What, a virgin sac … uh, no, not that … hmm, could you mean that maybe his adult daughters should enlist?
Anonymous says:
They’d want to change clothes, first. But until the Bush family sacrifices to this country the same way the Webb or even the McCain family is, I say all escalation is off the table.
Mimikatz says:
During the Vietnam War it was often questioned whether US policy would have been different if we had a President who had sons instead of (or in addition to) daughters. Remember first there was Lynda Byrd and Lucy Baines Johnson and then Tricia and Julie Nixon. (And two White House weddings, IIRC.) JFK’s kids had been too young and Reagan’s and Bush I’s too old, then Clinton and Bush (again) with daughters only.
I think we should seriously consider it a qualification for President that the candidate have sons.
obsessed says:
I just had a delicious thought – what if that argentinian busboy knocked up Jenna or whatever he name is and she got an abortion! Then all we’d need would be a stem cell cure for Laura’s skin cancer to run the table.
Sara says:
Clearly they could do something.
You know the present Queen of Elizabeth learned to be an auto mechanic when she turned 16 during World War II. She had a job at an Army Depot doing grease and oil jobs, and tuning up engines, changing sparkplugs and the like on equiptment being prepared for D-Day, and later she helped do major overhauls on damaged equiptment needed in Northern France. It was not PR and not make-work. She was part of a Womens Army Corp of some sort, worked five days a week — all day.
I would say up-armoring Hummers in Kuwait might be a present day version of what the then Princess Elizabeth did in those days. They could go to a community college and learn welding, and then they would qualify.
Anonymous says:
That sentiment might be worth a post unto itself. You can borrow my picture of Jenna and not-Jenna.
Anonymous says:
I’m sooooo confused! Did not President Bush declare, â€Mission accomplished†when he landed on the deck of that aircraft carrier? Did he not state that the various Sunni and Shiite militias running amok and indiscriminately [which presupposes that sometimes the militias engage in discriminate killing] killing folks in Iraq did not constitute the existence of a civil war? Why then are we being called upon to sacrifice if things are going so swimmingy and neat-o, peachy-keen.
LabDancer says:
As a parent and trustee of dogs, I’m loathe to countenance, even in gest, the sacrifice of one’s child, or dog, to a cause not of the child’s [or dog’s] choosing – and, in the case of dogs, and likely the daughters Bush for that matter, not within their comprehension.
The only apparent choice available until January 20, 2008 is between, on the one hand, tolerating the hundreds of thousands to be made dead, dismembered or dislocated by President Bush’s predictable pattern (which, I submit, has reached, indeed surpassed, any standard level of proof required to satisfy a court or medical innovation committee) of naivete, negligence and nincompoopery, otherwise known as ’staying the course’, and, on the other hand, impeachment.
I offer for public discourse a further choice, one drawn from the ancients, predationg Jewchristislamic debate, even Hammurabi.
Trial by champion.
It appears that the Iraq chamption already was arrested, show-tried and executed. Thus, it would now be in order to arrest, and thence to rend (as the recent new verb, â€renditionâ€) to Iraq ,the US â€championâ€, for show trial, etc.
I humbly submit this option holds substantially more promise in reducing violence in Iraq as any option which President Bush, former Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld, the Pentagon planner, or the Iraq Study Group has considered.
You’re welcome, and please expect my bill.
– LabDancer
I also think it would do wonders for the President’s approval ratings.
QuickSilver says:
I distinctly remember Jenna holding a champagne glass, and not-Jenna holding a cigarette. This looks photoshopped.
Sara says:
Not Jenna is Barbara, named after grandma, and she is the one who got to go to Yale. Jenna went to Texas.
Barbara supposedly is the serious and fairly bright one — but I don’t know either of them.
Now I happen to be a Kitty Kelley believer of sorts, she says that they are not identical twins, instead Faternal types, and that their production was somewhat unnatural. Apparently George can’t do it naturally, — so Laura had to collect the necessary fluid, keep it warm in some sort of collection vessel between her legs, and drive several hundred miles to an early era fertility clinic to get it done. Because they have never attacked Kitty Kelley on her facts, I tend to think she has them backed up, so even today when I looked at Laura in the pew at the National Cathederal, I think about that little test tube between her legs driving miles to get the job done. Don’t other people than me look at George and think, He Just Can’t Get Up to Doing It? (Not all that unusual for those who youthfully abuse the booze). You will note of course tha angelic face during much of the service, and the inability to sing many of the hymns on the part of pretzel. They were not really Baptist hymns, but Clinton and Carter were belting them out. Our great evangelical doesn’t know them.
I always have fun during events like this because Elwell, my Siberian Husky totally enjoys TV events where I sing along. It inspires her to do really creative wolf-like howls. She went a little nuts when Ford’s coffin arrived in Michigan and they played the U of Michigan Fight Song. That is also the tune to the Fight Song for Fairmont High School in Kettering Ohio — and I relate to that tune. But my observation is that GWB does not really know Christian Hynms — or at least the first verse. That makes me wonder.
I don’t know if people noticed, but Ford did apparently choose one very modern atonal piece for his service. I appreciated the comment his own California Minister made about the Episcopal potential for schism at conference last Summer on Gay Bishops and Female presiding Bishops. Ford wanted his own Minister to oppose schism. Along with the Woodward interview, George probably got more Ford advice in the last week that he ever previously received.
Seating arrangements were of interest — Condi was next to Chelsea Clinton — what did they have to say to each other? Of more interest maybe, Lynn Cheney was next to Jimmy Carter. I detected they did not talk at all. (Did Betty do the seating charts?)
So much to observe — wait till Thursday.
Dismayed says:
I really think George just wakes up in a new world every day. Lord knows how insulated he really is, but he now calls for sacrifice and is interested in ’security’ because, â€up to 1,000 civilians a month are dying.†I mean gee George, ya think? They just now bringing you into the loop on this? As for the Bush girls, They’re just a couple of kids who had the misfortune of being born to a couple of dunces. I live in Austin and know one of their HS teacher. Barbara is said to be sharp enough, but Jenna is â€not too bright.†Knowing the person that statement came from it translates to â€not at all bright.†But I don’t really think it’s appropriate to pick on the girls. None of this is their fault.
Kagro X says:
Well, I just puked.
Anonymous says:
Thanks EW. I never knew which was which. Now I’ll never forget.
Anonymous says:
Just curious – where ever did you find that photo?
prostratedragon says:
And a Happy F!cking New Year to all a y’all, too!
That is the greatest photo—better’n chiropractic. At first glance I was sure I was looking at an eighteenth century color drawing. It sure is great to be back on-line.
Jeff says:
their production was somewhat unnatural
I object to that description. There is nothing unnatural about a variety of fertility methods. And anyway what on earth does this mean:
Apparently George can’t do it naturally, — so Laura had to collect the necessary fluid
Seriously, as far as I can tell, that makes no sense, assuming Laura has no special surgical skills, which for all I know no one has.
Mimikatz says:
Turkey basters have been used for decades time by women who had male friends and wanted to avoid both the natural method and the cost of sperm donation, but didn’t need fertility treatments. Maybe that’s what Laura did.
Jeff says:
Yes, I’m well aware of that. So the suggestion is that Bush is not the biological father, is that the idea? Laura collected it from someone else?
Tom says:
So this is our First Family, huh? What a pathetic bunch of inbreeders. Why do so many americans worship these fools? God only knows.
greenhouse says:
Lighten up Jeff.
SaltinWound says:
It still bothers me that only boys, and not girls, have to register for the draft. In a society where many more girls than boys are going to college and to law school, where poor men especially are ending up either in prison or in the military, this seems wrong to me.
topsecretk9 says:
It still bothers me that only boys, and not girls, have to register for the draft. In a society where many more girls than boys are going to college and to law school, where poor men especially are ending up either in prison or in the military, this seems wrong to me.
1- â€It still bothers me that only boys, and not girls, have to register for the draftâ€
Did I miss something?
The United States abandoned the draft in 1973 under President Richard Nixon, ended the Selective Service registration requirement in 1975 under President Gerald Ford, and then re-instated the Selective Service registration requirement in 1980 under President **Jimmy Carter.**
**Today** the Selective Service System remains as a contingency, should a military draft be re-introduced.
2 – †In a society where many more girls than boys are going to college and to law school, where poor men especially are ending up either in prison or in the military, this seems wrong to me.â€
Don’t blame Canada, blame Feminism!
I suggest you prod your local NOW chapter and complain that too many woman are educating themselves and they should DEMAND the male dominated military apply affirmative action in their selective services system!!!!
What, a virgin sac … uh, no, not that … hmm, could you mean that maybe his adult daughters should enlist?
They’d want to change clothes, first. But until the Bush family sacrifices to this country the same way the Webb or even the McCain family is, I say all escalation is off the table.
During the Vietnam War it was often questioned whether US policy would have been different if we had a President who had sons instead of (or in addition to) daughters. Remember first there was Lynda Byrd and Lucy Baines Johnson and then Tricia and Julie Nixon. (And two White House weddings, IIRC.) JFK’s kids had been too young and Reagan’s and Bush I’s too old, then Clinton and Bush (again) with daughters only.
I think we should seriously consider it a qualification for President that the candidate have sons.
I just had a delicious thought – what if that argentinian busboy knocked up Jenna or whatever he name is and she got an abortion! Then all we’d need would be a stem cell cure for Laura’s skin cancer to run the table.
Clearly they could do something.
You know the present Queen of Elizabeth learned to be an auto mechanic when she turned 16 during World War II. She had a job at an Army Depot doing grease and oil jobs, and tuning up engines, changing sparkplugs and the like on equiptment being prepared for D-Day, and later she helped do major overhauls on damaged equiptment needed in Northern France. It was not PR and not make-work. She was part of a Womens Army Corp of some sort, worked five days a week — all day.
I would say up-armoring Hummers in Kuwait might be a present day version of what the then Princess Elizabeth did in those days. They could go to a community college and learn welding, and then they would qualify.
That sentiment might be worth a post unto itself. You can borrow my picture of Jenna and not-Jenna.
I’m sooooo confused! Did not President Bush declare, â€Mission accomplished†when he landed on the deck of that aircraft carrier? Did he not state that the various Sunni and Shiite militias running amok and indiscriminately [which presupposes that sometimes the militias engage in discriminate killing] killing folks in Iraq did not constitute the existence of a civil war? Why then are we being called upon to sacrifice if things are going so swimmingy and neat-o, peachy-keen.
As a parent and trustee of dogs, I’m loathe to countenance, even in gest, the sacrifice of one’s child, or dog, to a cause not of the child’s [or dog’s] choosing – and, in the case of dogs, and likely the daughters Bush for that matter, not within their comprehension.
The only apparent choice available until January 20, 2008 is between, on the one hand, tolerating the hundreds of thousands to be made dead, dismembered or dislocated by President Bush’s predictable pattern (which, I submit, has reached, indeed surpassed, any standard level of proof required to satisfy a court or medical innovation committee) of naivete, negligence and nincompoopery, otherwise known as ’staying the course’, and, on the other hand, impeachment.
I offer for public discourse a further choice, one drawn from the ancients, predationg Jewchristislamic debate, even Hammurabi.
Trial by champion.
It appears that the Iraq chamption already was arrested, show-tried and executed. Thus, it would now be in order to arrest, and thence to rend (as the recent new verb, â€renditionâ€) to Iraq ,the US â€championâ€, for show trial, etc.
I humbly submit this option holds substantially more promise in reducing violence in Iraq as any option which President Bush, former Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld, the Pentagon planner, or the Iraq Study Group has considered.
You’re welcome, and please expect my bill.
– LabDancer
I also think it would do wonders for the President’s approval ratings.
I distinctly remember Jenna holding a champagne glass, and not-Jenna holding a cigarette. This looks photoshopped.
Not Jenna is Barbara, named after grandma, and she is the one who got to go to Yale. Jenna went to Texas.
Barbara supposedly is the serious and fairly bright one — but I don’t know either of them.
Now I happen to be a Kitty Kelley believer of sorts, she says that they are not identical twins, instead Faternal types, and that their production was somewhat unnatural. Apparently George can’t do it naturally, — so Laura had to collect the necessary fluid, keep it warm in some sort of collection vessel between her legs, and drive several hundred miles to an early era fertility clinic to get it done. Because they have never attacked Kitty Kelley on her facts, I tend to think she has them backed up, so even today when I looked at Laura in the pew at the National Cathederal, I think about that little test tube between her legs driving miles to get the job done. Don’t other people than me look at George and think, He Just Can’t Get Up to Doing It? (Not all that unusual for those who youthfully abuse the booze). You will note of course tha angelic face during much of the service, and the inability to sing many of the hymns on the part of pretzel. They were not really Baptist hymns, but Clinton and Carter were belting them out. Our great evangelical doesn’t know them.
I always have fun during events like this because Elwell, my Siberian Husky totally enjoys TV events where I sing along. It inspires her to do really creative wolf-like howls. She went a little nuts when Ford’s coffin arrived in Michigan and they played the U of Michigan Fight Song. That is also the tune to the Fight Song for Fairmont High School in Kettering Ohio — and I relate to that tune. But my observation is that GWB does not really know Christian Hynms — or at least the first verse. That makes me wonder.
I don’t know if people noticed, but Ford did apparently choose one very modern atonal piece for his service. I appreciated the comment his own California Minister made about the Episcopal potential for schism at conference last Summer on Gay Bishops and Female presiding Bishops. Ford wanted his own Minister to oppose schism. Along with the Woodward interview, George probably got more Ford advice in the last week that he ever previously received.
Seating arrangements were of interest — Condi was next to Chelsea Clinton — what did they have to say to each other? Of more interest maybe, Lynn Cheney was next to Jimmy Carter. I detected they did not talk at all. (Did Betty do the seating charts?)
So much to observe — wait till Thursday.
I really think George just wakes up in a new world every day. Lord knows how insulated he really is, but he now calls for sacrifice and is interested in ’security’ because, â€up to 1,000 civilians a month are dying.†I mean gee George, ya think? They just now bringing you into the loop on this? As for the Bush girls, They’re just a couple of kids who had the misfortune of being born to a couple of dunces. I live in Austin and know one of their HS teacher. Barbara is said to be sharp enough, but Jenna is â€not too bright.†Knowing the person that statement came from it translates to â€not at all bright.†But I don’t really think it’s appropriate to pick on the girls. None of this is their fault.
Well, I just puked.
Thanks EW. I never knew which was which. Now I’ll never forget.
Just curious – where ever did you find that photo?
And a Happy F!cking New Year to all a y’all, too!
That is the greatest photo—better’n chiropractic. At first glance I was sure I was looking at an eighteenth century color drawing. It sure is great to be back on-line.
their production was somewhat unnatural
I object to that description. There is nothing unnatural about a variety of fertility methods. And anyway what on earth does this mean:
Apparently George can’t do it naturally, — so Laura had to collect the necessary fluid
Seriously, as far as I can tell, that makes no sense, assuming Laura has no special surgical skills, which for all I know no one has.
Turkey basters have been used for decades time by women who had male friends and wanted to avoid both the natural method and the cost of sperm donation, but didn’t need fertility treatments. Maybe that’s what Laura did.
Yes, I’m well aware of that. So the suggestion is that Bush is not the biological father, is that the idea? Laura collected it from someone else?
So this is our First Family, huh? What a pathetic bunch of inbreeders. Why do so many americans worship these fools? God only knows.
Lighten up Jeff.
It still bothers me that only boys, and not girls, have to register for the draft. In a society where many more girls than boys are going to college and to law school, where poor men especially are ending up either in prison or in the military, this seems wrong to me.
It still bothers me that only boys, and not girls, have to register for the draft. In a society where many more girls than boys are going to college and to law school, where poor men especially are ending up either in prison or in the military, this seems wrong to me.
1- â€It still bothers me that only boys, and not girls, have to register for the draftâ€
Did I miss something?
The United States abandoned the draft in 1973 under President Richard Nixon, ended the Selective Service registration requirement in 1975 under President Gerald Ford, and then re-instated the Selective Service registration requirement in 1980 under President **Jimmy Carter.**
**Today** the Selective Service System remains as a contingency, should a military draft be re-introduced.
2 – †In a society where many more girls than boys are going to college and to law school, where poor men especially are ending up either in prison or in the military, this seems wrong to me.â€
Don’t blame Canada, blame Feminism!
I suggest you prod your local NOW chapter and complain that too many woman are educating themselves and they should DEMAND the male dominated military apply affirmative action in their selective services system!!!!
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