emptywheel2006-09-20 10:19:002006-09-20 10:19:00Death Squads Negroponte Claims He'll Prevent Propaganda
Some Confusion on the MBL Claims Playing the Clock
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What accounts for the long lag in major media picking up this story? Does it just not exist until someone like Corn and Isikoff release their book, and others in the same stratosphere have a chance to read it?
I think not. Anyone who’s on top of the news has to read War and Piece, TPM, and Next Hurrah, and at least look at DailyKos every day, in order to keep up with what’s breaking. Why does it take so damned long for the NPR-types to write their reports?
By the time it reaches state radio, I begin to think that spin is taking over, and the story is now being played for an agenda set on high. Am I just too suspicious, or is this simply the way it always is with â€controversial†topics?
On a related note, I’d like to recommend a most fair, balanced and compassionate review by H20 Man of Corn and Isikoff’s book. See, http://www.democraticundergrou…..15;2171547
I think he must be a more patient guy than I ever will be.
One of Bush’s first actions as president of the United States was to remove the caps on media ownership which opened the way from huge corporations to buy up the media. This is what happened. Now there are only a handful of media giants running our media in the united states. We have found out in the last week that at least 2 major studies that said that this deregulation would have a negative impact on several aspects of our media. These studies were buried by the FCC and Barbara Boxer is looking into the fiasco. This one move, in my humble opinion was a huge step in giving the republicans much more control over what is printed, followed and released. Censorhip came in when big corporate interests took over our media. So today, we must find and seek out our news. I am frequently amazed at the progression and loss of rights for the little folks in America with each step that Bush took as he came into office.
I heard that same NPR report this morning. In addition to all the things that ew points out, I found another serious problem. The story was rather obviously stamped out of one of the dozen or so common media narratives about policy-making. In this case, it was the â€nefarious underlings subvert policy-making process and mislead policy-makers, leading to bad policy†template. Of course, that’s not what happened with the OSP or what’s happening with the Iran Desk. What happened was the policy makers (Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld) created the OSP expressly to support their predetermined conclusions. The problem is not nefarious underlings, it is our nefarious overlords. I’m sure that Negroponte would be surprised if unvetted intelligence got to policymakers without him knowing about it because he wants to be sure to take credit for it. While it is true that the story is better than most of what passes for reporting these days at NPR, it’s pretty thin gruel for a functioning democracy.
…â€without me knowing about it.â€
Yep. I think your take is precisely right on this score: Of course, he knows about it. John is a slippery fish, has been at least since his Honduras days.
Negroponte make the same type of deals Shayes did or is different if its not India, but Morrocco?
Negroponte make the same type of deals Shayes did or is different if its not India, but Morrocco?
Thanks for adding that, WO.
I also noted that they didn’t name their intell sources–probably people like Joseph Cirincione and Pat Lang and Greg Thielmann, all of whom have reason to know that the intell past time was completely bullshit. Perhaps their sources were off the record, though I doubt it. Why not name those guys, and give the critics their due credibility?
leveymg – Your DU link went to a General Lee diary there. This URL should take people to H20 Man’s Hubris review from his DU journal:
I really like H20’s ’framing’ in that piece of the Bush administration as hijackers who forced their way into our nation’s cockpit… Very effective metaphor (of the truth).
Also, which National Propaganda Radio reporter had the story on this new outside-intelligence-channels Iran propaganda shop at the Pentagon?
I don’t remember which reporter it was, and I couldn’t find the story online (thus the absence of a link). Teach me to blog about radio coverage I hear before coffee.
Do you remember, WO?
Mary Louise Kelly.
Here’s a link to the story (via Rozen’s site). Note where Douglas Feith defends the OSP by bragging of its â€creativity.â€
Yeah, â€creativity†is what I want when my government is making the case for war.