Lying about Nukes

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Great Piece EW!

    Hiding the nuclear threats in North Korea and Pakistan is frightening.

    Unfortunately, lying is Standard Operating Procedure in politics and easily dismissed in the mind of the public.
    But using a forgery is a crime – in this case a hanging crime.
    I want to know: 1. Who told Bush to his face that the Niger docs are forgeries? 2. What can be proven about the administrations efforts to prevent the Niger docs from being vetted?

    I want justice.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I just want to see some sitting President, pardon Bush and Partners in Crime, and explain, it’s ’for the National well-being’.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “………..two agencies disputed the claim that the aluminum tubes were best suited for developing a centrifuge.â€

    Thank you.

    I rarely have praise for the authors of liberal blogs, but this wording shows an amazing grasp of facts and reality not often found on your side of the aisle. By accurately portraying this particular portion of the pre-war intelligence, you have helped advance the level of truth and understanding so necessary for intellectually honest discussion.

    Let’s savor this moment and not go into the deeper debate about why reasonable people would differ on the end purpose of these tubes. It is just so refreshing to have a simple statement of known facts presented in such a forthright manner that it would be a shame to ruin the rainbow of agreement that floats over us now.

    Again, thanks. (We’ll discuss this “sought uranium†statement later – when the afterglow wears off)

  4. Anonymous says:

    In addition to the profound puzzlement of why Cheney and his sock puppet chose to invade Iraq, there is another puzzlement which you keep circling around, ew, and that is, why are we such â€good†friends with Pakistan? The party line is that we need them to help hunt for Al Qaeda, and maybe keep the Taliban and its Pakistani sympathizers boxed in, but can that really be it? By their actions, it’s clear that Cheney & Co are not at all serious about catching/destroying Al Qaeda and the Taliban. If they were they wouldn’t have walked away from Afghanistan when they did. And they’d be seriously hunting bin Laden, not disbanding the unit assigned to that job.

    In addition, if Bushco were really concerned about the so-called axis of evil, they’d have pressured our â€good†friends to close the nuclear bazaar to those particular parties at least. And, as I mentioned in a previous thread, Cheney & Puppet seem to have given them (and Saudi Arabia) a complete pass for their officials’ seeming complicity in 9/11. At least we know that the Saudis have oil, and maybe that makes a lot forgivable to a retrograde oilman, but what do the Pakistanis have? Or maybe, what do they have on us?

  5. Anonymous says:

    TOPS is a terrific book, ew. It shows how not just fear, but also a kind of short attention-span frenzy can be whipped up and used to keep a government destabilized. Our government, sad to say.