversial push to remake the U.S. attorney ranks, asked Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty for a stronger commitment to LInX in an August 2006 letter.

    Let the RNC pay Rove since he works for them.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Do the math to see who Karl really works for.

    (Actually, a correction – 2000 hours is about a years’ work full-time)

  3. Anonymous says:

    This whole thing is no longer a Republican issue or a Democrat issue — it is an AMERICAN issue. Rove and his ilk are decidedly un-American in my book, as are Cheney and Bush. If anyone values truth, justice, and the (TRUE) American way, then it is time to start lighting some fires under our elected representatives!

    The White House says it cannot find the requested emails, but I’ll bet they could if a staffer was found to have tried to sell information to a foreign entity! To my way of thinking, the mere fact that possibly secret information has been communicated over the RNC network says that there should be a MAJOR investigation. Neither the RNC nor the DNC is entitled to our nation’s secrets.

    I am disgusted with what is happening… I want MY America back!

  4. Anonymous says:


    Karl Rove uses the same RNC Blackberry for email and telephony. That’s the attraction of those devices.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Raw Story is reporting that dozens of Bush appointees also are members of a partisan organization of lawyers. So their day job is working for the Justice Dept and their night job is for the partisan Republican National Lawyers Assoc? Hmmm….do they change their persona from government servant to partisan hack in a phone booth at 5 pm or is it all really the same job to them- 95% of the time they are plotting treasonous attacks and 5% of the time they are at the water cooler or bathroom breaks and all of it is on the taxpayer’s dime?

    I’s like to see some evidence that they are working for the people.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I would guess that records of these emails are being kept somewhere, if only because at some future date KR might want to see them when he is writing his memoirs (don’t underestimate the narcissism of this administration). Finding them may not be easy, and as Kagro X maintains, their lock on all the usual mechanisms of enforcement is a formidable barrier to obtaining them.

    The packing of DOJ with pliable Regent U. grads is no small matter. Theestablishment of a (theocratic) dictatorship would be impossible without the cooperation of the enforcement arm of the law.

    At the very least, the revelations make it harder for the maladministration to take extra-legal steps to uphold the permanent Republican majority (martial law, postponement of the 2008 elections due to a terrorist threat, etc.). Nevertheless, the wafer-thin barrier between the Republic and a dictatorship is in the hands of a few Democratic Senators and Representatives.

    As for Karl’s salary, this has clearly been a crime since Day One, acknowledged early on with the typical one-fingered salute of this regime.

    Remember, the thousand-year Reich lasted but twelve years. I can only hope bringing this one down will not require the annihilation of the state.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Out of curiosity, how many USAs could open an investigation into this, or order FBI to seize records/computers/files? If one did this, could DoJ stop them?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Being Bush’s brain doesn’t pay quite as well as being Wolfowitz’s girlfriend.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Holy cow, remember that understated comment from Fitzgerald noting, out of an abundance of caution, that not all the White House emails have been archived through the normal process? Well guess what, 5 million. CREW has the info, no doubt gained as part of the Wilsons’ civil suit, as they are talking about the period March 2003 to October 2005 – when Wilson may have first shown up on the White House’s radar to the indictment of Libby. Check it out here.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Where I come from Phila/NJ area, Rove’s gig, working 5% of the time for 100% of the pay is called a â€no-show jobâ€. Bush’s US attorney in NJ just indicted a democrat state rep. for doing something very similar.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Anyone want to bet that Fitz specifically advised the DOJ that White House employees who used non-White House e-mail accounts for official business were, in fact, breaking the law? And that ALL such e-mail had to be archived, by law? I’m guessing Fitz has a copy of the memo, just in case Gonzo isn’t able to find it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Bullseye as per usual emptywheel: â€There’s only a few conclusions I can draw from that. Either, we’re paying Rove $165,200 for 104 hours of work (52X40/20). Or almost $1600/hour. Which I’m guessing would rank right off the charts on the government pay scale.â€

    These facts open up a whole new line of questioning that I hope the Dems and TM will begin to ask. Whatever responses that KKKarl provides will open new doors/vulnerabilities. For example, if KKKarl says the emails do not represent the portion of his work product that was on behalf of ALL the American people, what does?

    OT, Federal Government may have â€moonlightling†laws.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Re Scooter Libby & email. Remember how he said he didn’t use it? (Well, his assistant printed out for him). It’s possible he just never cottoned on to this newfangled communication system, however,

    Let’s go ahead and assume that’s not entirely truthi: What alternate communication system do you imagine Cheney’s office might use? Doubt they’d put their trust in the RNC.

  14. Anonymous says:

    so he spends 95 % of his time out of the White House and White House offices, and what about White House vehicles?
    Is this Hatching?

  15. Anonymous says:

    great article at tpm – waxman sending a letter to ag informing him that the atty for the RNC admits that KR personally deleted (until caught by rnc in 2005) all his emails….uh oh…

  16. Anonymous says:

    great article at tpm – waxman sending a letter to ag informing him that the atty for the RNC admits that KR personally deleted (until caught by rnc in 2005) all his emails….uh oh…

  17. Anonymous says:

    And why, exactly, does someone who spends most of their time on the business of their political party need a top-secret security clearance?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Wow – what a day. Leahy just flat out said he doesn’t believe the WH – â€They just don’t want to produce them†he said. Follow by, â€I’ll subpeona them if necessaryâ€.

    By my estimation it’s fucking necessary. I don’t understand why he doesn’t just issue the damn subpoenas.

    My best guess is that he knows that’s what the WH wants. Then they can move this into a legal arena where they think they have the advantage, where right now, this is out in the court of public opinion and the administration is taking a beating over it.

    This sure feels like a death spiral for the administration to me. It certainly would be if MSM was doing their job.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Waxman hints at the fact that the RNC server techs stopped auto-junking emails on their servers after ’unspecified legal inquiries’ in August 2004. That would be Mr Fitz.

    But Unka Karl still junked his mail manually. For a year.

    The history of the Bush administration’s practices is going to be nigh-on impossible for archive researchers to reconstruct a few decades from now. Which is part of the point. Much better to dictate it to Booby Woodward.

    Time may be of the essence for Leahy, Conyers and Waxman, because it’s no longer a case of relying upon databases, but on the magnetic remains of data found on physical hard drives.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Remember how he said he didn’t use it? (Well, his assistant printed out for him). It’s possible he just never cottoned on to this newfangled communication system, however,

    In any case, that’s not the explanation. Libby said in his grand jury testimony that in his previous job he’d used email a lot. But not in this one. I would bet that’s true, given how cautious an actor he was, rather than that he was using an off-the-books RNC or whatever one. It is still worth noting that Fitzgerald did specify that emails from OVP were among those not properly archived.

  21. Anonymous says:


    That’s the thing. The only two reasons to keep Karl on teh payroll is 1) to give him access to top secret info and 2) to make sure he can hand out patronage as part of his work.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Time for class-action lawsuit to get our money back. We’ve all got standing—how do we get it started?

  23. Anonymous says:

    Leahy just flat out said he doesn’t believe the WH – â€They just don’t want to produce them†he said. Follow by, â€I’ll subpoena them if necessaryâ€.

    Local TV news in Boston, channel 5, is covering the story. The lead openly questioned the veracity of the Bush Administration’s claims about being unable to produce thousands of emails. Next, they ran a clip of Leahy on the floor of the senate saying what he said above and adding the comment that the administrations response is like the excuse â€the dog ate my homework.â€

    The story is hitting the MSM in a fortuitous way; directly impeaching the current meme, â€There is no evidence of any wrong-doing.â€

    About 70% of Americans recognize a duck when they see one.

  24. Anonymous says:

    do we actually KNOW that this rnc email account is what Fitz was refering to ???

    seems to me that if Fitz was talking about emails outside the government accounts he would have made that clear

    If Fitz doesn’t know this, this could be the streaw that triggers the IIPA charges

  25. Anonymous says:

    On shit hitting fan. This was not a good day for Bushspeak. The bridge across the Tigris was blown up, and that’s a big deal, the Iraqi Parliament was bombed, and that’s an enormous deal, and their dog ate their e-mails. Usually the various scandals drown each other out, but this time they are resonating and reinforcing each other. Oh, and I forgot. Nobody wants to be War Czar either.

    Another week of this and what’s left of the thug party will be throwing the Rove branch under the bus. Sauve qui peut, and all that.

  26. Anonymous says:

    I’ve got to think so as well, knutt. The image seems to be that the surge is simply bringing on all out open war in Iraq. A war where we have no targetable enemy, and where the harder we push the further our BS objective slips away.

    I’ve got to figure that the only Senators behind Bush next week will be the one’s that Karl has photos of fucking a dead hooker.

    I can just hear it on the Daily show. â€Fourteen Senators, known of as the ’Blue Hooker Republicans’ still stand with the president†Ha!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Holy cow, remember that understated comment from Fitzgerald noting, out of an abundance of caution, that not all the White House emails have been archived through the normal process?

    I remember someone blogging about that a month ago…

    Nice point about the likely tie-in with the Wilsons’ civil suit, BTW.

  28. Anonymous says:

    This was not a good day for Bushspeak. The bridge across the Tigris was blown up, and that’s a big deal, the Iraqi Parliament was bombed, and that’s an enormous deal, and their dog ate their e-mails. Usually the various scandals drown each other out, but this time they are resonating and reinforcing each other.

    You’re right. Did anyone hear that CBS radio fired Imus? Well they did and it didn’t even come close to the top of the newscast. It’s an after thought. I wonder if he still met with the Rutgers Women’s Basketball Team, national championship runner-up, and apologized.

  29. Anonymous says:

    â€Mr. Kelner’s briefing raised particular concems about Karl Rove, who according to press reports used his RNC accountfor 95%of his communications. According to Mr. Kelner, although the hold started in August 2004, the RNC does not have any e-mails prior to 2005 for Mr. Rove. Mr. Kelner did not give any wxplanation for the e-mails missing from Mr. Rove’s account, but he did acknowledge that one possible explanation is that Mr. Rove personally deleted his e-mails from the RNC server.â€

    Waxman’s Ltr to AG AG, 4/12/07

  30. Anonymous says:

    I think we’re all afraid to say it out loud. At least I’ve been afraid to, because saying it might jinx it. But I think it more and more as the days roll pass.

    This is it! This is the scandal that’s going to bring them down. [Laehy thinks it. Conyers thinks it. Waxman thinks it. So if I’m wrong, at least I’m in good company]…

  31. Anonymous says:

    More news! Think Progress is reporting that word is out that Monica Goodling will be given immunity.

    Also reporting that the Board has asked for Paul Wolfowit’s resignation.

    This accountability thing seems to be catching on.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Who’s paying Karl for the other 95% of his time, and is it in cash or in kind, current or deferred?

  33. Anonymous says:

    I’ve kinda wondered whether Fitz was telegraphing the e-mail problem.

    I don’t think Abu is going to make it to his testimony date… there are going to be questions he can’t answer about his knowledge of the records act evasion.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Does anybody remember that when the whole Plame cia -> doj referral came down. There were how many hours of free email deleting time available? Do you think KKKarl had a long night and a very sore right pinky from hitting enter so many times that night/weekend?

    And when do various committees start asking NSA for any vacuumed emails. I was very interested in the idea that McConnell wants more spying powers including retroactively protecting the big internet/voice backbone companies. hmmmmm

  35. Anonymous says:


    Duly impressed. The actual CREW report makes it sound a little more interesting and elaborate than I was imagining. It says that in October 2005 the Office of Administration discovered a problem with the White House’s email retention system, and did an analysis of the issue that revealed the missing email days from between March 2003 and October 2005. Pretty sure the OA is the one that produced emails to the SP, and it still strikes me that there’s a good chance this was prompted in one way or another by Fitzgerald. But it evidently wasn’t directly through the civil suit per se.

  36. Anonymous says:

    IIRC, there were ’missing’ emails (that were not produced by KR) which were suddenly ’located’ and provided by Luskin just before the fifth GJ appearance by KR.

    Wonder if PJF had KR dead bang for obstruction for not producing all the emails which he cured in the fifth appearance.

    Just a thought.

  37. Anonymous says:

    I would expect that Karl Rove considers that his work as a Good Republican is the Work of the Nation.

    That is why his boss employs him.

  38. Anonymous says:

    I would expect that Karl Rove considers that his work as a Good Republican is the Work of the Nation.

    That is why his boss employs him.

    That’s not what we-the-people are paying him for. If he’s going to be doing work as a Good GOoPer, Jodi, he should be doing it on their payroll and from their offices, not on the US taxpayers’ dollar.

  39. Anonymous says:

    I told ya tokyo jodi was a wormtougne

    anything that george bush does is just fine

    and anything the We The people do to protect our nation is bad

    tokyo jodi the worm tongue is a traitor to America

    those who would surrender their liberty for security deserve neither

    Thomas Jefferson was talking about you, tokyo jodi

  40. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know if any of you have heard the joke about the bear hunter, but basically the hunter tries to shoot the bear, and then goes to find his kill and the bear sneaks up on him and says – â€Now why you go off and shoot at me, I never did nothing to you – now bend over.†and with that the bear rips the hunter’s trousers open and screws him up the ass.

    Now the old hunter is mighty pissed, so he goes and gets an elephant gun, goes back the next year and takes a shot at the bear. Now he’s damn nigh sure he’s killed him and goes out to find his prey, but the bear sneaks up on him – angryly remands him yet agian, and says, â€now bend over.†and violates him rudely up the ass.

    Oh lord the old hunter is sure as hell furios now, so he gets a shoulder deployed antipersonel rocket from the military black market, and goes out the next year to kill the bear. When he fires a good swath of the hillside is just obliterated, so bounds up the mountain in joy to find what remains of the bear – On the trail, the hunter feels a tap on his shoulder, and there stands the bear looking down at him. The bear says,

    â€Old Hunter, you ain’t exactly here for the hunting, are you?â€

    Hadn’t thought of that joke in years, but I’m beginning to think old jodi ain’t exactly here for the measured debate.

  41. Anonymous says:

    FWIW Madsen thinks that Fitzgerald got the missing WH emails from a Federal site in Olney MD (I do realize that invoking Madsen will invite ridicule):

    â€March 22, 2007 — It is time for Congressional investigators to drive to Olney, Maryland with subpoenas in hand….

    Last year, WMR was contacted by an anonymous source who claimed to have intimate knowledge of how the â€EOP†(Executive Office of the President) archived older e-mail and other documents. The source said that it is EOP policy to send archival documents to an underground Federal Support Center at 5321 Riggs Road in Olney, Maryland for safekeeping. WMR passed this ’tip’ on to those who have ’back channel’ communications with Patrick Fitzgerald’s office with an emphasis that the anonymous source appeared to have a very good working knowledge of White House document handling and archival procedures. The anonymous source suggested that Fitzgerald and a team of FBI agents show up unannounced at the Olney facility and simply seize the e-mails in question. Shortly thereafter, most of the the ’missing’ 2003 smoking gun e-mails involving Cheney’s office were found.â€

  42. Anonymous says:

    oh no…

    wait! for sec, I thought maybe I was on a FOX news blog site…

    the conservative evaluations of greenhouse, freepatriot, and dismayed, which attack a commentator rather than address the content of her comment, add nothing to the continuance of a dialogue, but instead opt for closure of discourse through monologic assessments, which really amount to nothing more than immature characterizations of someone with an apparently different view…

    democratic liberalism requires a speaker to exhibit a developed sense of social awareness and respect for the subject positions of others… to call someone in the middle of a conversation an ’idiot’, ’a traitor’, or a victim of ’bestial rape’ is a conservative move… some might even say an act of symbolic violence…

    maybe, for some us, these tendencies are difficult to recognize because of conservative dispositions that were inculcated into us as adolescents in american public high schools… despite our university training, maybe it’s still hard for us to engage in authentic liberal democratic discourse because of the way symbolic violence has become so second-nature within the public converstions of MSM and the anonymous virtual worlds of blogosphere…

    is it that hard to keep â€inside thoughts†inside? to honor the views and opinions of others? to engage in repectful dialogue with those whom you disagree? i don’t think so…

    i wonder if would tell such a joke in a F2F forum… i don’t think he would… he would certainly get his ass kicked… my advice to him – apologize and move on, or continue to remain anonymous…

  43. Anonymous says:


    i wonder DISMAYED if would tell such a joke in a F2F forum… i don’t think he would… he would certainly get his ass kicked… my advice to him – apologize and move on, or continue to remain anonymous…

  44. Anonymous says:

    correction again:

    i wonder if DISMAYED would tell such a joke in a F2F forum… i don’t think he would… he would certainly get his ass kicked… my advice to him – apologize and move on, or continue to remain anonymous…

  45. Anonymous says:

    Can I borrow your head for my rock garden?!

    Jodi is incapable of engaging in debate on the issues presented. Ever since she began frequenting this site she’s engaged in snarky sideline non-sequitors and you’re a fool for defending her so get off your self-righteous high horse. Let’s play horse. I’ll be the front end and you be yourself.

    If I said anything to her that offended you and that I should be sorry for, I’m glad.

  46. Anonymous says:

    You know how some people work â€four 10s†instead of five 8 hour days? Well, Karl works one 2.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Stiles you need to go back and read some old posts. I was the first to defend jody when she fist appeared, then bent over backwards for her. Then, until the libby trial must of us had gotten to the point of just ignoring her, then after the trial many, new, brilliant and very welcome voices appeared and she started getting attention again and now she’s back. There is no sincerity in jody, she’s just here to taunt, and I owe no apology. Please ignore her from now on, any other act just waste all of our time.

    The joke was intended as a metaphor, like the bible, not to be taken literally.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Stiles you need to go back and read some old posts. I was the first to defend jody when she fist appeared, then bent over backwards for her. Then, until the libby trial must of us had gotten to the point of just ignoring her, then after the trial many, new, brilliant and very welcome voices appeared and she started getting attention again and now she’s back. There is no sincerity in jody, she’s just here to taunt, and I owe no apology. Please ignore her from now on, any other act just waste all of our time.

    The joke was intended as a metaphor, like the bible, not to be taken literally.

  49. Anonymous says:

    In my opinion when people that obviously disagree with me only attack me personally and don’t or can’t attack my arguments, then I must have won those arguments.

    But as to what these Presidential Advisors are supposed to do for their money, it is pretty obvious. Their job is full of politics.

    They got where they are by participating in a political process and that process will continue throughout their tenure.

    That goes for Democrats as well as Republicans.

    Now if they break our laws, then they should be brought to task. Again, that goes to both Democrats and Republicans.

  50. Anonymous says:

    Nice Greenhouse.

    Disrepect all the way around. Please address the issue directly though. The issue I raise with you has nothing to do with Jodi’s ability to engage in debate. The issue was about whether YOU have the ability to respect others’ opinions and continue a discussion without resorting to name calling. Apparently, name calling is an easy thing for you. Why is that? I call your behavior into account, and rather than justifying your actions, you opt to call me a horse’s ass. I’ll take it in stride; for being called ass by a name caller is rather like a compliment.


    I was just letting you know, that despite what you may think of Jodi, telling a joke about ’bestial rape’, is a form of symbolic violence – â€a metaphor†as you want to put it, but threatening sign all the same. My question to you is whether you would actually tell that joke in a F2F forum? Somehow, I don’t think you would. And if not, then why is it okay to tell that kind of joke here? This is a really great blogsite; why ruin the conversation with bad humor?

  51. Anonymous says:


    yawn, and please both you and jodi, don’t bother me while I’m eating. As Dismayed already explained, all you — Sti1es need to do, if you have the stomach for it is read through the history of Jodi responses and if you’re bright enough, you too will be able to verify Jodi’s inability to engage in a discussion of the points presented by the post. I’ve given up on her as well as a lot of other people so what goes around comes around — attrition. If you can’t tolerate my OPINION of her, just hit the scroll button dude/dudette. I have no problem with opinions, especially those based in fact, but not those which come from another orbit.