emptywheel2006-07-31 12:13:002006-07-31 12:13:00The Pause That Is Not a Cease Fire
The Birth Pangs of a New World Busted
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You almots, almost, have to feel a bit sorry for Condi. Her reputation and efforts are in ruins. But it does, once again, expose who is really in charge of foreign policy–it’s the â€creative chaos†bunch (and Bush is nothing if not fully a believer) who thinks there must be a [pony in this somewhere.
Well, I think it all comes down to whether Condi can negotiate a cease fire or not. And I suspect, still, that Blair is a key player in this. If Condi doesn’t succeed, after all, the brewing revolt against Tony may finally get some traction.
But in this country, and Israel? Yeah, I’d say the creative chaos folks realize that if they can hold out against Condi’s cease fire, they’ll have the upper hand. But for what? Holding out requires getting deeper into a war you’re not going to win.
I too was skeptical when I saw the announcement came from the American side, due to a â€misunderstanding.†We understood there was a cease fire, and they understood they were paying lip service to Condi.
From the Ha’aretz article linked by mimikatz:
The Europeans, the ambassadors the United Nations, the leaders of Arab states, all those who saw in Rice a stabilizing factor, calculated and reasonable in the Bush
administration, are reevaluating their stance toward her.
All of that may still be true, excpet the â€stabalizing factor.†What we’re seeing roll out is that she’s ineffective on the big stuff where President Cheney disagrees with her.
Exactly. Rice is exposed as an empty suit. And Blair? He’s in California with Arnold Schwarzenegger touting their new joint market for greenhouse gases, which they had to formulate without Bush–but with a bunch of CEOs.
Things are going from bad to worse. the â€ceasefire†has already been broken (by Israel) and we really ought to be worrying more about Iraq.
I’ve been away for three days on an isolated island with limited access to internet. Seems like things have blown to hell since Friday. How time flies. Yes. Condi is an empty suit. The U.S. is holding a hand that is so weak it can’t even put up a respectable bluff. Depending on what Israel does in the next 48 hours, we may be seeing the real end-game, with US supply lines to Kuwsait cut and the troops forced to leave under fire. Heckuvajob, Bushie.
Man, knut, you make me look like an optimist.
what happened since friday, kurt ???
and ew, you’ve always been an optimist compared to me
when I give people a â€future narrativeâ€, it scares the hell out of the poor bastards
and I’ve seriously underestimated the incometence of george bush while I’ve been doing it
wanna bet that we’re fighting Syria and iran by october ???
addendum to my first post:
if you’re interested in the long term futures market, bet on China and Russia over the US by a knockout
political parallisis in 2007 due to a Democratic Congress and an intrasigent bush will allow Russia and china to destroy any remaining American economic power
your seeing the death of the dollar on your tv screens folks
welcome to my world