First Wilkes and Now Mrs. Cunningham

Last week we were treated to Brent Wilkes’ attempt to exonerate himself publicly and/or threaten his co-conspirators, Lowery and Lewis. This week, we’re treated to Mrs. Randall "Duke" Cunningham’s story (sub. required), who is apparently a person of interest in the investigation. As Mrs. Cunningham’s lawyer explains, she’s trying to convince us that she didn’t know about Duke’s multi-million dollar bribery racket.

"My client faces an uphill battle as faras people believing she is not part of her husband’s conspiracy. Idon’t believe she benefited from anything Duke did, but every aspect ofher life has been affected by the suspicion."

By that, he’s probably referring to the fact that Mrs. Cunningham got her ill-gotten house taken away and now she has to live like the rest of us.

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  1. DanM says:

    If Mrs. Cunningham ends up going to trial, having a claim that she bought a Persian rug at CostCo on the record is not going to get her a lot of sympathy from any jurors. I think that William Ockham is right about not letting clients talk to Kitty Kelley, but I think that in the case of Mrs. Cunningham, no lawyer in their right mind would let her talk to anyone.

  2. DanM says:

    If Mrs. Cunningham ends up going to trial, having a claim that she bought a Persian rug at CostCo on the record is not going to get her a lot of sympathy from any jurors. I think that William Ockham is right about not letting clients talk to Kitty Kelley, but I think that in the case of Mrs. Cunningham, no lawyer in their right mind would let her talk to anyone.

  3. anon says:

    Imagine- these people have money, power and syncophants fawning over them and yet they lead such miserable lives. They are consumed with jealousy and totally unaware that happiness is not necessarily linked to having way more than your fair share of all the world’s crap. A friend of mine was a teacher of one of Cunningham’s daughters. She told me he used to drive his daughter to and from school each day in a motor home.

    Well, Mrs. Randy â€Duke†Cunningham. I’m not sorry you are living in what you call a dump. Last night my sister told me that she is thinking of dropping her health insurance. She has had a brain tumor and hepatitis C, but she just can’t afford the insurance anymore. You know, Mrs. Randy â€Duke†Cunningham, your hubby may have been a disgusting womanizer who often disappointed you and then tried to â€make up†with expensive gifts. He was a world class jerk. You may be hurting. But millions of Americans (and dare I mention, Iraqis)are also hurting because of the decisions of your hubby and his greedy friends who didn’t give a damn about anyone else’s quality of life.

  4. verplanck colvin says:

    But she stole a whole breadbasket full of muffins! For her grandma!

    I too question the method behind having a sit-down with Kitty Kelley. Did she think that because she was just a lowly congressman’s wife she wouldn’t be portrayed as the money-grubbing elitist she is?

    The whole $2.6 million house poo poo was the most egregious. Yeah, it sucks because it’s a â€fixer-upperâ€. I bet the carpet style was so 1999. I hope her next house is a studio apartment. With a leaky water heater.

  5. Anonymous says:

    And of course, given the SD real estate market before the air started coming out of the bubble in the last month or so, a 3 BR dive probably went for a very pretty penny, more than your average beach bum can afford.

    I think they went to Kelley out of desperation. It’s kind of like Rove taking on Fitzgerald a fifth time, even assuming they just talked about Rove’s perjury, and not how Rove could help indict Dick or something. You go up against the best to try to convince others you have nothing to hide.

    Problem is, Mrs. Cunningham isn’t Karl Rove.

  6. freepatriot says:

    oh woe is me, I have to live among the peons

    so if $2,500 is like $75 to an average person, we can assume the this dolt is saying that her family wouldn’t sell out for the amount an average family would sell out for

    holding out for an increased amount of bribe money ISN’T a virtue

    put this bitch on the stand during Cunningham’s trial, she’ll out him away for good

  7. Anonymous says:

    22 years ago, I met Duke and Mrs. Duke at the convention of the American Fighter Aces Association, back when he was â€the last American Ace on active duty.†Talk about a pair of shits who deserved each other. Another interesting thing was the number of Actual Heroes who were there who wanted absolutely not one thing to do with him, and who studiously avoided his presence. And their wives didn’t like her.

  8. punaise says:

    a while back I penned a little ditty at FDL:

    “Smoove Operator Bluesâ€
    (The Ballad of Randy C.)

    here’s a sample:

    …OK, so I had to cop to some crimes
    the part I’m gonna miss the most?
    the perks, the swag, the good times
    now let me set the stage as host:

    while I ain’t much of a looker
    I do have a way with the hookers
    (gotta pay to be a playa, gee)
    I keep their numbers handy
    for when I’m feelin’ randy
    (a gentleman has “needsâ€, you see)


    in pajama pants and turtleneck
    I cut a dashing figure
    lava lamps, champagne on ice
    the mood? one of intrigue: grrrr!